Chapter 47

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Namjoon had me go lay down while he talked with Abby and Sarah. I had no idea what he was planning, but I was tired. After I woke up from my short nap, I went downstairs to see Abby and Sarah we're still there as well as Namjoon's mom.

"What's going on?" I asked when Namjoon came from around the corner. He smiled softly before he brought me to sit on the couch.

"Abby is staying as your manager. My mom said she would stay to help you in the house. I tried to convince your parents to let Sarah stay too, but she has to go back tomorrow," he explained.

"Abby is my manager? What about Ji Soo?" I asked.

"She's still your manager. PD Eum made an exception to keep your friend with you. Both of them will be here. My mom will drop in often after I leave for basic training, so you won't ever be alone or without help," he explained. I felt like I was going to cry again. I hugged Namjoon tightly. I knew then, for sure, that I married the right man.

"You did all this for me?" I muttered into his chest. I pulled back to look at him and saw him smile back at me.

"I feel sorry towards you. I don't want to leave you alone," he said. Sarah raised her hand sheepishly.

"Can someone explain for the person who doesn't speak Korean?" She asked. I sighed before I faced them all.

"I'm pregnant... and Joonie has to do his military service. So he may get leave for the birth, but for the next three years, he'll be gone," I explained in English. Sarah's jaw dropped.

"You're pregnant?! With Kim Namjoon's baby?" Sarah asked as she stood quickly.

"Laine is pregnant mom," Namjoon said in Korean to his mother. She covered her mouth with her hand before she stood as well and came over and hovered her hands over my stomach hesitantly.

"You're having my grand baby already?" She asked excitedly. I couldn't help the small smile as I nodded.

"My son didn't tell me that. He just said you needed my help around the house," she said in a rush.

"Congratulations, Laine. I promise to help where I can," Abby smiled.

"It's a secret, though. No one can know yet. I'm still in the middle of a drama filming, and we only just got married so the company wants to wait a little bit," I said to Sarah and Abby.

"Uh! I wish mom would let me stay. Do you know how cool it would be to go to school here and hang out with celebrities everyday?" Sarah sighed dreamily.

"I'll talk to her and try to convince her again," I said to Sarah. She turned to bow at Namjoon's mother.

"Please take care of me," she said in Korean. I was actually impressed. Besides watching dramas and listening to kpop all day, I didn't think she learned any of the language.

"Just stay here for now, then," I said to her. I turned to Namjoon.

"I have to be on set tomorrow," I told him. He touched my arm gently with a small smile.

"Go rest. I'll show everyone to their rooms, but my mom won't start staying until after I leave," he explained. I nodded and said goodnight to everyone before going up to our room.


The next day, I was assisted by Ji Soo and Abby as I went to set. Seo Joon noticed the change immediately. He smiled and stood to greet me.

"Yah, Le In is a married woman now, but I still get to kiss her. What new development is this?" He asked as his attention turned to Abby.

"This is Abby, my best friend. She's staying with me when Namjoon leaves for his military service," I explained.

"So he really is leaving you. I'm sorry. I know that's not how you wanted to spend your first year married," he sympathized. I shrugged and went over the lines for today's scene as I sat in the chair next to him.

"It can't be helped," I tried to shrug it off.

"You're... different. Is everything okay?" Seo Joon noticed.

"Let's get as many scenes as we can done today," I tried to say positively. In reality, I wanted to finish this drama before any of my symptoms started acting up or I started showing. Seo Joon nodded silently as I moved to hair and make up. I worked all day. Abby would offer me ginger candies when my nausea would act up, and I made sure to take my medicine on time to keep from passing out. Overall, I was able to hide well.

"You've worked hard," I bowed to everyone after we finished shooting the fifth scene for the day.

"Are you going for some kind of record? Why are you working so hard?" Seo Joon asked. He seemed frustrated.

"Yah, Le In. Good work today. You're truly a professional. A pro. I'm honored you choice to act in my drama this time," Director Choi said as he came closer to us.

"Well, it will be my last drama for a while. I wanted to be sure to pick a good one," I smiled politely before the Director left to talk to a couple of crew members.

"Le In, what are you talking about? You can still do dramas while you're married, you're proving that right now," Seo Joon said in irritation.

"That's not the problem!" I snapped back.

"Then what is it? Why can't you do what you like to do? What's going on with you? Talk to me," Seo Joon asked after he finally calmed down. I sighed and pat his shoulder.

"There is a reason. I should go before people misunderstand us again," I said vaguely before I left with Abby and Ji Soo. In the car, Abby was watching me carefully.

"I know you consider Seo Joon a friend of yours. Why didn't you tell him the truth? Why didn't you tell him you were pregnant?" She asked. I only shrugged.

"What would happen if I did?" I retorted. She didn't have an answer.

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