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Carol POV

Waking up every morning was now a painful things cause I was always crying out in pains every time I raised my body from the bed.

My eye had dark circles under them and I had a deep cut on my fore head.

Great,how was I going to cover this up so nobody will notice.

I didn't have any supply at home to treat the wound.

I prepared for school ignoring the pains I felt every time I moved.

I left the house ignoring my drunk father that was lying on the ground.

I knocked on Eloisa door when I couldn't find her waiting for me.

The door opened and I saw a middle aged woman standing at the door.

How may I help you,she smiled at me warmly.

I'm looking for Eloisa, I said.

I noticed she was looking at the wound on my fore head.

Oh my,she said bringing her hands to my face.

I thought she was going to hit me as I flinch back.

She withdraw her hands as she looked at me.

She is in her room, she smiled sadly at me before letting me in.

I took in the beauty of the house,everything was in place and what was that delicious aroma,I thought.

Baked bread,I smiled.

I couldn't remembered when last I ate it.

The lady took me to Eloisa room,I thanked her as I opened the door.

I entered her room and her room was really pinkish.

Pink bed, pink wall,pink table everything was actually pink.

For a 17 years old girl she must really love the colour pink.

Carol, she said rubbing her eyes.

Good morning, I laughed.

Her eyes widen as she looked at me.

What happened to you,she cried coming to hug me.

I couldn't answer back as I cried really hard.

She took me into her bathroom and started treating my wound.

She helped me bandage it and it wasn't looking too bad again.

I sat on her pink bed waiting for her as she prepared for school.

You really do love pink,I laughed as you walked to school.

Yeah,she blushed.

I went to my locker the way I do every morning to get my books.

Then I felt someone behind me,I turned around and saw Blake and Reid looking at me.

Their eyes went to my wound.

What happened?!, Blake screamed.

I...,I couldn't think of an excuse.

She fell,Eloisa said coming to my recuse.

They didn't believe her as they looked at me waiting for an answer.

Yeah,I fell,clumsy me,I laughed nervously.

Blake seem to had accepted my lie but Reid was still burning holes through me.

We will leave for class now,Eloisa said dragging me with her.

Thank you,I told her.

She just smiled sadly at me as we entered into our first class for the day.

Reid POV

She's hiding something, Blake said pulling me out of my thoughts.

I know,and I'm going to find out about it,I growled getting up from my seat.

Who ever did that to her was going to pay for it.

I saw Eloisa sitting down with a book on her front.

Tell me what happened to carol,I demanded.

She looked shocked and scared.

What...what do you mean,she stuttered.

I raised my brow at her.

She fell okay,she said not looking at me.

And you think I'm just going to believe that,I asked her.

She sigh in defeat and I knew I had won.

She's being abused,that's the only thing I can tell you,she scowl at me.

My anger boiled just thinking about the fact that someone was hurting her.

The only person I knew that could hurt her was.....her father!

I didn't know what came over me as I left the class in a hurry.

That bastard,I thought driving to the only destination my mind was.

I got to her house and knocked on the door.

Coming,a voice said from the inside.

The door opened to reveal a shirtless man,I could perceive the alcohol from him.

How may I help....

Before he continued, I punched him straight in the face.

I continued to punched him and all I saw was red.

Stop!,I heard someone screamed behind me.

Carol POV

I hurried home immediately Eloisa told me what happened.

I wasn't angry at her,he was bound to find out soon.

I was scared of what my father would do to me after this.

I got home quickly and opened the door to see Reid on top of my dad beating the daylight out of him.

Stop!,I screamed.

Reid stopped to look at me.

Carol,he said coming to hug me but I pushed him away.

I saw my dad trying to sit up and the look he was giving me told me I wouldn't make it out of this alive.

What do you think you are doing,I shouted at him.

Can't you see he his abusing you,he yelled back.

He his my father for God sake,I cried.

He isn't worth calling a father,he growled.

I didn't know what came over me as I slapped him.

He held his face like he couldn't believe what I just did,I couldn't believe it myself.

You shouldn't interfere in my life or family, please don't make this harder for me,I begged him.

He looked guilty for a second but soon it turned into anger.

You want to protect someone who is always hurting you,he laughed but I could feel the pain in that laugh.

Don't you want to be happy,he asked looking at me.

I am happy,I lied.

Really,if you are truly happy,why does he always hurt you,when are you always crying, he looked at me waiting for an answer.

I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet.

I thought as much,I'm sorry I interfered in your life and family,he spat out angrily.

I'm... He didn't let me finish.

He raised his hand telling me to stop,he looked at me one last time before leaving my house.

I turned to look at my dad who was smirking at me.

You are dead woman,he laughed.

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