34 || So, it was you again

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What the fuck? 

Alice Park wasn't guilty?  

This matter was going out of hand and I need to do something before Rosé come to know about everything. I shouldn't let her know the whole story at any cost.   

No, I can't lose her. After going through a lot, I was finally happy to marry the girl I love so much and she turned out to be Alice's sister.

Alice was hard working and was a very smart person. She was always loyal to us and I was so blinded by the rage that I didn't even double check the facts.   

What am I going to answer Rosé now?

I was quiet and lowered my head in shame. I want to tell her something or anything that would sooth her ache but I found no words to talk. I couldn't even lift up my head and look into her eyes. I'm so disgusted by my own actions.

"Why did you kill my sister? You should've checked before ordering your people to kill someone. Oh no, killing itself is the worst punishment for any mistake, then why did you do it? WHY DID YOU KILL MY SISTER, YOU MONSTER? WHYYYY!" She screamed and cried out loudly throwing punches at me. That's when I noticed that her hands are bloodied.   

Ah no!   

"WHY?" She yelled again and again slapping me hard over and over. Jennie immediately pulled her off from me and hugged her tightly, crying hard herself.

"Jen, she, she killed my sister. She's a monster, Jennie. How can someone kill another? How can she kill my sister? Didn't she know my sister had a family too who were dependent on her?" Rosé cried and hugged Jennie.

"Why did this happen to me? What had me and my sister ever done to receive such a harsh punishment? WHY?"   

"Ssh, calm down dear. Calm down. Ssh. You need to control yourself or you'll be sick." Jennie patted Rosé's back and tried to control her.

I felt tears forming in my eyes and I didn't make any effort to wipe them. These tears are not mine. They are Rosé's. These painful tears are my Rosé's, whose life I destroyed completely. She was right. I'm a monster. A monster who don't have a heart.

"W-wait. Wait a second." She whispered softly getting out of Jennie's hug and looked at me accusingly.   

Oh no! No Rosé, I know where your thoughts are going but please, please do not go there.   

"If Argus killed my sister on your order, then– " She paused her sentence and looked at me with millions of hard and painful emotions which seems to be getting unbearable for me to bear.

Please don't look at me like that Rosé.

"If Argus killed my sister on your order, then– then were you the one who ordered her younger sister to be left in an prostitute house?" She whispered and looked at me with a little hopeful eyes. Her eyes were silently pleading me to at least not me that person who was the reason for her being an escort or prostitute.

I didn't answer and turned my head away from her trying to avoid her hurt filled eyes.   

"I'm asking you something, Ms. Kim. Answer me. Was it you? Was it you who ordered your men to throw a young innocent girl into a place that a woman can ever think about? Were you that heartless ruthless person, Ms. Kim?"

"Yes." I heard Jisoo's hard gritted whisper. Rosé turned towards her but this time, her face held no emotions at all.   

No pain.   

No hurt.   

No anger.


"Rosé, come on, you need to rest, girl. Come, let me help you." Yoongi held Rosé from falling.   

"No.. No... No." Rosé pushed Yoongi away and fell to the ground. Her eyes gave away nothing. She just sat down on the floor staring at grass hopelessly. 

Everything was quiet for a minute, nobody talked or ever made a little sound. Everyone were looking at Rosé with tears trying to control their own pain seeing her.

Yoongi's glare burned holes into my head and I didn't try to explain myself to anyone. There's nothing to explain. What I did was extremely wrong, I know. No words can lessen the pain I caused my Rosé.   

Nothing I do can pay off the mistake I did.   

"So, it was you again." Rosé suddenly spoke with a bitter chuckle still staring at the grass aimlessly. The chuckle turned into heavy laughter. She tilted her head up and started laughing out loud.

Jennie covered her face with her hands and broke down in crying seeing Rosé's condition and Yoongi didn't try to console his wife probably knowing that nothing can console her right now. Jisoo was also crying hard and knelt down beside Rosé but didn't dare to touch her.   

I stood still, head held low. Shame, guilt, pain and love overtaking my emotions. I just couldn't come up with anything to console her. Her laughs were like slaps on my face expressed the depth of throbbing misery she's going through right now.

No one dared to talk to her or console her. There's no person who can do that. What she found out just now killed the little life and hope that she had in her.   

Slowly her laugh formed into loud cries and mourning.   

"WHY!!!!! WHY GOD! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME! WHY?" She screamed and cried, banging her head to a nearby table.

"Baby... Please, Rosé." I and others tried to stop her but as if she got possessed, she kept on banging her head.

"Rosé, Chaeyoung ah, please, stop it dear." Jennie tried to pull her back but no use. Her rage welled up and thick red liquid started to drip down from her head and what's more surprising is that there's blood rushing out through her legs.

Why? Why there's blood rushing out from her?


Is she pregnant? Or what?

Ahhhhh! What have I done?

I slapped myself several times and fell on my knees.

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