I Love You | 11

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Getting up and stretching before making my way slowly to the shower. Looking back one more time over my shoulder at my sleeping Alpha, sprawled across our bed. Still very naked. But absolutely stunning. A smile spreads across my face before I get into the shower, scrubbing off three days worth of sex.

"Morning my Omega." Rye says climbing into the shower behind me.

"Morning love." I answer before he kisses me sweetly.

"You look beautiful this morning." He mentions and I blush.

Nuzzling up into his chest, leaving small kisses here and there.

"Thank you Alpha." I mumble.


Setting down in Harvey and Sonny's room with a bowl of cereal mindlessly eating as I stare at the TV. All the boys are crowded in the room talking and eating their breakfast. Rye makes his way in sitting down next to me. Jack moving to sit on the other side of me, cuddling into my side. Rye growls low in his throat and I smack his leg, burning him a dirty look for the reaction.

"Shit Andy." Brooklyn laughs from where he's sitting making me shrug.

"Well he shouldn't be jealous. Due to the fact that he just fucked me for three days straight. And Jack is an Omega." I said the last sentence pointedly at my Alpha.

He just huffs in annoyance sitting further from me. Scrolling aimlessly through his phone, avoiding me.

"Hey, do you want to go live with me and Jack?" Brooklyn asks.

"Love to." I answer getting up and following them to the Jacklyn room.

Leaving Rye to sit alone for a bit. Giving him and myself room from each other may be best for now if this was the way he was going to act toward me.

"Maybe he'll stop being so possessive for a bit." I joke quietly.

Jack and Brooklyn both sending me sad looks but I just ignore it as best as I can. Setting down next to Jack as Brooklyn starts to set everything up for the live.

"So Rye said you were alone for the first couple hours of your heat." Jack whispers to me.

I stiffen where I'm setting, Jack's eyes widening a bit when he notices what he said. Tears prickle at my eyes remembering that I thought Rye had decided to leave me. I mean, he was better off without me anyway.

"Yeah, it's made me a bit pissed at him. Even though I know it wasn't his fault that I went into heat without him there. More my fault that I wasn't able to find my phone. Was a bad Omega." I state, not truly saying how I felt in my head.

"No, love. You weren't bad. Wasn't your fault either." Jack tries to soothe.

I ignore the comment, putting a fake smile on when Brooklyn starts the live.

The fans ask the typically questions as the live.ly goes on until someone mentions that they see a bond mark on my neck now. I get shy looking away from the camera, hiding myself lightly. Tugging up Rye's hoodie that I had, enough so the bond mark was no longer visible. Fans didn't know that me and Rye were even together yet.

"Come on guys. You all know it's not right to ask an Omega about their bond marks." Brooklyn speaks up for me, knowing I was sensitive at the moment.

Before I can even stop myself, tears are streaming down my face and I run out of the room. Making my way to Rye and I's bedroom. Crawling up under the duvet, hiding in the hoodie I was wearing. Breathing in deeply, knowing his scent would calm me.


"Andy baby?" I hear Rye from the door. "Brooky told me what happened."

I'm still trembling and silently crying when he makes it over to me.

"Bad." Is all I state not knowing how to form a sentence at this point.

Going so deep into the mindset of being bad. Not being able to form any other thought processes.

"What baby?" Rye asks.

"Bad Omega." I finally get out.

"Love what makes you think that?"

"Not good. Disrespectful. Loud. Won't do as told."

"Baby. Hey look at me." I turn towards him slightly so I can look him in the eyes. "Andy, I fell in love with you before I even knew you were an Omega. Even when I knew it was wrong to love an Alpha I couldn't help myself. I fell in love with how you presented yourself. Loud, not doing what you're told. Andy that's you. And I wouldn't change you if that was the only choice I had."

I can hear the strain in his voice and then he starts to cry. I can't help but pull him to me, holding him tightly to me.

"Gosh dang it Andy. I love you. I'm in love with you. I wouldn't have bonded with you otherwise. You're my everything. My world. I want to scream it every time I can. Baby you're mine. And nothing will change that."

"I love you too." I whisper.

"What?" Rye's voice cracks.

"I love you too." I say a little bit louder.

Rye's lips crash to mine and I groan into the kiss letting my fingers sink into his brunette locks. Letting him explore my mouth, in a way saying he was not leaving.


But just because you love someone doesn't mean things get easier. If anything, everything got harder. My mind telling me I wasn't worth Rye's time. I wasn't worth any of the Roadies time. Let alone the comments and DMs from Roadies pushing it just that much further. Not being able to push myself to do lives anymore, not posting anything. Some fans were worried, but most of what I saw was people saying they were glad I wasn't around anymore.

"Andy?" I hear Jacks voice from my door.

"Hm?" I answer.

Feeling as Jack comes in setting down beside me and running his fingers through my hair. I nuzzle into the hand, wanting some form of attention even though I had been avoiding it.

"What's going on? You've not been your normal self at all lately. You've just been going to the gym and coming back home. You haven't even talked to Rye in two days." He says carefully.

"What's the use?" Is my answer to that, voice cracking from holding back tears. "I have a constant feeling that I'm never enough for anyone."

"Andy, love. What makes you think that?"

"Don't know to be honest." I mumble. "It's just a feeling that keeps weighing on me. Maybe it's the hate?"

"Maybe you should talk to your Alpha. Something needs to happen. We can't loose you." He whispers curling up next to me.

Turning around in his arms, burying my face in his chest. Breathing in his scent, sadly not as calming as Rye's but it helps slightly. Letting my eyes grow heavy again.

Anddddd here's a depressing chapter. Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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