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Sighing I groaned getting out my bed heading to the bathroom. Today was the day I head to my second house that I never use to meet the ladies my friends picked out.

Jumping in the shower I bowed my head over the water letting the hot water cleanse my body. Yesterday was the day, Chris and nigga Curtis picked out the women who would be in the house. I was suppose to help pick but I felt like the whole situation was stupid.

They had their friends find women who were single and have them agree to compete. For me. This is what didn't make sense to me, why would someone want to fight for me.

I knew some women were famous as well as myself, but I had discussed to Chris I wanted this as far away from the media as possible.

I didn't need nor crave extra attention on me.

"Boss, you ready?" My security man, Tones, asked me.

 I didn't normally take security with me where I went. This was LA, where I was born and raised. A lot of celebrities lived over here, but Chris suggested in this house with a bunch of women their should be security.

I was now fully dressed in my casual fitted down black Champion sweat suit. If I was going to be around these women for about two months, they were going to take me as I am. They knew what they were getting from me physically, as I didn't.

"Yea, I wanna' drive my own car, you can ride behind or ahead of me."

"Yes, sir."

"Come on Tones, you know I don't like that formal shit. You can call me Quest, Game in public. You been here since the beginning of my success. We family."

Growing up in this industry I never forgot about people. When I was younger Tones was strung out on crack. I took him out the hood, sent him to rehab, and once he was out looking like his regular self I gave him a job that paid, amazingly.

"Thank you, Quest." Heading out we went straight to the house as I drove the wraith.

"You ready, scared, nervous?" Chris approached me at the entrance of the house as I seen the different cars around the water fountain.

"Yea, I guess. Being forced to do it, let me hurry up and do this and get both you and my mom off my back."

"Nigga shut up, they not here though, we gotta' go meet them. Which one of your cars you wanna take, since a rich nigga got options?" He asked sliding doing a little dance.

 Which one of your cars you wanna take, since a rich nigga got options?" He asked sliding doing a little dance

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"You act like you ain't got more money than me," I stated heading over to my orange lamborghini.

Holding his chest he looked hurt. "Be humble nigga, they at the Lakers game. I thought it would be weird to have them all meet you at first in the house. It's gon' be fun sleeping in a house full of bit-"

"Can we go, get this over with." Sighing we got in the car immediately heading to the Lakers stadium with Tones behind us.

"Chris! Game!"Reporters yelled getting closer to us as we ignored them having our own little conversation.

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