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January 9th,2018
\~\ I can't believe I let Yosef take my virginity. I barely known him for a month. I fucking feel like a slut. But you guys that dick was amazing. Yes it hurt for like the first 10 minutes but he made me so relaxed. But I couldn't help but think about Kiandre while Yosef was inside of me. I sorta like him because he truly is trying. I like both Kiandre and Yosef. I can't have both...or can I? No! I told myself I want to be loyal as fuck to whoever cuffs me. But I want my boyfriend to be on good terms with David and my dad. My dad doesn't like me to hang around black boys but I know he'll like Kiandre if he just gives him a chance.
Me- David have you ever had a situation where you wanted two guys at the same time?
David- Yeah. When I was 18 there's were two fine boys on the volleyball team. They were nice chocolate things, fat asses, thick thighs, perfection.
Me- Um okay but what did you do?
David- We has threesomes until we graduate. Mann I had two bottoms at one time I was in heaven Xaye I'm telling you.
Me- Um. I'm a virgin so—
David- No ya ass not. I saw that little limp you had when you got out ya car Saturday evening.
Me- Oh my gosh David please answer my question.
David- Nah but in all honest you just gotta listen to ya heart. Spend time with them, one on one. See who you connect with more, feel their energy. Your heart will do the rest. Just don't hurt nobody feelings and you'll be straight.
Me- I knew I could count on you!!
David- When you come home ima but you your first box of condoms.
Me- I already have a box in my car.
David- *mumbles* lil hoe.
Me- What was that!?
David- Have a good day today!!
\~\ There's rumors going around in my grade that Kiandre's now ex girlfriend got her ass beat by her bestfriend Hannah. Bitch deserves it in my opinion, she was talking shit about me and Kiandre. Plus she is a colorist. She always talks shit about darkskin people and even white people are are tanner than her. She always lies and says she's Brazilian but she is just the product of two lightskin people born and bred in America. I also heard Kiandre came out publicly because Nae was gonna expose him. I'm proud of him. I truly am. Kiandre is just so...sexy. His hair always smells like coconut, his skin is smooth, his lips look tasty and his eyes are seductive. I lowkey want to have sex with him. But I want to make him wait. I want to make him work for it. I might've had my legs open for Yosef within a week but that will not be the case for Kiandre. And before y'all assume, no I am not and I will never let David fuck me. He's 26 and he has his own husband he gets to release his desire on. Yeah he's fine and all but he's more like an older brother I never had. Plus I'm not a home wrecker, David and I just play around a lot. The last time he has seen me naked was when I was making a private story on Snapchat, but that was last month on Christmas. Even though I haven't seen him naked, I seen him hard before. One time he was taking me to get our cars washed and it was five guys wearing nothing but really tight booty shorts. They were sliding all over his car getting all wet and soapy, I guess that did it for David because I looked down to see a huge bulge in his shorts. I don't think he noticed what I saw even though I said "Damn" really loud. But I don't mind, he's a man with desires so its to be expected. But no, we don't see each other sexually. Plus I'm too young for him, I just turned 17 not too long ago. But whatever, South Lake High School. Who the hell is this standing in my parking spot.
Me- Excuse me!! I'm trying to park here!
???- You don't recognize me!?
Me- Good Morning how are you Kiandre?
Kiandre- Mann you like my new tattoo!? Got it done yesterday it's my coming out date to my mother. January-
Me- Good Morning Kiandre how are you?
Kiandre- January 5th, 2018. 1/5/18.
Me- Good Morning Kiandre how are you?
Kiandre- Uh I'm good how are you.
Me- You aren't gonna wish me a good morning?
Kiandre- Good Morning but why are you being so extra.
Me- What is extra is how old girl Nae got her ass handed to her yesterday.
Kiandre- Shiii I got that on video you tryna see?
Me- After I get my over priced coffee and croissant.
Kiandre- Hey girl hey! My name is Xaye and I looove overpriced coffee at Starbucks! Starbucks this Starbucks that! Oh my God Ronny look at my Jeep Wrangler that I don't even know how to drive!! I'm so relatable look at my Uggs omg look at my Tumblr page!!
Me- You are sooo fucking dumb!!!
