I'm Sorry

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Hey guys. It's me Alex2713. I just wanted to say I'm formally ending this book. School is just very busy and my grades come first. School is my job right now so my focus is there. My mind is on graduating and I have to get myself to that place. I know most of you won't care. But for those who've been with me since day one know that I love you and I want to thank you for your support. I'll be back soon. Watch out for me December 2019- January 2020. I promise. But here's how I planned on ending the story.

1.) David is killed by Kiandre
2.) Kiandre's brother is born
3.) Kiandre's daughter is born
4.) Kiandre's baby momma moves to Chicago
5.) Kiandre breaks up with Xaye just to be with his baby momma
6.) Yosef moves to the UAE for the remainder of junior year
7.) Xaye moves to LA and meets his mother
8.) The End
I planned to write an extension of this book titled "Boys Will Be Boys: Senior Year"
1.) Xaye moves to Miami
2.) He meets a boy named Jorge
3.) He falls in love
4.) Jorge and Xaye begin dating
5.) Jorge cheats on Xaye with a girl named Ria
6.) Jorge gets deported to the Dominican Republic
7.) Xaye is alone
8.) Xaye finds out Kiandre kills himself, his sister, and his baby momma
9.) Xaye graduates and attends the University of Georgia
10.) The End
Like I said this is the end of me writing for a while. I've made 2019 a good year so far. I've grown a lot and I'm glad and happy. I hate that I'm leaving, but something has to give. Once again I'm sorry. Until we met again, I love you, stay peaceful, remain united, -Alex2713💕.

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