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February 17,2018
Bloomington, IL
I-55 North
\~\ I was on my way to Chicago for the weekend. David is coming with me because he has some personal shit he gotta take care of for his husband. The past 2 hours in this car has been really silent. Both of us have been thinking about the shit we were finna get into. All David told me was that he gotta beat some serious ass once he get into Chicago. He told me that if anyone asks, I don't know him, which is scary as hell. I never seen David so pissed in my life. But me, I was going to go talk to Kiandre. Over the phone he sounded so broken and hurt. He hinted at suicide as well. I can't lose Kiandre. We've grown so close over the past month and I just can't let go of anyone right now. Yosef is at the back of my mind right now because he's in Qatar for whatever reason so my main focus is on Kiandre. I just want to hold him again, I want to see his face and play in his hair like I used to do. But I don't know if my heart will bring me to do that.
David- Ight we got a full tank let's go.
Me- Can you tell me what you have to do in Chicago now!?! Please!
David- Stop whining.
Me- Whatever.
2 hours later
Glencoe, IL
Kiandre's House
\~\ Waiting at Kiandre's doorstep felt weird. I felt a sense of relief in a way. I wanted to back out but I couldn't. I didn't come here for nothing. So all I have to do now is ring the doorbell.
\~\ And there he opened the door. His hair was a mess, he smelled like weed but he looked like he just got out of a shower.
Kiandre- Oh..hey. I wasn't really expecting you...
Me- I wanted to surprise you. Are you surprised? Haha!
Kiandre- Are you going to come in?
Me- Oh yeah I just-
Kiandre- My mom is asleep so we can't fuck if that's why you're here.
Me- No Kiandre I don't-
Kiandre- I'm just playing she went to the store. But yeah why are you here?
Me- Because I miss you Kiandre. I miss us.
Kiandre- You got that Yosef dude.
Me- He's in Qatar and won't be back until March.
Kiandre- Xaye be honest with me. Do you love me?
Me- Kiandre-
Kiandre- I asked you one question. Do. You. Love. Me?
Me- Yes Kiandre I love you a lot. I can't  deny that.
Kiandre- Then why you with that fuck ass nigga?
Me- I don't know Kiandre...I just don't want to hurt anybody.
Kiandre- Look baby...I ain't gonna guilt trip you into being with me. You know yourself better than anyone on this planet. I trust that you smart enough to make a right decision. But you know I won't do anything to hurt you okay?
Me- I know...
Kiandre- How long you in my city for?
Me- Until Monday night.
Kiandre- Ight you wanna chill with me for a minute?
Me- Yeah I would like that...
40 minutes later
\~\ I was cuddled in Kiandre's arms. It felt good honestly, the warmth his body gives off, his smell, everything. I felt protected in his arms. I just felt a feeling I didn't feel when I was with Yosef.
Me- What's that sound?
Kiandre- Ahh it's just my mom ima go help her.
Me- No I'm coming too.
\~\ And there I saw his mom. It's been awhile since I seen her. You could tell she was pregnant even though her bump wasn't that big. You could tell that she was really shocked to see me.
Mrs. Dianne- Oh hi baby! Haven't seen you in a minute! How are you?
Me- Oh Mrs. Dianne I'm good. I actually came here to talk to Kiandre.
Mrs. Dianne- Oh yes. I actually want to talk to the both of you together. But Xaye, stop with all this Mrs shit. Call me Dianne! We aren't strangers!
Me- Okay.
Dianne- Kiandre have you told Xaye your results?
Kiandre- Yeah...
Dianne- And how do you feel about that Xaye?
Me- Honestly it was scary when I first heard about it. I did go and get myself tested a few days ago and I came out negative. But in regards to Kiandre I don't mind being with him as long as he keeps up with his medications and looks after himself...
Dianne- Kiandre...
Kiandre- Yes?
Dianne- And how do you feel about what Xaye just said?
Kiandre- I just hope he means it. I love him I really do I just don't want him to get himself into something he doesn't know about.
Dianne- What do you mean by that? I'm not following...
Kiandre- Ma I got this girl pregnant.... she's like 5 weeks along now....
Dianne- And What girl is this?
Kiandre- Nae.... mom she tricked me..
Me- You had sex with Nae...
Dianne- We will talk about this later Kiandre. I need to go lay down... I don't know how long I can take this stress.
Kiandre- Mom lemme help you...
Dianne- No baby. I haven't felt this baby move in an week. Oh my God nope I need to sit back down.
Kiandre- Mom what's wrong you're scaring me!
Dianne- Nothing I just feel dizzy I'll be alright baby I've been pregnant twice I know what to do I'm grown.
Kiandre- Okay...ima take Xaye upstairs and let you rest.
Dianne- Alright.
Kiandre- Why yo ass saggin? You never sag. You tryna impress me?
Me- I—
Kiandre- Come here Xaye..
\~\ He grabbed me by my waist and started to deeply kiss my neck and slowly rub his dick against my ass. I could feel him immediately grow hard as he began to softly moan in my ear.
Kiandre- C'mon Xaye I gotta condom... I know you ain't come to Chicago jus to talk...
\~\ I started to give into him as he sat me on his dresser. I wrapped my legs around him as he cupped each ass cheek in his hands. I returned kisses as he took his shirt off. His body was still beautiful as hell. I put my arms around his neck as we began an intense make out session. Part of me wanted to fuck, but I had to stay loyal to Yosef even if I didn't care about him the way he did for me. I had to stay loyal even if he was getting play out in Qatar, which he most likely is.
Kiandre- Whatchu tryna do?
Me- I ain't come up here for nothing...