1st Period
Me- Mr. Chin I'm going to the bathroom.
Mr. Chin- Okay.
Yosef- Aye Bro Why was you in Xaye's car this morning?
Kiandre- Nigga chill we just friends.
Yosef- If you two are just friends then you won't mind the fact that I fucked him over the weekend. He sucked my dick and he took it. Was his first time too.
Kiandre- Cool Bro. Good for you.
Mr. Chin- Kiandre and Yosef! Please. I'm trying to teach everyone about the New Deal, unless you know more about the New Deal I suggest you two be quiet.
Yosef- Yes sir.
Mr. Chin- Mhm.
Immediately After Class
Yosef- Aye Kiandre. I swear if ever hear that you tryna slide into Xaye and get what I got...yo ass finna end up like yo bitch Nae.
Kiandre- Nigga Xaye don't belong to anyone. If he want you, he want you, if he want me, he want me.
Yosef- Fuck off.
Kiandre- Ight but FYI Xaye and I finna go to Subway for lunch. Bet ya ass didn't know that's his favorite restaurant.
Yosef- Hope ya ass choke.
Kiandre- That's Okay Because Xaye know CPR especially that mouth to mouth shit.
Yosef- Man bye.
Kiandre- Bye hoe.
Me- Dre you ready
Kiandre- Yeah lil dude
Me- Hey Dre so I have a question.
Kiandre- Yuhhh wassup?
Me- Am I a downgrade from Nae?
Kiandre- That's comparing apples to oranges.
Me- How?
Kiandre- You a dude she a female. I mean both of y'all got fat asses for instance, but she got a fat ass for a female you got a fat ass for a male.
Me- Which one you like better?
Kiandre- Whatever make me nut the hardest.
Me- What about me?
Kiandre- I mean I gotta try it out or sum I can't just look and tell I ain't a veteran like that yet.
Me- True true. So are you and Yosef friends?
Kiandre- Nahh I mean I try to be cordial.
Me- You should be friends!! He's really cool!!
Kiandre- So I've heard.
Me- What you mean?
Kiandre- Nun Bro lets just eat. My treat.
Me- No Kiandre...
Kiandre- Yesss Kiandre. Look I already got my wallet out before you that means I'm paying.
Me- You are so dumb!
Kiandre- I know!!
Me- But I love dumb.
\~\ Lunch with Kiandre was soo amazing. He is a hilarious guy and really confident about himself. He's blunt, he doesn't censor himself which I like in a guy. He's such a gentlemen as well. May I should start testing the waters.
Kiandre- .....and then I ran on the court and slipped on a banana and-
Me- Dre would you fuck me?
Kiandre- Yeah. And then I fell back and—
Me- Would you date me?
Kiandre- If you give me a shot ima take it. And then everyone on the other team started laughing so I knew I had—
Me- Well I want to be honest. I like you Kiandre but I also like Yosef. I trust you a lot, like a lot a lot. Even though I barely know you.
Kiandre- Yeah I like you too it's just that I wanna get to know a lot more about you before I do anything sexual with you like in my car or at my house or  something.
Me- What are you talking about?
Kiandre- Nothing. Just, let's take our time if we really wanna do this.
Me- Okay...
\~\ I really hope Kiandre didn't find out that Yosef and I had sex. If he did then he probably thinks I'm easy as fuck which isn't the case. I just wanted to lose it already. I can't stand not knowing. So I guess I just gotta ask.
Me- What do you know about Yosef and I?
Kiandre- I know he fucked you.
Me- I'm sorry.
Kiandre-Why you sorry? I've been with someone before. I mean it's sex it isn't like you broke or nothing.
Me- You're not mad at me?
Kiandre- No. I don't own you I can't control your actions. You did what felt right to you. Maybe just maybe you can do the same with me.
Me- Mm.
Kiandre- What's wrong?
Me- Nothing.
Kiandre- Look. We gon be straight. I'm ready when you ready Xaye. You beautiful to me I just don't wanna mess that up. You got layers to you and I wanna take my time to learn about each one.
Me- You're so sweet I'm getting diabetic.
Kiandre- Can I kiss you?
Me- Yeah...
