Chapter 2

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I woke up to the beeping of machines. It was quiet... a little too quiet. I blinked my eyes to open them as I tried to remember what happened since I had no idea where I was. The last thing I remember was getting hit in the head, and then a bunch of pretty boys were freaking out.

"You're awake?" I heard in English from beside me. I turned my head to see the guy who hit me.

"Who are you?" I finally asked in Korean. He smirked slightly.

"So you do speak Korean. I'm good at English if it's easier for you," he answered in English. "I'm Namjoon. Kim Namjoon. What's your name?" He asked.

"Laine Reeds," I introduced myself. I looked around curiously. I was in a hospital room. "Where am I?" I asked. "You're at a hospital in Seoul. Your phone kept blowing up by the way, you might want to check it," he said as he handed my phone to me. As soon as the screen lit up, my head began to pound. I shut my eyes quickly and angled the phone away from my face.

"You have a concussion, but luckily that's the extent of your injuries," he explained softly before taking my phone from me. "Here, what's your passcode. I'll read your messages to you," he offered. After I told him my passcode, he scrolled a bit before leaning back in the chair he was sitting in.

"Abby wants to know where you are and if you're okay. Aaron is worried. Your mom wants to know if you've landed okay and so does your dad," He summarized.

"Can you let them all know that I'm fine. And tell Abby and Aaron that I'll meet them at the dorms," I said. He nodded before typing.

"You're staying at a college here?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, Abby and Aaron chose my country for foreign language studies while I was gone so here I am," I muttered miserably. I didn't even get out of the airport before running into an accident. This was why I wanted to go to Argentina.

"I'm really sorry for hitting you with that door," Namjoon apologized when he finished with my phone. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"It's fine. You couldn't have known I would be standing there," I brushed him off.

"Where are you from?" He asked.

"Texas, in the states, but my mom is originally from the Philippines," I answered.

"Oh really? We just came from there," he smiled brightly. I knew it... he had dimples. They were the cutest dimples I'd ever seen.

"Who's we?" I asked. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as his cheeks turned pink.

"You ever heard of BTS?" He asked shyly. I wanted to roll my eyes. That's why they all looked so familiar. You'd think I would've recognized him right away with how obsessively my sister hangs their posters in our room.

"Oh," I deadpanned.

"Not a fan?" He asked. I shrugged.

"My sister is obsessed with you guys, but I don't get it," I answered honestly. He sat there awkwardly like I'd just told him that I believe the Earth is flat. I looked at the door of the room I was in and saw a commotion going on outside.

"When can I be released?" I asked.

"When you stop blacking out. You've been in and out of it all day," he answered. "You're really not a fan?" He asked like he didn't believe it the first time I said it.

"Not really," I answered. He picked my phone back up and unlocked it before typing something.

"Why are you doing?" I asked.

"Adding my number before our manager sees me doing it," he answered.

"Why would I need your number?" I asked confused.

"Because once she makes me leave, that will be the end of it, and I feel bad for hitting you with that door," he explained. He called himself from my phone before setting my phone down.

"How do you spell your name?" He asked.

"L-A-I-N-E," I replied without thinking. "Wait. Why do you need my number?" I asked.

"So I can check on you," he answered easily.

"I'll be fine," I responded. A doctor walked in with the female manager trailing behind him. The doctor turned to Namjoon first.

"Has she stayed conscious this time? How long has she been awake?" He asked Namjoon in Korean. Namjoon hesitated before he nodded.

"About five minutes or so," Namjoon replied in Korean. The doctor brought a light to my eyes and made me follow it. It hurt like hell but I managed.

"Good, she's fine. Namjoon, we need to go now. The others started rehearsals without you," the manager said to him in Korean. I kept my mouth shut. I guess he was right about his manager, but he would know best. He shot me a look that clearly said 'told you so'. Namjoon stood with a sigh before he looked at me again.

"Don't worry about the hospital bill. I took care of that already. Feel better, Laine," he smiled at me. The manager handed me a pair of VIP tickets before they both left. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. After the doctor finished running tests on me, I was finally released. It was close to midnight already when I was finally dressed in my regular clothes and standing outside with my suitcase that Namjoon thankfully brought along. I hailed a cab ride to the University before walking up to the dorms. I opened the door to the one I was assigned to and dragged my luggage in behind me. Abby was pacing when she finally saw me.

"What the hell, Laine! Where have you been?" She yelled at me. I winced and held a hand up to stop her.

"Please don't scream. I have a concussion," I admitted. Her eyes went wide with worry.

"What the hell happened? I don't hear from you for hours and then you send me this vague text. I thought something happened to you," she nagged at me. I sighed and went to set my luggage beside my bed.

"It's a long story, but I'd really like to rest for now. It's been a long day," I said. She left me alone as I showered and changed into pajamas before getting in the bed. I fell asleep almost immediately.

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