Chapter 24

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After the Running Man filming, I was exhausted. It was physically demanding but I was up for the challenge. By the end of all the filming, I was being compared to Kim Jung Kook. Of course, the only reason I was compared to him was because we fought with pugil sticks and I managed to knock him into the water. He was strong but I had balance and strength. Everyone was shocked. At first, they felt bad for me for being paired with him, but after they saw I could hold my own, they were impressed.

Being on the show with Namjoon and JungKook only made it that much more fun. I ended up being on the winning team for the episode. I changed into my normal clothes of an a-line blue jean skirt and oversized button up striped shirt. I tucked the front of the shirt into the waist of the skirt and put my wedges on. It was cold out, but as an recent idol, fashion came first. My stylist fixed my hair and makeup before I walked out to the hallway. I stopped and smiled when I saw Namjoon leaning against the wall waiting for me.

"Joonie, what are you doing here?" I asked. He reached for my hand and held it gently.

"I was waiting for you. I've missed you," he said. He pulled me closer, shortening the space between us.

"I've missed you too. They purposely didn't tell me you guys were coming. I think they wanted the reaction on camera," I said.

"We didn't know either," he chuckled.

"Where's JungKook?" I asked.

"He's waiting in the car. I asked him to wait there for me so I could see you by myself. I wanted to ask you something," he replied. I was about to ask him what it was, but we were interrupted.

"Wah, so I guess you two are a couple," Yoo Jae Suk said. I dropped my hand quickly before I looked towards his voice. Yoo Jae Suk, Kim Jung Kook, and Song Ji Hyo were walking towards us. I could feel my face heating up. We got caught. They came and stood with us. Namjoon and I both tried to avert our gazes.

"Don't worry. We've all been there. We won't say anything," Ji Hyo assured us as she smiled.

"How long has it been?" Kim Jung Kook asked.

"About seven or eight months," Namjoon answered as he looked at them. They gasped collectively as they stared at us.

"Daebak," Ji Hyo breathed.

"Actually, we ended up meeting as soon as I landed in Incheon. Oppa gave me a concussion," I teased him.

"It was an accident," Namjoon said quickly. I laughed softly.

"Yeah, it was an accident, but he bugged me every day after that," I teased him again. He chuckled under his breath and looked at his feet briefly.

"So Namjoon pursed Le In?" Jae Suk asked. Namjoon nodded confidently as he smiled at them.

"How have you kept it secret for so long?" Jung Kook asked in shock. I shrugged.

"The guys help. We alternated as her escort at her premiere and because were all good friends, it isn't weird to meet up or have her over our house," Namjoon explained. Jung Kook clapped slowly as he chuckled.

"Daebak. As expected, you're a real pro at everything you do," Jae Suk said, tossing him a thumbs up.

"Regardless, you two should be careful," Ji Hyo said before they walked past us. I sighed and raised my eyebrows at Namjoon before pursing my lips.

"We do need to be more careful," I agreed. "My Manager is waiting for me in the van," I said as I pointed towards the exit.

"Do you have anything on your schedule after this?" He asked. I shook my head.

"They weren't sure how long filming would take, so the whole day was reserved for this," I explained. He smiled.

"Let's go out to dinner," he said.

"You want to go out?" I asked. He nodded.

"I reserved a private room right after shooting on the off chance that you were free. Go with me," he explained.

"How would we get there without being noticed?" I asked. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out two fashion medical masks. He held them up with the biggest smile on his face. It made me laugh. I took one from him and put it on.

"Let's go," I agreed. He put his on as he followed me. We went to the parking garage and told his temporary manager And JungKook before he got in my van. Ji Soo looked back at us confused as I slip the mask to my chin.

"We're going to eat something delicious," I smiled. Namjoon told her where to go before she started driving.

"If you two are dating, tell me now so I can do damage control," she said as she kept her eyes on the road. I chuckled and looked at Namjoon to see he was smiling as well.

"Ji Soo, we've been dating for the last eight months. You don't have to worry," I admitted. I could only imagine her reaction. This was the second time we'd gotten caught in the last hour. I was starting to think that Namjoon was purposely showing off. I pulled my mask back up as Ji Soo parked in front of the restaurant. We stepped out while Ji Soo stayed in the van. Namjoon and I held hands out of habit as we walked inside. The hostess eyed us curiously before leading us to the private room. When the door closed behind her, I took off my mask.

"Joonie... I'm starting to think you want to get caught," I smirked. Namjoon took his mask off and a waiter came in to give us water and take our orders. I could see the poor guy was freaking out, but he did well to keep it under wraps. After he left, I looked to Namjoon for an answer.

"It's not that I want to get caught. It's just that we're been dating for almost a year now, and I haven't even taken you out on a proper date until now," he explained. I smiled sympathetically.

"That's not your fault. I don't blame you for that. It's just how it has to be because of our situation. I didn't fully understand until being your manager how hard it is. With your fans watching your every move, you can't disappoint them. And even though we've been dating for almost a year, your fans have been around longer," I said softly. I paid close attention to his reaction. He just looked guilty and sorry. I reached across the table and took his hand in mine.

"Don't feel sorry towards me. I love you, and I'm okay with being with you in whatever way we can because at the end of the day, we're still together," I added. He nodded, but I could see that he still felt sorry towards me.

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