Chapter 38

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I sighed and pulled my shoes off as soon as we got back to the house. Namjoon wrapped his arms around me from behind me, stopping my movements. I put my hands over his and closed my eyes briefly.

"I'm glad you met my family today," he said softly.

"What did Hye Jin want?" I asked, turning to look at him. I had been debating whether or not to ask the entire ride back. He bent to move my shoes to the cubbies near the door before he set a set of slippers down in front of me.

"She didn't want me to get married. She told me she loved me," he answered easily. I put the slippers on as he did the same.

"Oh? And what did you say?" I asked curiously.

"I told her I loved you, and I'm getting married. And that even if I didn't marry you, I would never be able to return her feelings," he answered with a smirk. He stepped closer to me and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

"Do I have any love rivals I need to worry about?" He asked as he took a step back. I laughed before I shook my head.

"The only guy I used to hang out with is Aaron, and we don't really talk much anymore. You met Aaron with Abby that one time. They went back to Texas already and I wasn't able to see them off," I answered honestly. So much had been happening at the time that I was barely able to call Abby before their plane took off. My parents were shocked when they heard I wasn't coming back with them. We moved to the living room and sat on the couch. The house was oddly quiet. The only person in the living room was Yoongi and he was sleeping on the love seat.

"I have to warn you though, my parents are divorced and they don't really talk to each other anymore. My dad is remarried, but having them all in one room might get a little awkward," I said. He smiled sympathetically at me.

"I'm not too worried about it as long as I get their permission to marry you," he said. Yoongi sat up with a yawn.

"You two are so lovey-dovey that it's nauseating. Please tell me you plan on spending your honeymoon phase in a house of your own," Yoongi said as he ruffled his hair. I couldn't tell if he was joking or serious, but he had a point. I risked a glance at Namjoon to see what he would say, but he already held an easy smirk on his face.

"Don't worry, Yoongi. That was the next step," he answered. Namjoon too my hand and led me up the stairs to his room.

"We should go house hunting," I mentioned as he closed the door behind us.

"We don't have the freedom at the moment, but I got my manager to hire a realtor, so we should be getting options soon," Namjoon explained. He really had thought of everything.

I worked hard over the next three months to move everything off my schedule for my trip back home. It wasn't easy, and I barely slept, but I knew it would be worth it. PD Eum even made an event out of scheduling interviews and radio appearances for me in every city the boys were performing in so I could stay with them. We landed in New York first. Most of my interviews were there. The boys had a handful of them before their concert as well.

Next stop was my hometown. The boys were having their concert in Fort Worth, Tx. It was only about an hour away from my college and parents. Even though my parents divorced, they still lived half an hour away from each other. I didn't tell them why, or who would be coming, but I invited them all to dinner, including my sister, Sarah. I also invited all the boys since they had some free time. We picked a normally quiet an isolated restaurant and rented out a private room. Luckily, we made it to the restaurant first. The guys all took seats on the far end, leaving four seats empty for my family while Namjoon sat next to me. I was tense for many reasons, a big one being my sister. As soon as I heard the door opening, I stood and walked closer to it. My dad and stepmom walked through first, looking thoroughly confused.

"What's going on here?" My dad asked as he walked further into the room.

"I'll explain once everyone is here," I promised, speaking English. It had been a while since I used my native language. He eyed the boys warily.

"This isn't everyone?" He asked. My mom and sister chose them to walk through the door. I moved quickly to close the door as I saw recognition light up Sarah's face. Her arm came up slowly as she pointed towards the boys. I saw her take a deep breath and moved quickly to cover her mouth with my hand. My timing was perfect as she began to scream.

"Sarah, you have to calm down and stop screaming, or they're going to leave," I said quickly in her ear. Her mouth shut instantly but her eyes still bulged.

"Parents and sister, this is BTS. BTS, parents and sister. Family, meet my family away from home," I introduced them. Namjoon came to stand beside me. I smiled as he held my hand in his.

"And this is the man I love, Namjoon. There's a reason we came today," I started.

"I've come to ask your permission to marry your daughter," Namjoon finished. Everyone who wasn't BTS had their jaw on the floor, especially Sarah.

"This whole time, you've been dating RM?" She asked, shocked. I nodded.

"A little over a year now?" I asked. Namjoon nodded.

"A little over a year and a half at this point," he corrected me with a small smile. My mom was the first to come back to her senses.

"First, let's eat. Then we can discuss whether or not Laine is getting married," she said, moving to take an empty chair. Almost as if they were numb, the rest of my family slid into an open seat. Something told me that this was going to be a very long dinner.

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