23 || Prison

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The only sound that is slightly heard was her ragged breathing. People say that the greatest sound is silence. But right now, the silence between us is scary. It gives me the vibes of upcoming storm that is going to hit me with full force.

"M-Miss K-Kim?" I stuttered with a head hung low. I just can't look into her eyes. Nope, that action will kill me soon. After buying me from the auction, Miss Y/n took hold of my elbow in a fierce grip making me flinched and gasped at pain many times and literally dragged me to her car.

With the terrifying look and the tight fist, I know how much she's trying to control her fury. From the time she bought me, she didn't even speak a word. She's stiff, still and dangerously silent. I'm shivering. Non stop tears were my only companion that never left my side. But the question is, how did she know that I was there in the auction?

Wait, did she read the letter that I shoved into her hands the other day?

Oh lord! She read the letter and came here to take a revenge.

I expected understanding and sympathy at least from her.

What will she do to me?

Will she kill me secretly?

Will she abuse me?

We're in her billion dollars car from past half an hour and the car filled with nothing but a silence, making me wonder where we are.

We're finally arrived. The driver opened Miss Y/n's door and she walked out towards the shady building which seems to be like a club. She didn't look at me nor asked me to follow her. She just walked inside with lightening steps. Not knowing what her intentions is, I hurriedly followed her. The outer appearance of the building doesn't match inside at all.

People in the club are mostly smoking or inhaling some powder substance that I guess was drugs. Wait, what is Miss Y/n doing here at this place?

Suddenly, a chill ran through my spine, making the wild thoughts running inside my head. Miss Y/n spoke few words to a manager and walked into a small private cabin. There are two rows of red sofas filled with many things which made me bite back my sob. Few adult magazines, one bowl of white powder, a whip and a large box is placed on it.

She looked at me with blank stare and sat on one of the sofa comfortably leaning back. I was expecting her to kill me but her looks towards me itself making me pray for a smooth death.


Her fingers slowly trailed on the length of the whip that was placed on the table and reached for the large box beside it. My heart's thumping wildly at her act. I wanted to cry, I wanted to run, I wanted to hide but now, nothing can protect me from her. She's a storm coming towards me with full force. I chewed my inner cheeks and stood stiff in front of her.

She opened the box and picked out a cloth and threw it on my face. When I caught it and looked clearly, it was a lingerie. But there's no cloth in it. The lingerie is fully net exhibiting every cell of the skin. One can easily mistake it for fishing net. I looked at Miss Y/n and gulping audibly.

What is she doing?

"Wear it quickly." She said in a blank tone, while pouring a beer in her glass.

Wear it, but...

"M-M-Miss, I... I...." I tried to speak but just one harsh look from her made me shut my mouth. I stood still trying to fight the tears rushing out of my eyes.

The person who proposed to me, the person who saved me many times, the person who confessed her feelings to me, the same person is now ruining me for everything. I hate to see the anger and detest for me in her eyes. Living in that damn house from many years, I saw the same look towards me from many people but none hurt me. None mattered to me. But, it is cutting deep into my heart when it comes from Miss Y/n.

"Take your own time, my Rosé. I'm not at all in a hurry. You have your life time to serve me." She said and taking a big gulp of the drink. Tears rolled down like a stream from my eyes. How come the person who always tease me suddenly change into a stranger?

Miss Y/n I knew was not the person who's sitting in front of me. She looks like a demon who is hungry to see me suffer.

"Oh stop! Stop acting like a damn innocent and go change into that!"

I slowly dragged myself towards the end of the room where I found the small room to change. The dress or lingerie she gave didn't cover anything on my body. It is fully netted and everything can be seen clearly.

I walked back into the cabin with my head bowed low.

"Ah there! Now, you look like a prostitute I bought from an auction." I shivered at her loud voice clearly hinting me the arriving danger. I stood quiet with my head low, praying to God to save me from this devil.

She walked towards me lazily and caught my jaw in a firm grip giving me extreme pain. She laughed like a maniac looking at my tears and shoved me towards the two standing poles.

"With your beautiful body and those sexy tears, I'm getting excited for what is about to come." She whistled eyeing my body with lust and desire, started tracing her fingers on my body. I'm feeling uncomfortable, but it actually created excitement inside of me.

"Start." She stated and went to sit on the sofa in front of me. I looked at her confusingly. Looking deep into her eyes, she's really a different person now.

"Come on, my slut! Stop giving me that fake innocent and dance for me. Show me your skills now, Rosé." She said with an excitement and turned on an erotic song. I didn't move, nor speak. I just stood stiff and looked at her.

"I SAID DANCING!" She yelled at me and I trembled with fear.

Now, there's no way out from this prison. I'm stuck.

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