\~\ And with that he pulled his sweatpants off revealing the dick that I've played with plenty of times before. He rolled a condom on his dick, pulled my jeans off, lubed my hole and slid himself inside of me. He picked me up and fucked me while standing, he hasn't forgotten my favorite position.
Kiandre- Mhmm I missed this ass!
Me- Yoo fuck me Dre!
\~\ He bent me over making me touch my toes as he started to fuck the dog snot out of me. I forgot how far his dick reached inside of me. I felt so good with him. I couldn't get enough of him.
Kiandre- Mhmm Baby I'm finna cum!
Me- As soon as he said that I could feel my dick twitch, I looked down to see my dick spitting nut as it always did whenever Kiandre and I had sex- funny thing is Yosef never made me do that before. My moans got louder as I could feel Kiandre's dick spitting nut inside of the condom. Damn. I can't believe I just cheated on Yosef.
Kiandre- Damn. I haven't had ass in awhile.
Me- I see.
Kiandre- Mhmm you know I miss you.
Me- I know. And you don't seem so broken.
Kiandre- At the time I was. I'm straight right now though.
Me- Cause you got some ass.
Kiandre- Nigga whatever.
Me- But Yeah Dre ima see yo ass tomorrow Ight? Look presentable okay?
Kiandre- Ah baby boy leaving me already? It's only 7!
Me- I need my beauty rest.
Kiandre- Shit got that right!
Me- Hey!
Kiandre- Nah but Ight I'll be ready just text me okay?
Me- Okay.
Kiandre- Lemme walk you out.
Me- Ight.
Kiandre- It was good seeing you Xaye. I really do miss you.
Me- Then come to St. Louis. Come back to South Lake.
Kiandre- Orrr you can come to Chicago?
Me- Whatever Dre. We'll talk tomorrow alright?
Kiandre- Can I get a kiss?
Me- Dre-
Kiandre- A hug?
Me- Fine.
\~\ He embraced me once again in his warm arms. For that moment I laid my head on his chest like we were in bed. It was a nice moment until I felt him slap and grab my ass. Goofy ass nigga.
Kiandre- Shit if Yosef keep playing this gonna be my ass.
Me- He would be sooo pissed if he knew what we did.
Kiandre- Fuck he gonna do? Nothing. I can dog his ass with one arm.
Me- Oh Dre, such a gentleman.
Kiandre- Haha goodnight Xaye.
Me- Goodnight Dre.
February 18,2018
\~\ I got ready for my day with Kiandre. I promised him I would let him take me out to his favorite pizza joint and after that show me around Chicago. To be honest I feel cute as fuck today. Kinda worried because I haven't heard from David since yesterday. But he told me not to worry about it, so I won't.
Kiandre- Look man we shouldn't have fucked last night it's just I really miss you and if I'm being blunt I'm horny as hell.
Me- You don't need to apologize. It was good and I missed it.
Kiandre- Really? Yosef don't be blowing ya back out?
Me- Um...
Kiandre- Nah man you ain't gotta answer. But yeah you lookin mighty fine today might have to tap that ass again.
Me- Whatever Kiandre!!!
Kiandre- Haha but you ready to see my city? Ima take you to Chiraq.
Me- If that's the case I can just stay in this hotel room.
Kiandre- Okay nah I was just kidding! You hungry? Cause my favorite joint just down the street.
Me- Okay lets go.
\~\ Spending the day with Kiandre was a relief. We talked about everything, us, plans, School, cars. He told me that his mom is 19 weeks pregnant and he hopes he gets a little brother. It must be cool having younger siblings.
Hotel Lobby
Me- Today was fun Dre.
Kiandre- Aww you know that's what I do you know I know how to show a guy a good time.
Me- Haha you're so dumb!
Kiandre- Can I get a kiss?
Me- Yeah...
\~\ He pulled me in close, wrapped his arms around me and engulfed his lips with mine. My eyes instinctively closed as my mind went back to the day I first kissed Kiandre. Our kiss felt like it lasted hours, but it was only for a few moments- a few very special moments.
Kiandre- Damn.
Me- Yeah.
Kiandre- Well it's getting late and I got a pregnant mom so goodnight?
Me- Goodnight Kiandre.
\~\ EEEEEK!!! I think my heart is finally showing me what it wants!!
3 weeks later
Monday, March 12,2018
\~\ Kiandre and I are growing closer everyday. We talk on the phone everyday and he makes me so happy. His mom is now 22 weeks with a little baby boy!! Yosef and I are okay. He doesn't know what I did with Kiandre while he was gone and he doesn't know that I'm still talking to him. Honestly I know he's cheating on me, sooo many guys have been winking at him, trying to twerk on him, and he's always on his phone when he takes me out. I honestly don't give a shit, my mind is on Kiandre.
Nae- Heyyyy booboo!
Me- Fuck you want?
Nae- Look hunty. I'm 8 weeks pregnant with Kiandre's baby!!! I'm not even going to get a fucking abortion! So just to let you know that he'll be paying child support to me! Period! Bye faggot!
Me- Man bye. I hope yo baby a dude and he grow up to suck dick and get his back blown the fuck out.
Nae- Mine son won't be no fag like you or his daddy. And if he is I might as well abort his ass now.
Me- You're fucking sick. I hope CPS takes your child away from you.
Nae- At least I'm not a faggot.
Me- At least I'm not some self obsessed colorist narcissistic asswipe.
Nae- You read my twitter bio!! Aww! What a fan! Now toodles, I have a hair appointment, maybe you know him? He's a faggot like you. Probably has AIDS like Kiandre. How cute!

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