Chapter 4

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"Where are we going anyway? You never did tell me," I asked after a while.

"We're going to our house. It's the safest place to eat with you and talk freely," he answered.

"Oh," I said simply. I guess it did make sense. According to Sarah, BTS was not only popular in Korea, but worldwide. Eating out at a restaurant would only draw attention. We rode in silence a while longer before the car pulled into a gate before parking in front of a house as big as a mansion. I stared at it in awe.

"This place is huge," I breathed as I stepped out of the car. Namjoon chuckled as he came to stand beside me.

"Well it does have to house me and six kids," he reminded me. I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"All seven of you live here together?" I asked. He nodded.

"Let's go inside. The guys are waiting for you," he said. I followed him up the stepped and through the door to be met with a foyer. We walked further in and got to the living room. Three guys were horsing around together, two were on their phones, and one was sleeping.

"Guys, this is Laine Reeds," Namjoon introduced me in Korean. I gave a small bow as they came to gather around me.

"Hello," I said in Korean. They all went down the line and introduced themselves. There was V, J-Hope, JungKook, Jin, and Jimin.

"The one sleeping over there is Min Yoongi or Suga," Namjoon said to me in English.

"Nice to meet you," I said in English.

"Nice... meet you too," Jimin smiled at me. I felt bad for their broken English; it was adorable.

"I speak Korean too, so if it's more comfortable, you don't have to speak English to me," I said quickly in Korean. Their faces lit up with excitement. Now I could see why Namjoon called them kids.

"Oh and my little sister wanted me to tell you that you're her bias JungKook," I said in Korean. He smiled and did a little dance as the other began messing with him as Namjoon laughed. Suga slowly woke up and looked around confused before joining us. He introduced himself anyway. I told him my name before he went to sit on the couch.

"What are we eating?" I asked in Korean.

"Barbecued meat, lettuce wraps," Namjoon answered. "The grill is set up in the backyard," he added. I followed him through the house and out the back sliding doors. A long table was set on top of a platform with mini grills on top. A huge pile of lettuce and raw meat sat in the middle. Namjoon sat me on the end facing the whole table as the guys took a seat. Namjoon and Jimin worked on the grills as they cooked the meat.

"How are you feeling now? Namjoon hit you pretty hard," Jung Hoseok, or J-Hope, asked me in Korean.

"I'm okay now. Plus the doctor gave me medicine for when it gets too bad," I answered in Korean.

"You're taking medicine for it?" Namjoon asked, looking guilty.

"I'm fine, really," I tried to assure him. He still looked guilty as he cut the meat with scissors. He grabbed a leaf of lettuce and placed some meat inside before holding it out to me. When I went to grab it from him, he pulled back.

"Say ah," he instructed. My eyes widened as I looked at him. He was trying to feed me? I hesitated before I finally let him stuff the wrap in my mouth. A collective noise came from the guys that sounded like little kids when someone got called to the principal's office.

"You won't even feed me wraps, Namjoon," Jung Hoseok said as he pretended to pout.

"I gave her a concussion, idiot. I have to feed her," Namjoon replied. I finished chewing and shallowed before I shook my head.

"I can do it myself. My hands still work," I said to him in Korean. Jin disappeared before he came back with his arms full of green bottles.

"I hid this from Manager Do last time she came to inspect," he said happily. The guys whooped happily as little plastic cups went around until everyone had one. I knew those were bottles of Soju from the label. Everyone was poured a shot before Kim Taehung, or V, stood with his cup raised.

"Laine, we're sorry our brother gave you a concussion. Cheers," he toasted. The guys laughed before they drank happily. I just stared at my cup.

"Oh, do you not drink?" Namjoon asked, when he noticed I hadn't touched it.

"I do, but I'm not supposed to drink with a concussion or with the medicine I'm taking," I answered in English. I felt really upset by it actually. I wanted to drink and enjoy the night, but I couldn't risk making my concussion worse. Namjoon watched my face for a moment before he took my cup from in front of me and downed it.

"Oh Namjoon is Laine's black knight. What's your wish?" Jung Hoseok said loudly. The guys cheered 'black knight' a few times before everyone began eating again.

"A wish?" I asked curiously. I didn't even bother switching back to English. The Korean language dominated this night. It would be useless to switch back and forth with Namjoon was the only one who fully understood me. Hoseok nodded.

"The black knight gets a wish from the person he drank for," he answered. I looked to Namjoon to see he looked guilty again.

"My wish is for you to get better quickly, so we can drink together next time," he said softly. It was like a scene out of a movie. I didn't know what to say, so I settled for nodding and smiling at him.

"Don't feel bad. Even though I can't drink, I'm still having fun," I said to him. We ate and conversed happily and the guys taught me more about the Korean culture. They showed me around the house and taught me a few drinking games too. Namjoon drank for me every single time. When the night settled down, it was well beyond one in the morning.

"I should take you back now," Namjoon said as he leaned on my slightly. Drinking my share and his definitely inebriated him. I held him up by his shoulders slightly as I chuckled.

"I think you're too drunk to go anywhere," I replied.

"Namjoon, I'll take her. You go lay down," Min Yoongi offered. Based on the guys expressions, I could tell it wasn't really like Suga to offer to do anything.

"No, she's my girl. I have to get her home safely," Namjoon complained. His words caught me off guard, but I composed myself quickly. He was drunk after all.

"It's okay. Yoongi can take me. I'll be fine," I said.

"Phone," Namjoon said as he held his hand out. I hesitated before giving it to him. He remembered my passcode and unlocked my phone before typing something and handing it back.

"I'll text you tomorrow," he said before he turned and headed for the stairs. Compared to him, Suga seemed completely sober.

"Let's go," he said softly.

"Bye Laine!" The guys waved to me. I waved back before going outside with Suga. He woke up the driver before opening the door for me. I got in and he got in on the other side before the driver heading towards campus.

"I'm guessing you offered because you wanted to talk to me about something," I said first. Suga nodded.

"Namjoon has always had to be the more mature one out of all of us, since he's our leader. Tonight was the most fun all of us have had in a while, but especially Namjoon. I wanted to thank you for that. I also wanted to get a feel for what your intentions are," he answered honestly. I sighed and tried to get my words together in his language.

"I don't have any intentions. What happened at the airport was an accident, and I definitely didn't think it would end up with me having dinner with you guys. I've already told Namjoon that I'm not a fan of BTS. The only time I heard your songs was when my sister didn't use her headphones in our room. When I ran into him, I had no idea who he was, nor did I care. Plus, he always texts me first," I answered. I hoped he understood what I was trying to get at.

"I think it's cool if you hang out with him, and us for that matter, just be careful. The world of Hallyu-stars is a lot more vicious than it appears," he said. When we got to back to campus, Yoongi put his number in my phone before I went back inside. I sighed as I got to my room. How did the night manage to end on such a heavy note?

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