First Tour Stop | 3

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All the boys had forgotten about my outburst by now. Blair had bunked me with Jack, and Brooklyn this time per my request. They didn't mind sharing as long as Jack wasn't in heat or Brooklyn wasn't in rut.

Rye gave me a hurt look when he figured out that him and Harvey would be bunking alone without me. I could see the tears welling as Harvey tugged him toward their room. I ignored it as best I could before making my way into the hotel room.

"Mate, you alright?" Jack asked.

It was just me and him because Brooklyn went out with the other boys for a late night snack. I stay silent for a minute, playing with my bedsheets.

"Not really." I state honestly.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" He asks genuinely as he sets down next to me.

"Can you keep a secret?" I ask already shaking.

"Yeah, of course. Always. Even from the other boys." Jack says.

"Blair and Ginger already know. But definitely don't tell the other boys. Not even Brook for now." I say so he knows I'm serious.

Knowing he can't even tell his own Alpha. Something us Omega's weren't supposed to do.

"Andy, seriously. You're scaring me. What is it?" Jack asks, playing with his fingers nervously.

"I'm an Omega." I blurt out finally.

"You're a what? No fucking way mate. You're 100% Alpha." He says accusingly, standing up now.

"You know those pills you asked me about?" I say desperate for him to believe me.

"Yeah, what about em?" Jack asks confused.

I walk over and grab them out of my bag before handing them to him, label up.

"I'm an Omega." I state again.

"Holy fuck, these are like the strongest suppressants you can get." Jack says in awe.

Then I hand him the Alpha spray as well. Just watching as his entire demeanor changes.

"And that's how I mask my smell on days where I have a harder time." I mumble.

"Dude. Why didn't you just tell us right away?" Jack asks looking up with hurt in his eyes.

"I've been hiding it my entire life. I've never been the typical Omega." I answer truthfully.

"It make sense now why I've never heard your Alpha voice. Rye uses his on me sometimes when he's pissed. But you never had. I just thought you were being respectful of Brook. Or why you never had a rut." He states.

"Again, please don't tell the other boys for now." I say. "Especially Rye. Although I think he may already be getting suspicious."

I run my fingers through my hair as Jack sets down next to me again.

"Wait, why?" He asks.

I tell him the whole story the way I told Blair and Ginger. Even including details as to what happened in the gym locker room.

"That's why he won't stop sniffing your neck!" Jack exclaims.

"Yeah, I think now that he's smelt my Omega side, he can smell it over the mask." I answer.

Jack gives me a worried look and I sigh, cuddling into his side for now until he moved to his bed to sleep.


Not too much later Brooklyn comes into the room laughing.

"Night guys!" He says a bit loudly before joining Jack in his bed. "Hey baby boy."

"Alpha." Jack mumbles sleepily as he curls into Brooklyn's side.

Brooklyn nuzzles Jack before kissing their bonding mark. Both of them slowly falling asleep in each other's arms.

I sigh. I'm happy for them, I truly am. But at this point, now that I'm slowly coming out, I'm jealous. Jealous of the fact that I can't accept myself like Jack has always been able to. That I can't be the submissive type for whoever is supposed to be my Alpha. I was seriously a failure of an Omega. A whimper escaping my lips quietly as tears begin to drip onto the sheets below me, eventually falling to sleep.


I wake up the next morning to a knock on the door. I look over to see Brooklyn, and Jack cuddled up and still soundly sleeping. I get up quietly answering the door. It's Rye, and I almost slam the door in his face, but his foot stops the door from completely closing.

"Ow." Is all he says.

I roll my eyes groaning in frustration before spinning around and crawling back into my bed. I cover all the way up trying to ignore the fact that Rye followed me in, closing the door behind him.

"Mate, what's wrong?" He asks carefully pulling the covers off of my head, making me look up at him, but I stay silent not wanting to answer. "You've been crying."

He reaches forward running his fingers lightly under my red and swollen eyes. I flinch lightly, hurt going across the Alpha's face.

"I had a fight with my mum." I lied too easily, but the brunette gives me a knowingly look.

"I know that's a lie. You and your mum never fight." He says.

I huff in annoyance, twisting my body around so I'm not facing him anymore.

"Andy, babes. Seriously. What's going on? I feel like I've lost my best friend."

Those words right there broke my heart in two. He wasn't loosing me. But I couldn't move. After a few minutes I heard Rye sigh, get up, and leave the room.


I reach out to where he was sat, the bed still warm.

"Mate, you alright?" Jack whispered over to me, making me jump, not knowing he was awake. "Sorry mate, I just saw Rye leave."

I move around to face him, tears streaming down my face. Jack gets out of Brooklyn's hold and makes his way over to me, holding me against his chest while quiet sobs rip through my lips.


We both hear Brooklyn mumble something before he sits up. I had stopped crying a little bit ago, Jack still holding me against his chest. I just lay their numb, and half asleep.

"Is there a reason why you're holding another Alpha like that?" Brooklyn teased.

I go to move away, not sure if Brooklyn was fully ok with what was happening. Not wanting to disrespect the Alpha.

"Andy, can I tell him? Maybe we can both help." Jack says.

I look up at him contemplating before I finally just nod, hiding my face from Brooklyn's stare. Gripping to Jack's jumper.

"Tell me what?" Brooklyn asks confused.

"Babe, Andy's an Omega." Jack says cautiously.

"Wait what? No, I would have noticed by now." Brooklyn says.

"That's what I thought." Jack agrees. "Andy, show him what you showed me."

Jack runs his fingers through my hair before I get up to grab my bag, throwing my pills and spray toward the blonde. Brooklyn's eyes widen comically.

"Holy hell." Brooklyn's voice cracks.

"Don't tell anyone else." I plead. "You, Jack, Blair, and Ginger know. I plan on telling the other boys after tour."

"Of course. That's your place." Brooklyn answers.

"I told Jack last night because I needed to finally tell someone." I explain. "Then you, because I trust Jack's judgement."

All three of us setting in silence, not knowing where to go from there.

I honestly can't wait for you all to see the smut in this book 😂 Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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