Chapter 12

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When we were finally exhausted from swimming, I dragged myself out of the pool. The water made the see-through shirt cling to my body. I pushed my hair back as I made my way to my bag.

"Oh, Noona! Nice body," JungKook said to me in English as he held a a thumbs up to me. I blushed and quickly grabbed my towel to wrap it around my body.

"Karaoke time!" Jin shouted before doing a shimmy dance. I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom inside to change into my dry clothes. I brought a pair of jeans and a simple blouse with me just in case. I'm glad I did. After throwing my damp hair into a twist-bun, I took my wet clothes and put them in a plastic bag before sticking them in my beach bag and going to where the guys were waiting for me in the lobby. We took the elevator to a room where a karaoke machine was already set up.

"Laine first," Jimin said to everyone. I blushed and shook my head quickly. They didn't accept that.

"Laine, Laine, Laine!" They chanted. I sighed before I grabbed the song book and typed it into the machine. Namjoon handed me a microphone as JungKook dragged me up to stand in front of where they were all sitting on the couch. The music started and I began to sing. Almost as soon as I did, JungKook pulled out his phone.

I was terribly shy, but I could only imagine where JungKook was posting this, so I did my best to sing 'I Will Show You' by Ailee. It was one of my favorite songs. Eventually, I started dancing along with the music. When I did, I started having a good time. I wasn't bad at singing, but I hated doing it in front of people. I thought I would be under a lot more pressure singing in front of literal idols, but I underestimated just how close and comfortable I'd gotten with the boys.

The song came to an end and I smiled before I went back to my seat next to Namjoon. JungKook turned the camera to me as he smiled.

"See? I told you our Noona was awesome. Are we looking at the eighth member of BTS?" He joked to the camera in Korean.

"No," I chuckled, following the language. I knew most of their viewers were most likely Korean. English made no sense in this situation. JungKook stopped for a second before he laughed.

"Noona! The fans want to know when your debut is," he smiled. I couldn't keep my blush down. He turned the camera to himself as he leaned away from me.

"She's pretty, right?" He said. He paused to read some thing before he smiled again.

"She's Filipino and American. Her Korean is perfect, right?" he answered.

"Noona! The fans said you could pass for a kpop idol," he told me. I shook my head.

"I'm more of a behind the scenes person," I turned down the compliment. JungKook said a few more words to the camera before he put it away.

"You know, with your look, your singing, and dancing potential, you could actually be an idol if you wanted to," Suga said coolly. "Maybe then you could date Namjoon more comfortably," he added. I couldn't help it when my glance turned to Namjoon. He gave a light smile before he held my hand where it was hidden by our legs.

"Yah, Jimin, your turn," JungKook smiled to the other side of the couch. Namjoon squeezed my hand in his lightly to catch my attention. When I looked at him, he nodded his head towards another part of the room before he stood, still holding my hand. I followed him with a brief glance back to see that no one was paying attention to us anyway. He took me around the corner to a different, smaller room.

"Oppa, you look like you want to say something," I said as we stood facing each other. He has a dreamy look on his face matched with a lazy smile.

"I'm just... more and more amazed by you," he admitted, making me blush. I looked at my feet as I smiled softly.

"What's this?" I chuckled awkwardly as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He could be too cute to bear sometimes. He ducked his head slightly to kiss me. I blushed as my smile widened. His finger tucked under my chin and lifted it so my eyes met his as he rested his other hand on the wall behind me.

He smiled gently before he brought his lips to mine again. I wasted no time wrapping my arms around his neck as his hands went to my waist. Our lips moved together as I just enjoyed the feeling of his body pressed against mine. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. For a moment, I forgot everything. I forgot where I was, and the fact that everyone else was in the other room. For a moment, it was just us. I didn't feel nervous about the rules or the binder anymore. It was just me and my boy scout.

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