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Thursday March 22,2018
St. Louis, Missouri
\~\ Finally back in Missouri. Need to find that nigga Yosef to make him leave me and my baby alone. I know Xaye wants me. I know he loves me. He just doesn't have the strength to make Yosef leave him. I'm going to find Yosef whatever it takes. I'm going to beat his ass.
Text Message to David
Me- Bro it's me Kiandre. You know where Xaye is? I need to talk to him but nigga Yosef took his phone.
David- Nah Bro I wish I could help you. His dad fired me because he thought I was fucking him. Dude even filed a restraining order against me.
Me- Fuck bro.
David- But they live at the same address. Yosef lives in Frontenac. Spoede road, big huge gray house. Can't miss it.
Me- Ight thanks man.
Text Message to Xaye(Yosef)
Me- Aye nigga I'm in yo city drop an addy nigga.
Xaye(Yosef)- 12 Spoede Road. I'm home alone, except for Xaye, he's sucking my dick right now.
\~\ FUCK THIS NIGGA PISSES ME OFF SO BADLY. But lemme make my way to this niggas house.
Frontenac, MO
Yosef- Ahaha you made it!
\~\ I got out my car and bitch slapped him. He tried to swing but I hit him with my car door, kicked him down, jumped on him and beat the shit out of him.
Yosef- HELP! HELP!
\~\ He got up and tried to swing again. I ducked and tackled him and pushed him against the door. He tried spitting on me but I covered his mouth with his own jacket. His nose was bleeding. I pushed him in the stomach 5 times hard. I threw him against the ground and started to kick the shit out of him until he threw up.
\~\ I kicked him again until he was unconscious. I grabbed his house key and as soon as I entered the house I heard my name being yelled. It was Xaye.
Me- Baby! Xaye I'm here!
Xaye- Dre!! Dre!! What did you do! I heard yells!
Me- I'll tell you later love you just gotta come with me!
Xaye- Please I don't want to be here any longer!
Me- C'mon baby.
\~\ I got Xaye in my car. I wanted to run Yosef over so bad. His unconscious body just laying there made me feel amazing. But no, I got his body, took his clothes off, wipes his blood off and put him in his living room. That way his parents can see his naked body whenever they come back. I took a few pictures and bam. I won!
Xaye- Baby I missed you!!
Kiandre- I missed you too baby. I ain't ever leaving you anymore Ight?

Authors Note
Guys I'm really sorry. I had really big plans for this book. But now that school has started I have just been so busy lately. I do a lot of writing especially for my Literature classes and honestly high school has gotten really busy for me even though I just begun. I might end this book early. I do still have other books I'm writing but honestly I just don't know about this one right now. I love you guys. Let me know what I should do. Comment down below or add my snap
@pillowman317. Thanks again.

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