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September 2016
Me- I swear to fucking God. How the fuck could you betray me like this Kiandre!? We were supposed to be bros. But you fucking go out and fuck my boyfriend!? Really!?!
Kiandre- Yosef Bro you gotta believe me he fucking lied to me! He told me y'all weren't together anymore!
Me- I don't give a fuck. Bro code. You couldn't wait until next year to pull ya dick out!?
Kiandre- Yosef Bro...
Me-Nah fuck you bro. I'm done. Fucking kick rocks.
January 6,2018
\~\ I'm taking Xaye out to explore St. Louis today. Things between him and I are progressing really nicely. I think he likes me, and I really like him. He told me so much about his past and I just can't help but want to protect him.
Me- Aye dad can I take out a friend to go exploring?
Dad- What gender is this friend?
Me- Dad.
Dad- I don't need you going around shoving yourself into just any boy! My son deserves the best!
Me- Fine. It's a boy his name is Xaye he just moved here from Dallas a while back.
Dad- Before you leave I want to meet him.
Me- Yallah dad.
Dad- I don't care. No son of mine is a thot.
Mom- That's right honey! The Rahman family shall not have that name attached to us!
Dad- But yes, he can come.
Me- Funny cause he's already here!
Me- Hey Xaye! You look nice...damn
Xaye- Hey Yosef!! You look good yourself!
Me- Oh Xaye this is my dad, Mr. Rahman, and this is my mom Mr. Rahman.
Mom- Doctor.
Xaye- Okay period. Nice to meet both of you!
Dad- You have fun with my son. But not too much fun, you see he has to apply this ointment on his balls and-
Me- Dad! Xaye don't believe him. I tested clean for everything.
Dad- Since when do you get tested?
Mom- Since he turned 16 honey. No son of mine will dare have itchy and burning balls! I would be embarrassed as a doctor!
Dad- Ahh shit. Well anyways you two have fun and Yosef you drive safe. Precious cargo.
Me- I know I know dad!
Dad- You aren't going to open the door for your date? Have I taught you nothing?
Me- Damn Dad Okay you and mom can go inside now.
Me- I didn't think you were gonna wear that today.
Xaye- Oh Yosef I didn't mean—
Me- Don't be sorry. I just didn't realize how fat that ass is. Got me fighting back a fucking boner in front of my parents.
Xaye- You don't have to fight back anymore?
Me- On some real shit?
Xaye- Show me where a boy like you would go in a situation like this.
\~\ My dick grew harder as a licked my lips. I was finally going to fuck the hell out of Xaye. It's been awhile since I had sex. Xaye told me he was a virgin so I guess I gotta take it easy on him. Oh shit I can't wait!
Xaye- Shit Yosef you must've been hella horny your dick is hard as hell.
Me- Mhhm you like that don't you?
Xaye- Hell Yeah.
Me- You sure you wanna do this?
Xaye- Yess Yosef I want to have sex with you.
Me- Ight I just don't want you to feel forced or anything.
Xaye- Awwwww
\~\ I pulled my dick out and the second I did Xaye's eyes lit up like a child in a fucking candy store.
Me- I want you to know that when I'm turned on I get aggressive so if you need me to stop our safe word is police.
\~\ And so Xaye got to sucking. This warm juicy lips wrapped around my dick. His tongue teasing the tip. I wanted to force his head down deeper into my crotch. But I couldn't, This was his first time getting intimate with a boy. The slurping sounds that filled the car just turned me on even more. Before I knew it, we were in the backseat. As Xaye sucked me off I moved my right hand towards his back. It had a natural arch in it....good. I grabbed his ass, gave it few good smacks, covered a finger in lube and slid it in.
Xaye- Mhmmmm
Me- Yeah you like that don't you?
\~\ I added another one inside of him. I need him relaxed for when I put my dick in him.
Me- Yeah suck those balls too baby
\|\ I can't help but admire Xaye's head game. For his first time he was sure good at it. But now I wanted to feel his ass around my dick.
