Chapter 14

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"Oppa... Min Seo didn't even look at you until she figured out who your father was. I've always been beside you no matter what. How could you still not look at me?" I yelled. We were reading through the script with the acting coach. PD even gave the guys a break to participate and watch. I was so into my roll that my eyes were even watering.

"Yah, Eun Ji. I know you've always been jealous of Min Seo, but this is too much. If you really liked me, why are you waiting until now to tell me?" The acting coach responded coldly with Park Hyeon U's lines. I glared at him as my tears finally spilled over.

"I thought I would be fine just being by your side, but I can't watch as you fall in love with that gold digger," I delivered my line.

"No one asked you to watch," he spat at me. I sighed and closed my eyes briefly before I opened them again.

"I came to Seoul for you. I came because I wanted to help and support you. If you can't see that I am the only here for you with a sincere heart, then maybe I should go back home," I said defeatedly. I turned to walk away and stopped when the coach's voice reached my ears.

"Tell your parents I said hi," he said coldly. "And scene," he said in his normal, chipper voice. I smiled and turned to bow at him as I cleared the tears from my face. The guys clapped enthusiastically. Even the PD clapped.

"That was... those were real tears?" The PD asked. He looked amazed as I nodded and wiped my face dry.

"Wah, you're a true talent, Laine. How did you make yourself cry?" The acting coach asked as he shook my hand.

"I read over the script last night, and Eun Ji just seemed like a pitiful character. I tried to put myself in her shoes and really become her," I explained.

"And you didn't want to be an actress with a talent like that?" The PD said as he clapped me on the back. I blushed.

"I'm normally very shy and introverted," I admitted. He smiled happily as he looked at the guys.

"Take her to see Si Woo," he said to the guys. JungKook put an arm over my shoulders before he tsked at me.

"I'll take her to wardrobe first," JungKook offered. "Noona, let's go," he said as he led me out of the room. Walking down the halls with JungKook's arm around my shoulder, there were looks and whispers but JungKook didn't seem bothered by it. He took me to a room filled with all kinds of clothes. He pulled out a pair of athletic leggings and skin tight tank top.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"Si Woo is a personal trainer. PD wants you to get evaluated by him to work on a plan," JungKook explained. "I'll wait outside while you change," he said before he left. I sighed before changing into the skin tight clothes. I was most worried about my chest poking out if I moved too much. I wasn't lacking at all in that area. I threw on a pair of sneakers I found before putting my hair up in a ponytail. I walked out of the room and JungKook put his arm around my shoulders again. He saw my hesitant look and smiled at my confusion before he leaned closer to me.

"All of us agreed that it would be easier to hid your relationship if we all had a little skinship with you," he explained. My eyes widened. That was their plan. Everyone would touch me to hide who I was really dating?

"Plausible deniability," JungKook added before he led me down the halls and to an indoor gym. Inside a huge, beefed up guy was waiting. He eyed me as JungKook dropped his arm away from me. He circled me as he took in my every detail.

"You look pretty fit to start with which makes my job easier. We'll just have to work on shaving down some volume from your hips," he said when he finally stood in front of me again.

"Luckily that can be done without a specific meal plan, but still stay away from sodas, fried food, and over salted food," he added. I bowed slightly confused.

"Hello, I'm Le In," I introduced myself with my Korean name. The guys suggested it last night. If I was going to be a recognized Korean actress, I needed a Korean name. The guys were quick to give me this one.

"Song Si Woo," He said curtly. "Get in a plank position for me," he said. I obeyed and got on my elbows as I straightened my back.

"Your posture isn't bad either," he muttered to himself. "Maknae, Ill take her for today and send her with a list of exercises. Tell PD it won't be a lot of work," he said to JungKook. JungKook gave a mock salute before he left me alone with the Incredible Hulk. Si Woo worked me hard with planks, treadmill runs and leg exercises. After he was done with me, I was panting and sweating. I toweled myself dry as I drank some water. He smirked as he handed me a piece of paper.

"You're not bad. You keep up pretty well and don't complain like the others do. I'm looking forward to your progress," he said before he turned away from me. I decided to take that as a compliment as I thanked him for his time before I took the paper with me out of the room. I went to wardrobe and grabbed my clothes before I went to shower. After I was clean and showered, I went to the producer's office. He smiled when he saw me.

"You're the winning lottery ticket for me. You're talented, you act well, you're a natural, Si Woo actually likes you, and you're scandal free," The PD smiled at me. I smiled back at him. If only he knew...

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