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January 3,2018
Mr. Chin- Class, we have a new student today. His name is...umm...
Me- It's pronounced like shay.
Mr. Chin- Everyone meet Xaye!!! Yay a new student!!! Here Xaye you can sit right there between those two boys. We are going over the Harlem Renaissance so I hope you like black people more than the last teacher. Between me and you he was found to be part of the KKK.
Xaye- Shit man it be like that sometimes.
Mr. Chin- Huh? Okay.....
Kiandre- Wassup bro my name Kiandre. Welcome to South Lake.
Yosef- And my name is Yosef. Leader of the international club, Muslim American Alliance, Arabic Club, and your local track runner. Oh also I'm the head of PR for South Lake's SGA.
Kiandre- Nigga damn let the nigga breathe.
Yosef- Whatever Kiandre, we know you're good at letting "niggas" breathe.
Kiandre- Aye what you tryna say lil arab boy?
Me- Um hi. I'm Xaye I moved here from Dallas. Yeah I'm 17. Um at my old school I was just your regular guy.
Kiandre- So you ain't don't play no sports? Ayyyyeee lemme see that schedule tho bro.
Yosef- Kiandre thinks people need to play sports in order to feel complete.
Kiandre- Aye! Ight we got AP Calculus together with Mrs. Jen. Bro you gonna like her she gotta fat ass, big tits, and she lightskin bro she fine!
Yosef- Stop being a pervert. I don't see why you always have to degrade a woman who is very well educated and wouldn't want anything to do with your ugly ass. Plus, are you saying that if she wasn't lightskin she wouldn't be beautiful? Because in my opinion the most beautiful women are dark skin.
Kiandre- Okay Osama Bin Laden I don't know why you speaking to me cause A, you a lil faggot so you don't like women, B, you needa stop talking to me with that colorism crap because you are from fucking DEARBORN MICHIGAN AND ARE NOT BLACK JUST BECAUSE YO LIL DADDY BUSTED IN YO ARAB MOMMA!
Me- Y'all chill....
Mr. Chin- Kiandre! Office! Now!
Me- Why you let old dude talk to you like that?
Yosef- Because I have dirt on him. I'm gay and I'm just a threat to him. He gets mad when I one up him.
Me- Dirt?
Yosef- Yeah... dirt. Look it's-
Me- He tried to fuck? He's DL?
Mr.Chin- Mr. Rahman, I'm sure you are a very interesting young man but please let's focus on the AMAZING accomplishments of the Harlem Renaissance!
Yosef- This conversation didn't happen.
\~\ A warm welcome to my new school. Here we are, January 2018, my junior year (#C/O 2019 wya?). This is my second time moving this year. I was born in Los Angeles to my rich dad and my mother who was a stripper. Well, the story was that my dad was your average white collar man. Coming home from work one night and decided for a night of fun, met my mom who was dancing that night, they locked eyes, he impregnated her and when I was born he basically had me stuffed in his suitcase. I don't really know what he does for a living to be honest. Ever since I was born I lived in, get ready, Manhattan, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, Seattle, Toronto, Vancouver, London, Tokyo, Paris, Munich, Mexico City, São Paulo, Houston, Dallas, and finally here in good old St. Louis, Missouri, the gateway to the west. Because of me moving so much, I never really made long lasting friendships. Never had a boyfriend, never had sex, none of that. I'm glad to be in America because I'm turning 18 this year and I haven't done ANYTHING! My dad always has his security watch me and they are all married men. I never even had a BLUNT before. But I guess I shouldn't complain, I'm 17, I have a blue BMW X6, her name is Royale, I go to a private school that is AMAZING!!, I live in a nice house. I get everything I want. Dad takes me shopping every Saturday because he thinks it makes me love him more and makes up for the amount of time he missed. Sometimes I forget what my dad sounds like to be honest. My dad is a lonely man, no girlfriend or anything. I mean I bet he goes out putting his dick in random women and off he goes to the next one. But I like this school already. Bunch of fine ass dudes. Yosef is fine, Kiandre is fine, even my teacher a lil daddyish. I'm surrounded by people like me. Every junior and senior has a car, which is either a BMW, Mercedes, Tesla, Lexus, Range Rover, Volvo, or Infiniti. There's tons of clubs you wouldn't find at a broke school. We have an International