Chapter 9

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Namjoon went with us to go back to campus after most of the guys fell asleep in the living room. When we parked in front of the dorms, Abby and Aaron leaned on each other to keep from falling over while Namjoon grabbed my hand to make me stay back. He glanced at the driver briefly.

"Can you give us a second?" He asked the driver. He nodded before he got out of the car too and stood off to the side.

"I meant what I said, Laine," he said to me in English. I sighed as I looked back to him.

"I don't want to see you get hurt because of me," I tried in a last attempt. His determination didn't waiver.

"I will take care of that, don't worry," he tried to assure me. I didn't feel assured. Yoongi's words kept rolling through my mind.

"When do your classes start?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Next week, but we've already been given the syllabus. We have a week of classes on culture And resumé writing before we have to get internships and jobs for work studies for the remainder of the year," I answered. He nodded, deep in thought before he pecked my lips.

"Just go to your classes and wait for me. I'll handle the rest," he promised. The thing was, I fully trusted his words.

"Okay. Goodnight," I said to him before I exited the car.


When classes finally started, I felt a little more at ease to finally be getting into a normal routine. Namjoon and I texted the whole time, but we didn't get see each other again. Aaron didn't speak much to me about being friends with the Bangtan Boys after that night. In fact, he had gone completely silent like it never happened in the first place.

In our classes we learned more about how the Korean culture was and got started on resumé writing for our work study. Of course, it had to be translated. The biggest culture shock to me was the fact that we had to attach our pictures to our resumés which were taken in class. I met a few new people from other countries in our classes as well. As the week ended, I got antsy. Namjoon promised that he had a plan, but he hadn't told me exactly what it was yet.

I was walking from class to the dorms with Abby and a new friend, Merida, when my phone buzzed. I smiled when 'Oppa' popped up before answering the phone.

"Hello?" I answered in English. It's not that I didn't like speaking in Korean, but normally it was easier to speak English with Namjoon because he had more ears trying to listen in on his end.

"Laine, did you finish your resumé yet?" He asked.

"Yeah, we finished our classes today. Now we have to find jobs for our work study," I answered.

"Come to our company tomorrow dressed for an interview," he said quickly.

"Wait, What?" I asked confused. He wanted me to interview at his company?

"Tomorrow, our company is hosting interviews for new managers, and we just so happen to need one so we'll be there to pick," he explained.

"But Min Yoongi," I started with a sigh.

"I've already talked with him, and he agreed it would be less of a risk if you actually had a reason to hang out with us," he stopped me.

"And Manager Do?" I asked.

"She had to leave for personal reasons. She would be who you are replacing," he assured me. I smiled to myself lightly before I gave in.

"Okay, send me the address and the time," I agreed before I ended the call. Abby inched closer with a huge grin on her face.

"Was that your oppa?" She asked. Her Korean was getting better. I chuckled as I nodded.

"I have an interview tomorrow at BigHit," I admitted. She gasped before she hit my arm repeatedly.

"Oh, you're so lucky! Oppa doesn't play around, does he?" She giggles. I shook my head.

"No he doesn't," I agreed. After hearing about my interview, Abby demanded that we go shopping for the rest of the day. After dropping our book off at our dorm, we took the bus to the train station and took the train to Busan. I hadn't really gotten out of Seoul since I'd been here so it was nice to get out. I picked a black pencil skirt and white button up blouse quickly before we went shopping for other things.

The weather would change soon, and I needed clothes from the upcoming cold weather. We also bought some make up and other random things before we took the train back. By the time we got home, it was late, but I put a face mask on anyway.

"I was thinking, since we got permission to live off campus now, when you and I start collecting our checks, why don't we look for a place off campus? That way there will be less eyes if your oppa decides to drop by," she suggested.

"I'll think about it," I said while trying not to move the mask.

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