\~\ Our lips locked. His lips were smooth and his breath tasted like candy but in a good way. I wanted this moment to last forever. I desire more.
Kiandre- Damn.
Me- That was amazing...
Kiandre- Hell Yeah. We should do that again, but we gotta get to 3rd period.
Me- I'll catch up, I gotta look for something in this damn car.
Kiandre- Ight.
\~\ I look around and see Yosef in the distance, staring dead at me. I could feel my heart drop in my chest.
20 Minutes Later
Yosef- What the fuck were you doing in the car Xaye?!? Did he fucking force you?!
Me- I don't know why the hell you're tripping. WE ARE NOT TOGETHER!
Yosef- Ight. But you telling me you let some fucking THUG in ya car and kiss all over you—
Me- You don't even know Kiandre like that!
Yosef- I've been in this school longer than you have so I would watch it.
Me- Fuck you talking to bro? I know you mad so I ain't gonna go there. I catch yo ass later man you tripping.
Yosef- I just wanna know what the fuck you was going in the car.
Me- How bout you touch ya nose.
Yosef- Huh?
Random Girl #1- PERIOD POOH!
Random Girl #2- He told you ass Yosef.
The End Of The Day
\~\ I really don't know who the fuck Yosef was talking to. My body my fucking choice. I can kiss whoever I want when I want. Want that to change? Fucking call me your boyfriend. Until then I can be a whore. He pissed me off so bad I don't even feel like hanging out with him.
30 Minutes Later
Me- Hi David.
David- Awww what's wrong with the homie?
Me- Nothing.
David- A dude giving you trouble?
Me- Yeah. He wanna act like he own me.
David- Aww he just is probably a really dominant guy.
Me- That shit is annoying. He doesn't own me. This isn't fucking 1920.
David- I know what ya mean. Just tell him what's good. Take it or leave it ya know what I mean?
David- Cheer Up lil man. There's plenty of guys out there for ya.
Me- Awww. Thanks David I knew I could count on you.
David- Haha no worries.
\~\ I don't know. Kiandre treats me really good and Yosef does too it's just that Yosef acts like I'm already his boyfriend which isn't the case. I high key regret losing my virginity to him. I want both, but I can't have both which sucks. I can't help but imagine being in between Yosef and Kiandre. Both of them inside of me...oh my god that would feel amazing. But I think Yosef and Kiandre hate each other in reality, just the energy I feel siting between them in class is really tense. Maybe if I could get them to like each other they'll be open to being in a polygamous relationship. I know I told myself and y'all that I would make Kiandre wait but honestly the sexual tension is building up. Everything he does is so freaking seductive and it turns me on so badly. But anyways, I really miss my father. David said he was going be around but I don't know. David has been more of a dad to me than my actual father is. I just want to see him soon.
Incoming Call from Kiandre💦
Kiandre- Heyy Xaye...
Me- Hey...you're up late.
Kiandre- Couldn't fall asleep without thinking about you....
Xaye- Oh really?
Kiandre-Yeah lil dude....uhh what you wearing?
Xaye- Hmmm... should I tell you?
Kiandre- Yes lil dude I can't stand you keeping things from ya boy
Xaye- I'm wearing a cami jockstrap and black mesh shorts
Kiandre- I bet them cakes sitting right in them shorts
Xaye- And what would you do?
Kiandre- I would eat ya groceries baby boy....
Xaye- Oh really?
Kiandre- You know how to do a split on a dick?
Xaye- I don't kiss and tell...
Kiandre- You can kiss this dick and tell everyone what it taste like shiii fuck you mean?
Me- What are you doing?
Kiandre- Thinking about them golden cakes sitting on this dick.
Me- Well lucky you I can't go to sleep either.
Kiandre- Hahahaha!
Me-This is gonna be a fun night.
Kiandre- It sure is.
\~\ I can't believe I had fucking phone sex with Kiandre. It was so...sensual. It felt like he was in my room whispering in my ear. Just to hear him masturbating in my ear as I talked to him made me even more confident. Everything I said was turning him on. And when he climaxed it was like a shockwave was sent through me body.
January 10th,2018
Kiandre- Damn.... I haven't came that hard in a long time Xaye...