Club that actually coordinates with other schools to make international trips happen EVERY YEAR, we have an SGA, a Young Women's Organization, we have religious clubs, LGBT clubs, racial clubs, everything! For sports we have Polo, Water Polo, Field Hockey, Wrestling, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Equestrian Sports, Swimming and more! How do I know all this on the first day you ask? I read the flyer and the school gave me a campus tour before my dad applied for me to go here. And yes I said applied, the acceptance rate is 17%. If you want to apply as a freshman you have to take this test and score at least a 90% on it. If you apply as anything else you have to get a 85% on it. But yes I already love my new school!!! Okay, let's see my schedule:
1st Period: US History: 1870-Modern Day
2nd Period: AP Spanish
3rd Period: AP Physics
4th Period: AP Calculus
5th Period: British Literature
6th Period: Personal Fitness & Health
7th Period: Free Period
\~\ Sweet! I got a free period. I told Yosef that I wanna hang out with him 7th period. The best thing about our school is that for free period you get to actually leave campus. But why would you want to. We have Subway, Baskin Robbins, Pizza Hut, and Starbucks just across the street! Plus they over a 25% discount just for being a student at South Lake! But I really wanna know more about Yosef. He seems like a really cool dude that I want to be friends with, plus he's really cute like I can tell my dad would be happy if I brought a guy like him home. But my dad wants the best. Despite the fact that we rarely talk, he sets really strict guidelines for me. He doesn't want me to be with a black guy. I don't know why, he just says that he wants his son in law to preferably be biracial. But that doesn't really matter to me. I already told y'all that I think both Yosef and Kiandre are fine as hell, it's just that Yosef seems more gentler while Kiandre seems more...aggressive. But yes, this school has everything I ever wanted in a school. I can't wait to make friends here!
2nd Period
Kiandre- Aye bro ain't I tell yo Mrs. Jen fine?
Me- I mean I guess she's pretty?
Kiandre- Ahhh nah nigga you must be sweet if you don't think she fine.
Me- I mean she's just pretty.
Kiandre- Nah you on that sweet shit. I mean it's ight if you into niggas I mean I get down but like-
Me- You DL?
Kiandre- I just said I get down. You get down? I know a nigga like you haves tons of niggas tryna hit I mean look at them plump lips.
Me- Yeah I'm gay....
Kiandre- You claim that shit?
Me- Yeah. What's wrong with that.
Kiandre- Nun. You tryna hang out after school?
Me- And do what?
Kiandre- Me and my boys light up after every Monday. What you smoke on? Or you do edibles?
Me- I never used marijuana.
Kiandre- You are tonight. Meet me behind the library at 5:50 pm ima be in a black BMW 3 Series Ight make sure nobody following you we don't need no white boys finding our spot you know what I mean?
Me- Yeah.
Kiandre- And wear something cute the boys like that shit.
7th period
Yosef- Hey!!!! Xaye! Man I thought you were gonna bail on me!
Me- Nah bro couldn't on my first day!
???- Heyyyy Yosef! I see you're showing the help around? That outfit looks a bit tired though... sad face.
Yosef- Aye Niko chill with that crap we ain't even together no more so fuck off.
???- Dull. Mad face.
Me- Aye bro who the fuck is that?
Yosef- My ex. Every time I even stand next to another dude he always gotta RUN HIS MOUTH! Don't take shit he says personally, he just wants my attention still.
Me- Ahh. Can't relate.
Yosef- Can't relate? C'mon bro I know you got tons of dudes where you're from.
Me- Nah when you move around like me you don't have time for love.
Yosef- How long you staying here in Missouri?
Me- Until graduation then I wanna go back to California for college.
Yosef- You from there? I'm from LA, born in Compton surprisingly.
Me- Really? I'm from Inglewood.
Yosef- Small fucking world ain't it?
Me- Hell Yeah.
Yosef- Should've known you were from LA, that's where all the cute dudes are from.
Me- Aw you don't mean that shit
Yosef- A lie never escapes my lips Xaye, remember that.
Me- Well you shouldn't forget that I never forget anything.
Yosef- I like your energy. Well you ready for your informal tour, as hosted by South Lake's very own Yosef Muhammad Rahman?
Me- Op what a gentlemen! Well let's see it!
