Chapter 3

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When I finally woke up, I felt a lot better and my head hurt less. I risked looking at my phone after turning down the brightness all the way. I had a few missed calls from my parents, and texts from Abby, Aaron, and Namjoon. Curious, I opened Namjoon's text first.

Did you make it to the dorms okay?

Did you sleep well? How are you feeling?

One was sent last night and the other was sent this morning. I found it odd that a superstar was taking interest in my wellbeing, but it was his fault after all. I hesitated before I wrote him back.

I made it in around midnight and I feel a lot better, thanks.

Abby and Aaron texted me to let me know they went to the lounge to hang out. Bracing myself, I called my mom back first. She wanted to know if I made it okay and told me to take a trip to see our family in the Philippines when I had time. My dad wanted to know how it was so far. Of course, I lied. I told them I was fine and everything was going great. I didn't dare mention the fact that I got a concussion before I even left the airport.

After getting dressed and running through my daily routine, I went to find the lounge. My phone buzzed as I finally got there. It was Namjoon again.

Glad to hear that. If you need anything, let me know. I'm still going to check up on you. ;)

I rolled my eyes at the text but I couldn't help the smile that made its way to my face.

"Laine, we're over here," I heard Abby call me. I slipped my phone back in my back pocket before I walked over to sit with them.

"Who were you texting?" Aaron asked. Aaron and Abby has been my best friends since freshman year. Abby was a doll-like beauty with brown hair and electric blue eyes. Aaron always looked like he walked straight out of a fashion magazine with his strong jawline, baby blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair.

"No one," I dismissed his question. I probably could've told them who it was, but this felt like my secret. I normally told Abby and Aaron everything, and they were great at keeping secrets, but I wanted to keep this one to myself. My phone buzzed again. I took it out and saw Namjoon's name on my screen again.

The guys want to see that you're alright too. Care to join us for dinner tonight?

I sent back a quick reply asking where and when before I set my phone down.

"Abby told me you got a concussion yesterday? How did that happen?" Aaron asked.

"Don't worry. I'm fine now. I just got hit in the head with a door at the airport," I explained vaguely.

"Did you go to the hospital?" Abby asked worried. I smiled and nodded. I still had a slight headache, but the pills the doctor gave me were working.

"I blacked out, but the guy who hit me ended up taking me and paying all the hospital fees," I explained. Abby and Aaron kept trying to pull more details out of me, but my lips were sealed shut.

"We were going to go to Hongdae tonight but since you have a concussion, how about we just go to dinner?" Aaron offered.

"Sorry guys, I have dinner plans," I turned them down. They both looked at me in shock.

"Already? You just got here? How could you know anyone?" Abby asked. I shrugged.

"I just... do. My mom has some family here. She made me promise to go visit, and they already invited me," I lied. I don't know why I lied, but I did. Abby looked disappointed while Aaron just looked suspicious.

"Okay," Abby pouted.

"But we've still got hours until then. Let's go look around campus. We won't have time to when our classes start," I tried changing the subject. I had to wear sunglasses outside but we walked around and found our building before exploring our new campus. It was beautiful and huge. Two hours before Namjoon was sending the car for me, I went back to our room to shower and change. I curled my hair slightly and applied light makeup before dressing in a black, loose-fitting button up blouse and a pair of skinny jeans with my most comfortable wedges. Abby looked up from her book as I grabbed my purse and spritzed a little perfume on.

"You look awfully dressed up to visit family," she noted. I shrugged as I took a pill for my concussion.

"I gotta doll up sometimes or I'll lose my identity as a woman," I gave my excuse. My phone buzzed. It was Namjoon.

We're in front of your dorm.

I smiled a goodbye to Abby before I went down the stairs and outside. It wasn't the huge van from last time, but a very discreet tow car with blacked out windows. A guy in a polo shirt and jeans hopped out of the driver's seat and came around to open the back door for me. I thanked him in Korean before getting in. I was surprised to see Namjoon already sitting back there. I didn't expect him to come himself. What if someone saw him? I didn't know a whole lot about Korean culture, but from the many YouTube videos and dramas Sarah watched in our room. I knew something about the idol culture. And if anyone witnessed this, the situation could turn into a scandal that would have the whole country hating me. At least, that's what always happened in Sarah's dramas.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here yourself," I said out loud to him. He smirked and took his sunglasses off.

"Relax. The car was completely dark, and the windows are tinted," he replied. "But it looks like you do know a thing or two," he raised an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes before I turned to put my seatbelt on.

"I told you already. My sister is obsessed with anything Korean," I answered. The driver took off and drove us away from campus.

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