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Carol POV

Three months later.

I was scared and nervous when I woke up this morning,I didn't know what was wrong with me this morning.

I held my head as the pain became unbearable.

Me and Derek were living together now.

I missed everyone back at school and I couldn't wait to see Eloisa again.

I hope she wouldn't be angry that I had left her without telling her that I was okay.

I miss drake too and Mrs Norma, even tho I haven't known her for long,she was also like a mother to me.

And Reid... My heart broke every time I think about him.

Its hurts so much that I didn't even understand this feeling.

Everyday I woke up,it was like something in me was missing.

It's been three months now and I still wasn't able to get him out of my mind.

I miss him and now I don't even know if he was okay, that made everything worst.

Today Derek and I were going to the park and it was the same park me and Reid had gone to,the day he opened up to me.

I tried not to show Derek how affected I was as we moved around the park.

I could see the place we sat down but two couples were occupying the place laughing at each other.

I smiled sadly as I watched them, that could have been us.

Carol,someone called me.

I turned back quickly, my mind praying that it was who I long to see but disappointment swipe across my face when I noticed it was Blake.

Don't get me wrong,I wasn't disappointed to see him,I was just hoping it would have been Reid.

Blake,I hugged him.

You don't know how much I missed you,he hugged me tighter.

Can't breathe,I laughed.

Oh sorry,he smiled letting go off me.

My brother was now standing beside me.

Meet my brother,I smiled as I introduced Derek to Blake.

I looked around hoping he could be around, if Blake was here definitely Reid was going to be here too.

Carol,he's gone,Blake smiled sadly at me.

Who?,I asked confused.

Reid,his voice cracked.

It was like I got stabbed in the heart, my legs gave way as I fell on the floor crying.

Blake and Derek helped me stand up.

No!,that's not true,I cried.

He left and there's no way he could still be alive now,he's been gone for three months, everyone presume he his dead,Blake said.

I looked at him and saw the tears forming in his eyes.

What about Mrs Norma grandson,I asked as I tried to compose myself.

He didn't make it,those bastard didn't let him survive, Blake spat out angrily.

So Reid sacrificed himself for nothing, I whispered more to myself.

Can I come with you too see her,I asked Blake.

He nodded looking at my brother for permission if he was okay with it.

I could see my brother looking at me with sympathy.

I didn't want his pity,I didn't want it,the only person I wanted was gone now.

We got to the house and it was just like the way I remembered it.

Mrs Norma opened the door and I gasped at her appearance.

She was looking more older and wrinkles were already finding their way to her face.

When her eyes met mine,she burst into tears.

I couldn't help it as I ran to hug her,tears already forming in my own eyes.

I'm sorry,I whispered.

Its not your fault dear,her voice cracking.

I left my brother and Blake when I noticed they were talking.

I didn't know where I was going but my legs managed to find their way to Reid room.

I opened the door and every thing was neatly arranged.

Just looking at the room brought back memories of Reid.

Why did you have to take him,I cried.

I couldn't describe the pain I was feeling because no amount of words could describe it.

I remembered the night I thought that if I have my brother back I was going to be complete and we would be a family.

But now it was a different case,I had my brother back but it was like he didn't complete me anymore.

The one thing that completed me was right in front of me but I failed to realise it and now it was gone.

I could never be complete knowing that he was gone.

I felt someone presence in the room.

I turned to see Mrs Norma standing by the door with tears stain cheeks.

I knew her pain, she lost two of her sons,that was enough to kill a mother.

I didn't know what would have become of me if my brother didn't come back.

And I'm now wondering what will become of me now that Reid was gone.

Reid would want you to move on,she smiled sadly at me.

I know,but I can't, I cried.

With every word I spoke about Reid my heart broke.

Was this what love feels like?

Was I really in love with Reid to feel all this pain?

To have something in your hands and within a second it was taken away from you.

He was such a good boy,Mrs Norma said but it was like she was talking more to herself.

I remembered when he turned 10,he wouldn't stop talking about the girl he would spend the rest of his life with,she laughed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

And ever since he met you,something in him change and I thought..I thought you would both end up together,she smiled sadly.

We would have, I hugged her.

If i had knew i wouldn't have let him go,He loves you carol,he really does,she cried.

Love?, that was what I felt for him.

I had tried to push the feeling behind and now I knew I couldn't do it anymore.

I love him too,I cried.

It hurts that I couldn't tell him,it hurts that he didn't know and it hurts more that he's never going to know.

Its okay baby girl,join us downstairs for dinner,she said taking me by the hands.

I will be down soon,I pulled my hand from hers.

She looked at me before leaving.

I sat down beside his window taking one of his sweater that smelt like him.

Even if Mrs Norma had lost two of her sons.

I felt like I had lost half a heart.

I still can't believe Reid Is dead*crying*

What do you think will happen to carol after this?

Please don't kill me,it was bound to happen soon*sigh.

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