5 || Ms. Annoying, Devil

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Why is this not going?

This is the fourth time, I'm scrubbing Ms. Annoying Kim's toilet and still the dirt is not going. It's like it is stuck there with super gum.

Huh! So much for being a nature.

I didn't think that being a personal assistant to CEO can be this unbearable. When I heard the news of being a PA to Ms. Annoying, I was scared. I was a bit happy for my sudden promotion but I was freaking scared. At first I was so confused, as to why she wants me as her PA but then again I thought she must be impressed by little speech in meeting and was impressed by it.

So, not to disappoint her on the first day itself, I went to the main office building, to start my work. I was so giddily happy to do my work and went and knocked on her cabin door this morning. When I went inside the room, I expected some professional high-level company paperwork but, I got surprise of my life when she asked me to clean her office.

She freaking asked me to clean her cabin!
She gave me a look of 'you-better-follow-what-I-say', and I gulped in fear when she gave me cold, emotionless expression. I wanted to protest but I couldn't, seeing her glaring eyes. Her looks towards me from morning are mixture of amusement, evil, slyness and something kind to soft. When I finally gathered a bit of courage and asked her why I am doing all the cleaning when I'm her PA, the answer she gave me raged me to no end.

"You're not just my PA, Ms. Chipmunk. You are also an 'Anti-Bacterial and Bioindicator of Kim companies."

Did she just call me Chipmunk?!

Am I look like a Chipmunk?

Oh wait!

The sophisticated name she gave for my cleaning services is this?

Anti-Bacterial and Bioindicator?!

If I tell the title of my job to people, they would definitely misinterpret it as a high-level and a healthy position. But all I was doing under that name was cleaning Ms. Annoying's bathroom.

How I wished that after a lot of struggle in my life that I would get a worthy job and see what I got. When she so gracefully told my position name, she was smirking at me and by the ways, her eyes and roaming around the room and on me, I knew that she's planning something else for me.

Oh Jesus!

What have I gotten myself into?

I was continuously cursing my fate to be a fun-play to Ms. Annoying devil, when she came into her personal bathroom and started inspecting everything. I stood up with a toilet brush in my hand, my hair disheveled, dress wet with many folds and face with River Sweat. I, in short, looked like a president of street bathrooms cleaning association. She looked around and approving look took place on her blank face. Once she finished her inspection, she scrunched her nose, in disgust and looked at me.

"Go, have a good bath and be ready in fifteen minutes. You're accompanying me to the golf club." She stated with a disgusted look and went out. What would you expect me to be after four long hours of cleaning your bathroom Ms. Annoying?!

A freaking scented lilies and roses?!

I controlled my disturbing emotions and went to the employee washroom to get ready for one more sadistic adventure by Ms. Annoying Devil. I showered, dressed and got ready in fifteen minutes and went to her cabin. When I knock and went inside, I saw her working on her laptop. When her eyes landed on me, she stood up and motioned me to follow her.

She took to the leather couch filled with sports supplies. She motioned her hand towards them but I didn't understand what she is trying to say.

Seeing my confusion, she released a frustrated sighed "Carry them and follow me" She said curtly.


"But Miss-s, all of them?"

"Of course. Why would I take trouble to keep them here if not for use? Now just shut up and carry them. They are expensive so if one item drops down, I'll drop you from this floor."

Her threat somehow sounded so real and convincing that I hurried myself to complete the said task. I am one puny woman carrying the large golf kit of bats of all variety from small size to large, a head-cover, Kneecaps, and boxes of balls.

I followed her to the awaiting limo while people around gave me pity looks.

I pity myself too!

The ride to the golf fields took just twenty minutes, which by the way, was spent silent. She had her signature scowl on her face while looking through her phone and I tried to keep my raging worries and fear to myself, silently praying for a miracle to save me.

When we arrived at the fields, the driver opened her side of the door and Ms. Annoying went inside without bothering to look at me. It took me ten minutes to manage everything to carry and another ten minutes to find her in the huge fields.

"You are too slow for a PA, Chipmunk. I don't encourage tardy employees in Kim Empire. Get your wits straight if you want to keep this job." She bellowed angrily and that gave me a shiver of fear. I was no doubt scared of her but her bipolar attitude towards me is a complete horror movie to me.

How can I escape from her vicious hold? Will it be possible to leave this job? But the Ms. Annoying I came to know is too vengeful to let a person live in peace unless she wanted to.

Will I be able to land a decent job if I leave here?

Ms. Devil will definitely make me go jobless with her extreme influence.

"Ms. Chipmunk, can you please put you mind boggling fairy tales aside for a while and do the job I'm paying for?" She stated irritated, motion me towards the wide golf fields.

What does she mean?

I again, for the tenth time today, looked confused towards her and motioned her hand towards the wide acres of green fields "Go, get the ball I've just shot."


I need to get the small ball she shot?
I looked at the never-ending lengths of green fields and looked at Ms. Annoying Devil pleadingly.

"B-but Miss, it's―"

"Now, don't get me angry and sprint towards the right side there, where I shot. If I like the work here, I would give you one more respectable position in Kim's. A Golf-athlete of Kim companies."

And for the infinite time today, I felt like fainting and running away from this world.

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