Me- Glad I could help.
Kiandre- You get yours off? I didn't mean to be selfish...
Me- Nooo I get off in listening to you pleasure yourself. I don't like to jack off.
Kiandre- What do you like?
Me- Well, where's the fun if I can just show you?
Kiandre- Shit I'm ready when you are lil dude.
Me- Let's skip today.... we already stayed up all night. No sense coming to school without rest.
Kiandre- Ight were we finna do this?
Me- My house. Noon. Just tell Davis you're a friend of mine.
Kiandre- Ight if I get shot ima haunt yo ass.
Me- You think you're funny—
Kiandre- I am! Now get some rest. I don't want to fuck a tired Xaye.
Me- Whatever.
Kiandre- Goodnight my dirty prince!!
Me- David I have a friend named Kiandre coming over.
David- Ahhahaha lil dude getting his dick appointment coming to him!!! Hahaha now I wish my husband would try some shit like that!
Me- Aren't you a top?
David- Okay yeah but like an ass appointment.
Me- Who says ass appointment? It's called a booty call you old fart.
David- I'm only 26. I was in 4th grade when yo ass slid out ya mommas coochie don't try me little boy.
Me- Whatever!!! Just don't hurt my friend.
David- If he got a fat ass I might have to!
Me- 😐
David- Kidding! Now go get ready for yo nigga little fast ass boy.
Me- Omg do you have to be so embarrassing!
David- Man Just hurry up and take some dick gah damn!
Me- Hey Dre.
Kiandre- Hey...you look amazing.
David- Awwww brings me back to when I was 17! Except I was already on my 25th boyfriend.
Me- Okay David we are just gonna watch Netflix damn.
David Haha! Nice one, I remember how I pulled the "we are just studying!!" On my parents! You two have fun!
Me- Okay well I'm going upstairs I have to do something.
David- Okay!! I'll be talking to your "friend"
David- Hey If I hear screaming up there I got 12 guns hidden around this house and I'm never more than 3 feet away from one. And I did 7 years in the Marines my guy.
Kiandre- Uhhh....
David- Nah! I'm just playing. But yeah man you know I'm sure you've had ass before.
Kiandre- No.... I only messed with girls before.
David- Ahhh you play for both sides!! Sounds fun. But hey just a tip from a veteran, bottoms love feedback, the tongue, the fingers, and the dick. Use all of them and you gonna be straight.
Kiandre- Haha thanks man.
Kiandre- Duty calls I guess.
David- Haha alrighty man I guess that's my cue to leave.
\~\ I got my sexiest jockstrap on, my white mesh shorts, my white mesh crop top, hair done, freshly clean. Condoms ready, lube ready. I'm ready to take Kiandre y'all.
Kiandre- Wassup baby boy
Me- C'mere Dre
\~\ I barely let him get in he door before I assaulted him with my lips. His hands immediately went to my bare ass and as soon as each cheek filled a hand I felt his dick growing harder. He soon started slapping my ass as I jumped into his arms. His dick was now begging to be released.
Kiandre- You want this shit baby boy?
Me- Yesssss
\~\ He sat me on the bed and got on his knees. He started at the bottom of my thighs and worked his way up, swirling his tongue on the inside of my thighs, sucking the skin leaving hickeys there. His cool breath sent chills up my spine as my body began to beg for more. I look down to see his dick throbbing in his gray shorts, I want to see it. After he finished making out with my thighs he flipped me over presenting my bare ass to him.
Kiandre- Damn this shit fatter with no clothes on it...how the fuck that work!!
\~\ Before I could respond I felt his tongue penetrate me. As he hummed it felt like a mini vibrator was inside of me. He was getting me wet as fuck.
Kiandre- Mhmm this ass good as fuck lil nigga!
\~\ He got up and started fingering me with his greasy and warm fingers. Each time he fingered me I felt myself opening up more and more. I wanted him inside of me. I needed him inside of me. Finally he stood up and looked at me. He was about to become another Kiandre, a Kiandre I've yet to experience. I could only admire his beauty. His dick was still hard as I noticed how long it's imprint made in his shorts. I didn't notice that he took his shirt off. His dog tags lay so innocently on his chest. His abs glistened perfectly in the dim lighting. He looked down at me like a lion looks over it's kill. He was about to attack. He grabbed the lube, took out his dick and poured some over his dick.
