Chapter 22

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I woke to a brightly sunlit room. I yawned before trying to let my eyes adjust. My back was pressed to Namjoon's chest as his arm was loosely slug over my waist. Needless to say, we both ended up sleeping in the bed. I was sore as I sat up. It was my first time after all. Namjoon's arm tightened and pulled me to lay back down.

"Don't get up yet," he muttered. I chuckled before I held his hand in mine.

"I have to go to the restroom," I said softly. He sighed before he eventually let go. I got out of the bed and grabbed my pants, putting them on quickly. I tiptoed down the hallway to the bathroom and went inside, locking the door behind me. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face as last night's events replayed in my mind. I quickly used the bathroom and searched around for mouthwash. I used a little of it before I tiptoed back to the room. When I went inside, Namjoon was sitting on the edge of his bed in just his boxers. His hand ran through his bed hair before he looked at me with a smile.

"Morning," he said in a husky morning voice.

"Morning, Oppa," I replied softly. Our innocent moment was interrupted by my phone. I picked it up to see my sister calling. My eyes widened. "Put some clothes on," I said to him quickly. He looked at me confused but did as I asked anyway. I answered the FaceTime request and angled the camera towards the door and away from Namjoon.

"Oh, Sarah, what's up?" I tried to say nonchalantly. She only glared at me.

"What's up? Really? What's up is that I expected you to do a meet and greet with BTS, not become their best friend and an actress there! I hadn't been watching the V-Lives for a while, but I saw the one from last night. You can imagine my surprise when I see my favorite group promoting my sister's new drama. You didn't even tell me! When did you meet them? How am I just now finding out?!" She ranted. I smiled sheepishly. I was about to answer when the door behind me opened.

"Noona! Did you have a good time last night?" JungKook asked suggestively as he barged in. Namjoon sighed and dropped his face in his hand. My sister's eyes widened as she stared at the screen.

"Oh my god... oh my god... oh my god," she said slowly over and over again. I almost forgot that JungKook was her bias. Luckily, she didn't know much Korean, so she couldn't tell what he was saying. I sighed and closed my eyes briefly as JungKook came closer to look at my phone.

"Oh? Who's this?" JungKook asked. My sister started giggling and she couldn't stop as her face turned beat red. I was scared she would pass out with how much she was hyperventilating.

"JungKook, this is my little sister, Sarah. Remember I told you that you were her bias?" I asked. He smiled into the camera.

"Hi Sarah. Nice to meet you," he said in English. I was surprised she wasn't screaming.

"Oppa, hi," she said in the little Korean she knew.

"I've got to go, but I'll talk to you later, okay?" I said quickly. She didn't stop waving and giggling so I just hung up. I sighed and set my phone on the table.

"Noona, Hyung... did you enjoy yourself last night?" JungKook asked, returning quickly to his original reason for coming in here.

"What are you talking about?" Namjoon asked coolly. Luckily, he had finished putting clothes on before JungKook came in.

"You guys weren't exactly quiet last night," JungKook admitted. I turned beat red as I looked at the floor. Namjoon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Last night, I was so caught up in the moment, I forgot that there were other people in the house.

"Don't mention this to the others. Get out," Namjoon said quickly, pushing JungKook towards the door. He closed the door between them before he sighed.

"Don't worry, I think JungKook is the only one who knows," Namjoon tried to assure me. I trusted everyone in this house not to say anything, but it was still kind of embarrassing to be caught. I took off the shirt Namjoon lent me before putting mine back on. I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind me as Namjoon let his chin rest in the crook of my neck.

"I love you," he said softly. I smiled and immediately stopped worrying about how many of them heard us.

"I love you too," I said quietly.

"Breakfast should be ready. Let's go," he said as he let go to hold my hand in his. I grabbed my phone and stuck it in my back pocket as I followed him out. We went down to the dining room where everyone else, except Suga was already sitting. I watched each of their faces closely. It looked like JungKook was the only one who knew what happened last night. We started eating as the guys talked excitedly amongst each other.

"TaeTae, did you hear anything... suspicious last night," JungKook asked. He winced and folded over slightly in his seat before his eyes went to Namjoon who was unfazed.

"I didn't hear anything. Why?" Namjoon said in a type of challenge to JungKook. He wisely kept his mouth shut. After breakfast, I peaked out the window to see the crowd outside had dwindled down a bit. At least the fans were gone. Most of them probably left because they had to go to school. Ji Soo called to inform me she was on her way to get me. I still had a schedule to keep after all.

"Do you have anything I can cover my face with?" I asked the guys. Namjoon brought a cap, J-Hope brought sunglasses, and JungKook brought a fashion medical mask with BTS on it. I rolled my eyes with a sigh before I shook my head at them.

So typical...

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