Mr. Powell

300 8 5

One 19 North Tapas Wine Bar
St. Louis, Missouri
Me- Can you fucking believe that! My own fucking son! It was already a disappointment when he told me he was gay. Now he can't even find a white guy to fuck around with!?
David- What do you mean disappointment? No disrespect Boss but you gotta realize Xaye is a smart boy. He ain't out here shooting these guns and getting these girls pregnant like some niggas I know his age.
Me- Oh you know what I meant. I would just want him to be with a cute white girl. Women are made for men.
David- Sir I don't know if it's the alcohol or not but must I remind you that I have a man who I've been happily married to for the past 2 years at home waiting on me with a cooked meal? Meanwhile you have fathered 4 more children in the same exact way as Xaye. Each with different women. The only reason they don't live with you now is because they're "too dark" for you to be around.
Me- Do I need to let you go? Because look here David, I made your ass. If it wasn't for me you would've been shipped back to fucking Brazil right along with your crack head whore of a mother.
David- Okay. Damn.
Me- Now. Back to business. I won't be in St. Louis anymore so I need you to take care of Xaye.
David- Why you just dip on your son like that?
David- I'm getting real tired of you fucking disrespecting Xaye.
Me- I know you've been wanting to go fuck him ever since he turned 15 you dirty little pervert.
David- Like I said. Happily married.
Me- You probably made him gay.
David- Nope.
Me- You must not like women.
David-Nope. I like a dude with a fat ass.
Me- But why did you choose that? 
David- When you choose to like women?
Me- Whatever.
David- I'm out. I gotta eat.
Me- Whatever.
\~\ I can not believe my own son would betray me like that. He knows that it's either white or arab. Him being with black men will only hurt him. He won't be able to build wealth, he'll probably date down, he'll catch a disease, he'll be abused in his own relationship, and he'll be robbed. I don't want my grandchild to have nappy ass hair and shit skin. I know that sounds bad but I don't want my kids to go through crap. Being a darkie won't get them far. They won't go to college, they won't get a nice job, nobody would want to date, marry, or breed with them. They'll be ugly and deemed worthless by society and I don't want that. If David was my son's age I would totally force them together, David is a handsome lightskin and I just know he would love having Xaye. Matter of fact, when Xaye turns 18 I think I'm going to give David permission to have sex with him. But whatever, more about me. I am Xaye's dad, I also have four other children but Xaye is the youngest. I have two boys who are 21 and 20, and two girls who are 20 and 19. I just love sleeping with strippers, prostitutes, and the homeless. I don't have to pay much to get what I want. For instance when Xaye was being made, the whore only charged me $5 to impregnate her. When it was time for her to deliver I just took Xaye with me, thanked her for her service, and left the next day. I know it might sound bad of me but I honestly don't give a shit. I need to secure my legacy, and if that means I have to keep that nigger away from my son I will. A father protects his child.

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