Chapter 35

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"We have these meet ups from time to time to keep in touch during our busy schedules. After landing the lead in your show with Seo Joon Oppa, you're one of us now, Le In. I'd like to formally welcome you to the A-list," Joy explained. I looked at the table in disbelief. She was completely serious. I looked to Seo Joon for confirmation. He simply nodded. So this was why Namjoon let me go?

"Don't think about it too much. It's just a gathering of people who are successful in the same profession," Seo Joon said lowly as he leaned closer.

"So were the rumors true? You two are dating?" Someone asked from across the table. Seo Joon returned to his upright position in his chair and spun the serving table to grab something he wanted.

"No it's not true. I'm her friend, and parttime bodyguard when the real boyfriend is away," Seo Joon joked.

"Fiancé," I corrected automatically as I eyed the food in the center of the table. My eyes widened when I realized what I did. I looked up at everyone's shocked face before my eyes went to Seo Joon. I elbowed him under the table.

"Why did you say that?" I hissed at him.

"No way! You're engaged. Heol."

"Who is it?"

"Is it someone we know?"

"How have you kept it a secret?"

"How is there not even a leak of this?"

"You've been dating?"

"How long have you been together? Who is it?"

Questions like this were thrown at me as everyone suddenly forgot that there was food present.

"I can't say who it is yet. But when the timing is right, we're going to make the announcement," I tried to stop them. A good chunk of the people grumbled in disappointment, but I wasn't going to budge. I'd already said more than I should've.

"He proposed? When?" Seo Joon asked.

"Before he left the last time," I said vaguely. "We only told PD today," I added.

"Seo Joon Oppa. You know who it is? How?" Joy asked excitedly. Seo Joon smiled sheepishly at me before looking back to where Joy was sitting. I spun the table and started gathering food on my plate.

"I know who it is because of when our rumor spread, they told me," he admitted.

"Who is it? Do we know him?" She followed up. Seo Joon looked to me for help. I sighed and resisted the urge to cover my face with my hands.

"You know him, but he's not an actor. That's all I'm going to say," I answered for Seo Joon. Finally, they dropped the topic and dinner resumed. Overall, it was a nice dinner. I met people I hadn't before and made a lot of new friends. My KakaoTalk was full of new contacts by the time dessert arrived. I hadn't realized it before, but I didn't have many friends in Korea and I'd been here for a year. My only friends were the boys, Abby, and Aaron. I didn't talk to Abby much as my schedule got busy and I didn't know if I could even consider Aaron a friend anymore.

"Norebang?" Someone asked as the bill was settled. Seo Joon sighed as he stood.

"I have to get Le In back home. The hubby is waiting for her. Plus, singing with this group of people is an unfair advantage," he joked.

"Oppa texted you?" I asked curiously. Seo Joon nodded.

"They're done for the day. They're waiting up for you," he answered. We passed around goodbyes before I followed after Seo Joon to the front of the hotel. A few other A-listers came out as well as we waited for the car. Seo Joon opened the door for me and I got in the passenger side before he got in and drove off. It was already dark outside, and the moon was full.

"You made me slip in a room full of strangers," I pouted. Seo Joon just laughed.

"You didn't tell them who it is, so if they try to report it, it'll all be baseless accusations. Plus, you shouldn't worry too much. That group of people have all been in your shoes before. They won't say anything," he assured me. We rode listening to the music the rest of the way back. When Seo Joon pulled in front of the house, Namjoon was already waiting outside for me. I smiled as he opened the door for me. Seo Joon didn't even bother to get out.

"Did you have a good time?" Namjoon asked as his arm went around my shoulders. I scoffed before turning to look at Seo Joon through the window.

"I will get you back," I promised. He smirked and shot me a wink.

"I'll see you later, Le In," he said before he drove off. Namjoon watched me confused and curious. I chuckled at him before my arm went around his waist as well.

"Let's go inside," I smiled. After closing the door behind us, Namjoon moved his hand to my own and held it firmly.

"What was that about?" He asked. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Seo Joon outed me," I grumbled as we sat on the couch in the living room. That didn't help Namjoon's understanding at all. I sighed and pulled my legs under me on the couch.

"It was a dinner for A-listers apparently, but I think you already knew that. Every single one of them now knows that I'm engaged. They just don't know to who," I explained. He couldn't keep the smile off of his face.

"Oh really?" He said in mock surprise, but I could tell he was just thoroughly amused.

"Yes. Yes. Everyone knows I'm a taken woman, Joonie," I replied sarcastically. We talked a bit longer and compared our schedules to find a date to go see Namjoon's family. The only day that worked was a week from now. It was so soon. It made me nervous. I didn't really date before, and I certainly hadn't met anyone's parents. It would definitely be a first.

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