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January 5,2018
\~\  That Xaye dude is fine as hell. It's been a minute since I seen someone as cute as him. Oh, but lemme introduce myself. My name is Kiandre Teal. I'm 17 and I'm a junior at South Lake High. I know what you're asking, "Kiandre do you know that Yosef has dirt on you!?!" And the answer is yes. You see last year 16 year old me thought his boyfriend Niko was really cute. At that point I had a girlfriend and she didn't know I was into boys. No, I'm not gay, I'm bisexual, I just don't talk about it. Anyways Niko and I got really close and we ended up having sex. I took his virginity to make a long story short. Yosef and I got in two fights over that and he almost got kicked off the track team. Ever since then we've been competing over guys but he always threatens to blackmail me if I don't back off a guy he wants. The problem that we have now is, we both think Xaye is cute. I want Xaye, he wants Xaye, and I'm really not about to let him go like that. I think Xaye can be a really good boyfriend to me, Yosef thinks ima just use him. I fucking hate Yosef. Fuck that nigga, he only goes to this school because his mommy's family works in the oil industry and makes big money. Back to me though. Yeah I was born and bred right here in St. Louis, well technically I was born in Des Peres but who cares. I have two moms, I only love one though and I have a little sister who's 13, and my German Shepard named Cookie. I got a girlfriend right now if ima be honest. Her name is Nae and to be real I don't like her at all. She's annoying, she's only with me because I'm the captain of the basketball team and I have a nice car. Other than that she kinda finds me disgusting. I don't care she gives me what I want when I want it so I can't complain there. I also know what you're thinking, "Kiandre why did you grope Xaye?" Well I'll tell you why. I did it because I was high as hell and when I'm high I do crazy things I regret. I honestly didn't mean to make him uncomfortable, I just can't really behave when I'm intoxicated, which is something I'm trying to work on.
\~\ Ahh breakfast time. Technically our school doesn't start until 10:15am so I usually get here early to eat breakfast with my bros and maybe have a morning blunt. I didn't really expect to find Xaye here sitting alone. Hey, if an opportunity presents itself ya gotta take advantage of it.
Me- Hey! Xaye wassup!
Xaye- Oh hi Kiandre...
Me- I ain't expect you here early to be honest.
Xaye- Um, I go to this school too so I kinda have to be here....
Me- Well yeah I just didn't—
Xaye- You didn't what? Well I didn't expect you to basically grope my upper thigh while your friends cat call me.
Me- Uhh— Xaye I'm really sorr-
Xaye- No. I don't give a crap about your pisspoor apology. I thought you were actually cool Kiandre. Just leave me alone.
Yosef- Hey Xaye is everything okay over here?
Xaye- Yeah I was just leaving. C'mon Yosef let's eat somewhere else.
Yosef- Alright Xaye, hey you find us a table I gotta catch up with Kiandre here.
Xaye- Okay!
Yosef- Watch your fucking back. You need to back the hell off before I make you suffer.
Me- Who the hell are you? I'm not scared of you Yosef. I promise you Xaye will realize what an ass you are.
Yosef- Will he? Because if I have it my way and I know I will, you won't be here long enough to even get close to him!
Me- How so?
Yosef- You're GPA is a low 3.4 Kiandre. The second you fall below a 3.2 you can kiss your scholarship goodbye! We have a large test next week in AP Calc and I know you're going to fail. I can either help you, or hurt you. Which do you want?
Me- Help me?
Yosef- You forget that our headmaster is my uncle, I basically have access to all the grades of every student at South Lake. I could change your GPA if you just back off of Xaye, or I can make it drop to a 1.7, kicking you out of South Lake and putting you back in the high school you are districted for. Your choice, don't choose now, let your actions speak. But for now I must go, Xaye is waiting for his Arab Prince.
Me- Fuck You.
Yosef- And Kiandre.
Me- What.
Yosef-Choose wisely.
\~\ Fuck that nigga man. I don't deserve that shit at all. I know I'm not perfect, but this school gave me a ton of opportunities in the past and I just can't be kicked out. My parents will be so fucking disappointed in me. But I really want to be with Xaye, I know I barely even known him for a week but I really want to get to know him. He spends so much time with Yosef I'm highkey jealous. Yosef already painted me as some big asshole who just fucks whoever he wants and goes around groping people whenever he is high. He doesn't understand me at ALL! I just want to be the the guy that makes Xaye laugh, smile, and just feel good. Why can't I just be happy with someone I truly care about!?! Why can't Yosef leave me alone? What happened happened in the PAST! I swear I haven't done anything to him this year. He just loves harassing me, and I don't know why. It's unfair.
1st Period
\~\ I need to talk to Xaye when Yosef isn't around. Problem with that is that he has most of our grade on the look out for him. He has eyes everywhere. Anyway he doesn't like feels his wrath. I remember freshman year when this girl spilled cranberry juice over his new whit Air Forces, the next week the whole grade shunned her, she ended up moving to Illinois. I can't have a fate like that. But I have to take a chance on this one. The bell for class to start doesn't ring for another 10 minutes, there Xaye is, he must be an early person, interesting.
Me- Hey Xaye I need to talk to you please just listen.
Xaye- Fine.
Me- Xaye I'm truly sorry about what I did to you earlier. I promise I'm not like that and I'm working on fixing myself. I'm not a perfect guy but I always work on improving myself. I apologize for making you uncomfortable and I promise you it won't happen again. Please Xaye give me another chance I promise you I won't make you regret it...
