Chapter 30

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The next morning, things blew up before my alarm even went off. I woke to a phone call from PD Eum. Something was going on. Ji Soo picked me up and took me to the company. Reporters littered the pavement out front. It made me even more nervous. I was worried that my dating Namjoon got out. When I finally made it to the PD's office, I was surprised to see Seo Joon and his manager sitting on the couch. I greeted them before looking to everyone.

"What's going on?" I asked confused. PD Eum sighed as he stood.

"A dating rumor," he answered. My heart lept into my throat.

"If they found out, then why..." I asked confused as my attention turned to Seo Joon.

"Found out? You have someone you're already dating?" Seo Joon's manager asked. PD Eum sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"They didn't know about that, Le In. The dating scandal is with Seo Joon," he explained. I looked at them shocked.

"But why..." I trailed off as I pointed to Seo Joon.

"Someone took a picture of us talking on set yesterday. The director didn't deny it when asked because it would stir up free publicity for our drama," Seo Joon explained.

"So what do we do?" I asked. Seo Joon shrugged.

"They want to do nothing and just let people believe the rumors are true for the sake of the show. But if you're already dating someone..." Seo Joon said. I sighed and poured myself a glass of water as I sat on the couch across from him.

"No one can ever know who it is," PD said quickly.

"Now I'm curious," Seo Joon said as he raised an eyebrow. The PD sighed as he paced for a moment.

"What I'm about to say does not leave this room. If it does, I'll sue you," he said to Seo Joon and his manager. They nodded.

"Le In and RM have been dating for almost a year now," the PD admitted. Seo Joon gasped as his hand came to his mouth.

"Daebak! I would have never known," he said excitedly.

"You can't tell a soul," PD warned. He nodded quickly.

"Then we'll tell the media part of the truth. We'll tell them that we have good onset chemistry, but we're just friends," Seo Joon said. "Let's go," he said.

"What? Where are we going?" I asked as I stood as well.

"There's reporters outside. We can clear this up right now," he said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room. When we were in the hallway, he let go when I started walking beside him. I was a little confused of the exact game plan, but I trusted Seo Joon to do most of the talking. When we stepped out the front doors, the reporters swarmed us with questions. Seo Joon held a hand up to quiet them.

"The rumors aren't true. Le In and I are just friends. It's true we have great onset chemistry, but we're not dating," he said.

"Then are either of you dating anyone else?" A reporter shouted.

"No, we're not, but that has nothing to do with the fact that we're just friends. We won't date in the future either," he said.

"Le In, is this true?" A reporter asked. I nodded.

"It's true. We're just good friends," I confirmed. After we answered all of their questions, we went to meet our managers in the parking garage. Seo Joon walked me to my van before he sighed. His hands rested on his hips.

"You should call RM. I'm sure he's worried about you. And you should tell him what's going on before he hears it from somewhere else," Seo Joon said. I chuckled before I sighed.

"Our relationship isn't that weak, but I was going to tell him anyway," I replied. He smiled and pet my head slightly.

"Get going. I'll see you on set. And we should cancel our plans to hang out later until this rumor dies down," he said before he left. I sighed as I got in the van.

"How did it go?" Ji Soo asked. I only sighed.

"It's crazy how just smiling at someone can start a scandal," I muttered as I pulled out my phone. Ji Soo began driving. I checked the search engines first. 'Le In and Seo Joon Dating Scandal' was number one. I didn't know if he was busy at the moment, but I called him anyway.

"Le In, what's wrong?" Namjoon asked worried. I got why he was worried though. It was still pretty early in the morning. I sighed into the phone.

"Oppa, there was a scandal rumor about me," I started.

"With me?" He asked.

"No, with Park Seo Joon. We just told the press it wasn't true in front of BigHit, but he knows about us now," I explained.

"Good. Now he knows you're already spoken for," Namjoon said. I chuckled.

"Are you jealous?" I joked.

"Yes, I'm very jealous that Park Seo Joon gets to see you every day and kiss you while I'm away," Namjoon said. I smiled lightly.

"Do you need me to reassure you?" I asked.

"No. I trust you completely, but I am jealous that he gets to spend time with you," he answered.

"I've got to get back to my schedule. We're behind because of what happened this morning, but I love you and I'll call you when I get home," I promised.

"I love you too, Laine," he said softly before we ended the call. Ji Soo opened my door for me and I stepped out. Some reporters seem to still linger on the story, so they were parked outside of the set. It would probably take a while for the rumor to die down, but in a way, the rumor also could have taken attention away from my real relationship. Or it could've brought more attention to my dating life. I would just have to wait and see to see which direction it was going to go in.

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