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Wednesday, March 14,2018
Chicago, IL
Mom- Mhm baby how was your day at school?
Me- It was Ight.
Mom- You taking your medicine?
Me- Yeah. Mom can I ask you a question?
Mom- Yes baby.
Me- Can I make a girl have an abortion?
Mom- Um no. Are you retarded?
Me- I don't want to be a dad mom!
Mom- You can't just walk out. You don't have to like the girl who is carrying your child, but every child deserves to know who their father is.
Me- I just don't want to be a dad.
Mom- Kiandre look. You choose to fuck that girl knowing she is crazy as hell. I'm not saying I like what she did to you but this is what we are left with. I'm not going to let you sit up here and not support my grandbaby as their father.
Me- Why can't I just take care of your baby?
Me- You are not my boyfriend or husband. You are my son and as long as I have children it is not your responsibility to do what a father needs to do. I take care of my children, my children don't take care of each other. That's the problem with the community! Women acting like their son is their husband and making him do things a husband does for his household! Same thing for men and daughters!
Me- Mom I don't want a kid. I'm just 17.
Mom- And in December you'll be 18 and wishing people would stop calling you a kid. Baby I know it's hard but you have to step up for this child that's coming into this world. I'll be here with you every step of the way Okay?
Me- Okay.
Mom- What else is wrong?
Me- For spring break can I go to St. Louis to see Xaye?
Mom- I don't care. You aren't having sex with him right?
Me- No.
Mom- Are you telling me the truth?
Me- Okay Fine we did once.
Mom- Did you use a condom?
Me- Yes!
Mom- Good boy. Okay well I'm going to my appointment. Do you want to come?
Me- Sure.
Doctor- Well Dianne you're 23 weeks along today and you're far enough to find out the sex of your baby!
Mom- Okay I'm ready! Kiandre what do you think it is?
Me- I want a brother so a boy.
Mom- I think it's going to be a boy too.
Doctor- I think it's going to be a girl.
Doctor- Okay mom here's the head, abdomen, and the legs....are you ready?
Mom- Yes!!
Doctor- Well you're having a baby boy!
Me- Ayeee I'm having a brother!!
Mom- How wonderful!!
Text Message to Xaye😘
Me- Ayeee Xaye We was all right it's a boy!!!
Xaye😘- Aye Bro fuck You texting my nigga's phone for? You tryna get yo brain bashed in?
Me- Who the fuck are you?
Xaye😘- Yosef. Heard you was coming to my city tryna fuck on my nigga. Shits on sight mo. Better bring yo shooters cause I stay packing. Xaye don't wanna see yo ass. Just kill yo self already.
Me- Mann fuck yo bum ass. Ion need a gun to handle my problems ima man I use the hands my momma gave me tf?
Xaye😘- Mannn ima enjoy fucking Xaye over ya dead body. He don't give a FUCK BOUT YOU NIGGA! He just feel bad cause you lied about being suicidal. Don't think I ain't know about him coming to Chicago and fucking you. I took care of that shit already.
Me- Nigga you sick as hell. I swear if you dare lay a hand in Xaye I'll skin you like a pig with my bare hands.
Xaye😘- I know you people love resorting to violence. But bye now, Xaye wants a real man's dick. Maybe you'll hear him scream? See ya later boo!🥰
\~\ MAN FUCK THAT NIGGA IM POPPING HIS ASS ON SHIT! Fuck he doing to Xaye? Why he answering his phone? Fuck he mean by "you people"? I just know he not down there raping Xaye cause that "you'll hear him scream" ain't sitting right with me. Nah bro. I'm going to St. Louis right the fuck now.
Me- Mama I love you but can I go out with some homeboys tonight?
Mom- I don't care. Better not get no girl pregnant this time!
Me- Too soon.
Mom- Okay I'm sorry baby. Have fun!

Author's Note: Hey guys sorry that I haven't been writing as much lately, I'm getting ready to start back up school in a few days so I'm focusing on that. I'll be back this coming weekend though! Thanks for commenting, sharing, and liking. Your love inspires me! Peace, Love, Unity, RIP to those who lost their lives in El Paso, Southhaven, Gilroy, and Dayton -Alex2713🖤💛🖤💛.

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