Xaye- I accept your apology. Nice to meet you Kiandre, my name is Xaye. I'm new here.
Me- Huh?
Xaye- (we are starting over) I said my name is Xaye, nice to meet you.
Me- Oh. Wassup Xaye my name is Kiandre and welcome to South Lake High.
Xaye- You're cute.
Me- I could say the same thing about you.
Yosef- Aye Xaye this nigga bothering you?
Xaye- No he was just picking up my pencil.
Me- Yeah. I'm a gentleman like that.
Yosef- Mhmm. Well thanks.
Me- Ma! Mom! I'm home!
Ma- How wonderful of you to join us! Dinner is almost ready so have a seat!
Ma- Yes. Well before your sister comes down we need to talk.
Me- Okay well I need to tell you guys something.
Ma- Okay you go first.
Me- I'm bisexual and I have a crush on this new kid named Xaye.
Ma- You're what?
Mom- You think you're bisexual?
Ma- Honey bisexuality isn't's either you're straight or gay you can't have both.
Mom- Ashanti!
Me- K cool.
Ma- So what you're telling us is that you're gay and have been using Nae as a cover up?
Mom- Ashanti! This is our son and he is coming out to us.
Ma- Our son is not bisexual. Men can not be bisexual. Men can either be straight or gay.
Me- Ight so bitches can be bisexual but I can't?
Ma-Watch your fucking language.
Mom- Both of you calm the hell down.
Me- For being a dyke you really aren't tolerant. And yes, niggas can be bisexual too. Who the fuck are you to say what I am and what I'm not?
Ma- Because I know you. I may not have carried you, but I know you. Kiandre you are not bisexual. If anything you are a straight male who is just confused by all the boys you hang around.
Me- Ha! So I'm confused? I'm confused? Wow.
Mom- Ashanti go upstairs let me talk to Kiandre.
Ma- You may be a lot of things, but what you aren't is a bisexual. That shit is for girls. I'm going to take an Tylenol, you're making my head hurt.
Mom- Baby....don't be upset with your mother. She's just upset right now.
Me- Fuck she gotta be upset for?
Mom- Well you are her only son. And she wanted you to be straight.
Me- I still like bitches.
Mom- her you're gay.
Me- I'm literally not gay. I have a girlfriend right now. I literally had sex with her in my car as soon as school got out. If I was gay would I do any of that?
Mom- She just doesn't understand sweetie. I'm sorry this is happening baby and I understand how you feel.
Me- Yeah. But whatever. What did you want to tell me before all this shit started?
Mom- Well I'm pregnant. 12 weeks.
Me- Mom you too old you you just 34
Mom- Baby I'm not. I was too young when I had you. I was your age! I'm just living my life and I want you to live yours. You're gonna be an older brother!
Me- I already am.
Mom- Yes I know but I'm saying. Between me and you I want you to know I love you baby. From one bisexual gal to her bisexual son who is very valid and handsome I want you to know you are loved and I will support and love whoever you come home with. Whether it's a girl or boy I don't care as long as they love you and you love them.
Me- Mom you're bisexual....??
Mom- Yes baby. I was just scared to come out to you and your sister.
Me- My Mom is bisexual!!!! Fuck that is soo cool!
Mom- Oh give me a hug Kiandre! I love you very much!
Me- I love you too mom!!
\~\ It feels good to have at least one of my parents supporting me. If you are confused about how I came into the world here goes the run down. My mom was 17 when she had me. She was blinding running around with different guys and she ending up having her best friend get her goodies so he got her pregnant and she kept me so he's my dad. My dad was supportive of me but when he was 19 he joined the Marines. He still made sure to come by and see me, he was a good young father. But on July 12, 2012 my dad went up to Chicago and he ended up getting shot. Turns out he was set up by one of his "friends" and they killed my father in cold fucking blood. The case went unsolved. I miss my dad, it's been almost 5 years and I don't know if this shit is gonna get any easier, I doubt it will. But up until 2016 my mom was single. Now she is engaged to this bitch named Ashanti. To be honest I think my mom is only with her because Ashanti is really rich. Last time I checked she makes $950K alone. My mom makes $200K from her career, but I know if it was just my mom, my sister and I, we wouldn't be able to afford the shit we can now. Like I said, Ashanti is a bitch. She always criticizes everything I do yet she gives all the fucking praise to my sister. Neither of us are her biological kids, my mom and dad made the both of us but my sister was too young to remember our dad. She controls everything we do yet she claims she loves us. She makes me feel like absolute shit. She even talks crap about my dad when my mom isn't around. If I had it my way I would take my mom and my sister and run. Figure some shit out, fine somewhere else to go. But I wouldn't stay here. I'm glad I'm graduating next year and I'll be on my own. I just hate the fact that I'll be leaving my mom and my sister, those are the two women I actually love and give a shit about. But y'all I don't know what to do. I really like Xaye and I wanna be with him. But I can't do Nae dirty like that. I don't know y'all. Ashanti might be right....I'm confused...but not about my sexuality.
Hey y'all! I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! Yosef is starting to look a little bit two sided don't ya think? Do you think Kiandre is going to pick Xaye, or Nae? Will he lay off and save his future at South Lake, or will he pursue his love interest? Find out more in the next update of "Boys Will Be Boys"! Until then, Peace, Love, Unity -Alex2713💕

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