Kiandre- Cherry flavored? Haha you're such a fucking child.
\~\ Immediately I sucked his dick. Because I have no gag reflex I easily managed to fit his tip towards the back of my throat.
Kiandre- Yeahhh baby boy suck that dick!
\|\ A few minutes later he picked me up again. He laid on my bed and motioned for me to sit on his dick. I obeyed him as I carefully slid his dick inside of me. I felt him expand my walls more than Yosef did. I felt his dick travel deeper than Yosef did.
Kiandre- Turn around and suck my toes while I eat ass some more.
\~\ I obeyed him. I was now in complete submission. Now I know what you're thinking, "ewww sucking toes. Shut the fuck up I have a foot fetish so I don't care. His wet tongue was back on my ass again. He was sliding in and out of me slowly but I still felt immense pleasure. He turned me around after a few minutes and started going faster. I began to lick his neck and bite it. I was in total lust at this point.
Kiandre- Who's ass is this!?!
Me- Yours Dre!!!
Kiandre- What's my name!?!
Me- DADDY!!!
\~\ Dre bent me over the bed and started hitting it from the back. I felt immense pressure against my prostate and I was in utter euphoria. All you could hear in the room was the sound of Kiandre fucking me.
Kiandre- Fuckkk Baby I'm finna nut!
\~\ He fucked me harder as he reached his orgasm. I felt a tingly feeling between my thighs moving towards my dick. I look down and see myself ejaculating all over my sheets. I feel Kiandre pull out and shoot his cum all over my back and ass.
Kiandre- Damn!! Fuck that was good as fuck! Damn that ass was right as fuck man.
Me- Mhmmm that dick was amazing!
Kiandre- That ass is fat as fuck but here lemme clean my cum off of you.
Me- Why thank you.
\~\ For the next few hours we were in my room watching movies, eating snacks, cuddling, and smoking blunts. To be honest Kiandre is winning way more points than Yosef is, and that's totally okay, it's still anybody's game.
Kiandre- Xaye whats that?
Me- The fuck. It's the garage. David never comes through the garage.
Kiandre- Should I get the bat?
Me- No David gave me a pistol it's a Smith and Wesson.
Kiandre- Damn nigga you stay ready!
Me- Ight well lets go.
\~\ I turn around the corner and set a big black man in my house.
Me- DAD!?!
Mr. Powell- Yes Damn it's me. WHO THE FUCK IS THAT NIGGER BEHIND YOU!?!
Me- Dad! This is Kiandre! We were just hanging out!
Mr. Powell- What the fuck did I tell you?!?
Me- Dad that's so unfair!?!
Mr. Powell- You know what those type of people do.
Kiandre- Who is those people?
Mr. Powell- You watch your fucking mouth and KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!
Kiandre-  Xaye!
Me- Dad please stop. Kiandre is a really nice guy stop treating him like a thug!
Mr. Powell- I told you the damn rules when you were 14 Xaye. I don't want you to be with any black guy. I don't even want them in my fucking house.
Mr. Powell- You aren't like that son. Your are different from his kind. I want him out my house before I shoot his black ass.
Me- Dad that's disgusting....
Mr. Powell- Than you do it! I'm going to the damn bar.
Me- Dre I'm really sorry he's like that....
Kiandre- You good nobody gonna stop me from seeing you.
Me- Dre....
Kiandre- Just sucks that yo pops can't see me as being a good dude just cause I'm a nigga just like you and him.
Me- I know...
Kiandre- But hey I'll catch you later Ight? Tonight was fun as hell and I know we gonna do this again sometimes.
Me- Of course. Goodnight Dre.
Kiandre- Goodnight Xaye.
\~\ As we said goodnight he pulled me in for a last kiss. It was deep, he sucked my skin as he grabbed my ass tight.
Me- Damn....
Kiandre- Hahaha I'll see you later Xaye.
Me- Okay!
\~\ Damn. Tonight sure was wild.

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