20 Minutes Later
Yosef- And that my friend was the junior hall of our school. Our school has four main halls, the freshman hall on the extreme north side of campus, the sophomore hall on the east side, the junior hall is here on the south side, and the senior hall is in the center of campus. As you know the main office and the student service office are both located on the west side of campus. Unfortunately, your school ID determines which parts of school you are allowed into. So because we have junior IDs we aren't allowed into the freshman, sophomore, and senior halls. But I hoped you enjoyed my tour!!
Me- Awww it was really fun I'm sad it's over!
Yosef-You're cute. That's gonna get you a long way in this school.
Me- You think so?
Yosef- I know so. Just look at me!
Me- Haha your goofy!
Yosef- Haha hey bro I gotta meeting I lost track of time, I'll catch you later Xaye.
Me- Well it was nice hanging out with you Yosef.
\~\ Hanging out with Yosef was really cool. He really gave me an inside look into being a student at South Lake. He told me how some students were allowed admission into the school if they were from a lower socioeconomic class. But you wouldn't know that, everybody looks so wealthy here. But anyways, I gotta mean Kiandre and his friends in precisely 1 hour. I can't believe how big this school is. Luckily the library has a big sign in front of it.
\~\ You can tell people smoke tons of weed back here. It smells like straight LOUD back here. Oh, there is Kiandre, he looks so fucking stoned right now.
Kiandre- Oh shit aye this that new nigga I was telling y'all about. His name Xaye right?
Xaye- Yeah...
???- Damn new nigga got a fat ass!
Kiandre- Aye Xaye sit next to me, I rolled a blunt for you. This that lemon skunk shit nigga
???- Damn those lips look fat too....damn Kiandre you done brought a fine ass nigga over here!
Kiandre- I know I did. Xaye just relax.....
\~\ I took the blunt from his hands and after I did so Kiandre quickly moved his hands to my upper thigh.
Me- Bro what you doing!?!?
Kiandre- Bro just relax
\~\ I have to leave. I don't feel comfortable anymore.
Me- I gotta go Kiandre thanks for the blunt but I really gotta go
Kiandre- Shii Ight but smoke that shit later and tell me how you feel Ight?
Me- Uhhh Okay
???- Mann you done scared shawty away!!
\~\ That was just so fucking weird. I didn't even know Kiandre would do something like that. He legit tried to massage my upper thigh and squeeze it. I don't know who he think he is but nobody is gonna do that shit to me. I don't know. I just want to go home now and talk to David. He always helps me solve my problems. But Yosef, he is so nice to me. He is so fucking cute, actually he is fine as fuck, and he is sooo smart!!! I just love this fucking school so much!!
David- Hey Xaye!! How was your first day?
Xaye- It was really good! I met this boy named Yosef and he is really nice to me and he's really cute—
David- Awww is someone getting a crush?
Xaye- Maybe!!!! I never had one before!! But I guess someone already has a crush on me....
David- You don't sound to happy about that....why?
Xaye- Well another boy I met named Kiandre invited me to hang out with him after school so I did and he was high and he tried to feel up on me...
David-Where did he touch you?
Xaye- My upper thighs I had shorts on.
David- Oh Xaye. I hope that doesn't happen again to you.
Xaye- I'm not really upset about it. I just don't want to be around him anymore.
David- Ahh, you gotta realize there's always gonna be perverted guys like that. There was plenty when I was your age. Dudes your age usually are focused on putting their dick in anyone who has a tight hole. Just look for a guy who'll see you as more than that. That's what I had to do.
Xaye- Awww thanks David you're the best!!
David- Haha no problem lil man. You're dad said he's gonna be home in a few hours. You got any homework?
Me- Nahhh I guess I'll go talk to Yosef some more.
David- Ahhhh someone's in love!!!
Me- Oh my gosh!! Shut up!!
\~\ I just love David. He just understands me. He been through almost everything that I have gone through and he gives the best advice. Today was a good day besides the whole Kiandre thing. Man, I could get used to going to school here. I wonder what tomorrow has in store for me. Well anyways, goodnight!!
Well there goes the first chapter of Boys Will Be Boys! I hope you all liked it! Remember to vote, comment, and share! I love feedback and thank you all for the support! Until next time, peace, love, unity

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