Me- Mhm baby you tryna ride this dick?
\~\ I laid back as Xaye got on top of me and slowly guided my dick in. As soon as my tip was in I wanted to nut. Despite me fingering him for a good 10 minutes he was still tight as hell.
Xaye- Yosef it's so fucking big!
\~\ I couldn't help but grab his hips and pull him down until I was balls deep. His ass was so fucking fat you guys. I helped him ride my dick at a minimum pace, everything about this turned me on.
Xaye- Mhmm fuck Yosef!!! Harder!!!
Me- Who's ass is this? What's my name nigga!
Xaye- Daddy!!!! It's yours!!! Daddy!!
\~\ I wanted to fuck Xaye hard. I wanted him to be my bitch. We switched it up and I went doggy style on that ass.
Me- Arch ya back fa daddy's dick ight
\~\ As soon as he arched his back I felt his walls open up more as I slid deeper inside of him. He was warm, he was wet, every part of this pushed me closer to busting my load. He then started twerking on my dick. I felt my orgasm building from the base of my dick.
Me- Oohh shit baby I'm finna nut!
\~\ As soon as I slapped his ass one more time I busted. Some in his ass, some on his back. It was beautiful as fuck.
Xaye- Oh my god Yosef....
Me- You like that?
\~\ I gotta clean my baby off. Yeah he's my baby because as soon as you get this dick I can't just up and leave you and not give a shit about you.
Xaye- Oh my fucking God Yosef I gotta go home we've been here for an hour!
Me- Aww we gotta cut our date short?
Xaye- I'm sorry Yosef something really important came up.
Me- Ight I understand.
Xaye- Thanks I'll see you later.
Me- Can I get a kiss?
Xaye- For what?
Me- Uhh never mind.
\~\ I fucking messed up. I feel like Xaye is disgusted or didn't really want to have sex. Fuck, what if he felt forced? What if he felt pressured. Oh crap I should've fucking worn a condom. I did everything wrong. I didn't even ask if he got his rocks off. I'm a terrible top.
Dad- Ahhh there's my boy!! Tell me, did ya get some action?
Me- I don't wanna talk about it.
Dad- Aww son. Hey on the bright side at least you got to test the waters.
Me- Yeah.
\~\ A little background on me. As you all know I'm Yosef Muhammad Rahman. My mom named me. I was born in Kuwait, but my dad brought me to America when I was 5. My first language was Arabic so for the first 8 years in my life that's all I could speak so my dad had to learn fast. Speaking of my dad. He's my best friend basically. Before my mom was allowed entry to this country, it was just my dad and I. He would take me everywhere with him. I'm his only child. I tell my dad everything which explains why we are so close to this day. My mom says I act just like my dad, my grandma says I look just look him when he was a teen disputes being biracial. Yes, I'm mixed. My mom is a proud arab woman and my dad is a proud black man. We aren't really religious though, that's one of the reasons my mom left Kuwait. She also left because her family was harassing me because my father was a black man. They claimed I was bringing dishonor into the family. But I would love to go back to Kuwait, it's my home. Like everyone else in this book I have a wealthy family thanks to my mom! My mom herself is a doctor but her family work in the oil industry. My dad is a retired Neurosurgeon but now he's a biomedical engineer. I like dudes. I'm 100% gay. Unlike Kiandre I don't need to hide behind a bigoted spoiled sorry excuse for a woman because I'm insecure about my sexuality. Every dude at South Lakes knows to respect me. Back in the day I used to be dogging niggas. Having them bent the fuck over for me. Used to be king of South Lake, now that Kiandre is getting bold I need to reassert my dominance. But yes, just like my enemy I have a huge crush on Xaye. He lets himself become so vulnerable around me I love it. Today was fun. I can't believe I took his virginity. Shit was amazing. I just hope that Xaye had a good time as well.
Hey y'all! There was chapter 3 of this book! Hope you liked it and don't forget to vote & comment! Until next time, peace, Love, Unity Alex2713💕

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