40 || Blind Date

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'There is always a purpose hidden behind the pain given by the God

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'There is always a purpose hidden behind the pain given by the God.'  It was said to me by the church father who took me in two years ago.

A purpose?   

Should we have to go through a lot just so you know a purpose of your life?   

Is it worth it?   

My answer is, yes.

I didn't understand what kind of purpose that God has for me to put me through long years of unbearable pain even losing the only family I had.

But now, I knew what it was. It was for the women like me and Jennie. I understood now that if not for the experience I had leading a life of worthless woman, I wouldn't know how many innocent girls were forced to the hell.   

I understood that I had to go through everything because only experience teaches the life what it is capable of. Though I lost so much in my life, I started appreciating what I gained too.

"I heard you forgave her?" Grandma said quietly, looking at me with narrowed eyes. I just nodded and she already looked at me for further explanation but I looked away not giving in.

"Well?" She asked again mentally poking me for details.

"I just thought I shouldn't regret for not forgiving her and get tied down to the past when I need to move on for better future so yeah..." I explained simply not wanting to give a detailed explanation. She knows me too well.

"You did well, Rosé." Grandma said with a small smile.


"How do you feel now?" She asked looking at me interested with her own question.   

"About what?" I asked confused.   

"How do you feel after forgiving her?"

"Light. At ease. Free. And satisfied at something I don't know." I do feel so fresh and pleasant after forgiving her.   

"Good. That was how you should feel. I'm proud of you that you could still think well for a person who caused you pain. That's how you should be and I'm glad you didn't let down the trust I had on you." She patted my head.

"Excuse me, trust? You knew I would pardon her?"

"Yes. I know you well, and knew that you would let go off your heavy feelings one day. I just kept quiet so you would realize the right time yourself." She said.

"Now that you're done with her, I want you to think about moving on and finding yourself a partner who can look at your scar and feel proud of it because you fought a battle to live."   

"Oh no grandma. Please not now. I don't need a partner in my life." I said and shook my head at her suggestion.

"You're not going to marry now, Rosé. You should meet peoples and find a fit person for yourself, date them for three to four years and then decide whether to settle down or not. You're still young and should learn to not judge everyone because of few bad ones." I kept silent not knowing how to answer. I don't want to have a partner in my life now. I just started second phase of my life after a lot of struggle and I don't want to have a love's problem again. 

But, what grandma said was correct too. I will not be marrying off anytime soon so it doesn't hurt meeting people.   

Suddenly, Y/n struck in my mind, what if everything was different between me and her? Would I love her then?

From the day I said I forgive her, she started acting silly around me. The woman, who blankly followed me everywhere, started giving smiles to me. I didn't return the smile but still, she continued throwing those goofy smiles in my way whenever I saw her.

Though it did something to my heart, I brushed off the feelings. But truth to be told, I kind of felt good seeing her goofy smile. I said to myself many times that I shouldn't find it that way, but stillit is that way.

"Jacob Elordi." What? Uh-huh. Seems like I'm too much into my thoughts that I didn't hear her.   

"Huh? I'm sorry, grandma?" I looked confused.   

"Are you even listening to me? I said I know a very good man, grandson of one of my friends, who is very suitable for you. His name is Jacob Elordi and he's a very famous businessman." She explained and I don't want to give any reaction to her because she might misunderstood it.

Oh god, I think she's trying to set me up.

"So?" I asked nonchalantly   

"So I want you to go on a nice blind date with him this Sunday afternoon. Few days ago, I talked about you to him generally, not aiming for something but he suddenly said he wants to see you." She said smirking while wiggled her eyebrows.

I see, she's having fun uh. Um.

"But, grandma-"

"Oh no no, you have to start meeting peoples not just to date but for your social growth. So, you'll be meeting him this Sunday and that's final."

Oh no! What is this?

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