Strong | 12

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It had been a couple days since Jack had come to talk to me. Trying my best I started to be more active on social media. Blocking out the thoughts as best I could. But I couldn't seem to stop looking at the comments. Couldn't stop thinking that everyone would be better off without me.

Walking into Rye and I's bedroom. Met with a broken looking Rye on the bed. Tears pouring down his face, entire body shaking. Hand over his mouth to control his sobs. When he hears me close the door his head whips up, tears still shinning on his face. Taking in a shocked gasp as he runs to me, engulfing me into his arm as he continues to cry.

"Baby boy, Andy, my Omega. Why didn't you tell me?" He whimpers.

I'm momentarily confused until I see what's on his phone screen. Hate comments streaming all over. One after the other. Panic creeping up that he was going to leave.

"Didn't want to bother you." I whisper.

"Wouldn't bother me baby. That's what I'm here for. I'm your Alpha." Rye stresses the last part.

"But they're right. I'm getting fat and ugly. I'm a terrible singer. I'm just holding you guys back. It's better off if I just leave." I mumble, training my eyes on the floor.

"Don't. Don't ever say that again." Rye says taking my face in his hands, making me look him in the eyes. "You're the most gorgeous human being I have EVER met. With a voice of an angel. And don't you ever leave me. I'm yours and you're mine."

He pulls me in for a deep kiss, letting his words sink in. Gripping to the man holding me tightly. Scared to let go.

"I love you." I say timidly as he pulls away.

"I love you more." We both grin at each other like children who've just shared a secret.

"Please don't ever let me go. I'm sorry that I can't always promise that I'll be strong. But I'll try my best." I whisper to him.

He kisses  me again before stroking my cheek. Our eyes searching each others faces as he nuzzles his nose into mine.

"I'll be strong for the both of us when I have to be." He whispers back kissing me again.


"Andy! Don't go in there!" Sonny yells quickly as I go to open Jack and Brooklyn's door.

"What why?" I ask.

Sonny's face going a crimson red, never really being able to go into details with things when it came to sex.

"Brooklyn's in rut." Harvey answers for him somewhere where I can't see him.

I rip my hand away from the door and cower away. Instinctively wanting to be safer than the state I was in. Not being safe being this close to an Alpha in rut, even as their with their mated Omega. Alpha's just not being able to control themselves.

"Rye." I whimper, knowing he's off shopping.

"Hey, shh, come here. You can stay in our room till he gets back." Harvey says rounding the corner, taking my hand, and leading me to the couch.

Shutting the door behind him and letting me curl up on the couch. Not daring come near me in case he could set me off.

"There. You're safe anyways love. There's locks on the our side of the door for ruts anyways. Alpha's are more apt to not be able to control themselves." I sit down curling in on myself on the couch and wait for Rye silently texting him.

Me: alpha?
         come home please
         i'm scared
         brooklyn is in rut
         need you please.
Rye: coming
           don't move
           and don't open their door
            you're mine

I sigh and set my phone down waiting with trembling hands. I can hear as Rye comes through the front door.

"Andy?" He yells out when he most likely notices I'm not in our room.

I hear rustling and then the door to Sonny's and Harvey's room flies open. Rye's eyes are bright red. Whimpering softly. A mix between terrified and turned on seeing him this way.

"Omega." Is all he says as he rushes to wrap his arms around me possessively.

I can see Harvey and Sonny giving us heart eyes from their beds making me blush wildly. Burying my face in Rye's neck to hide myself.

"Alpha." I whisper kissing his neck, feeling him physically calm at my touch.

The wall next to us emitting a loud noise almost as if someone was slammed against it, followed by an animalistic moan that sounded like Jack.

"Brook can never be gentle when he's in rut." Sonny laughs being the only one who's been near them when Brooklyn goes into rut.

I blush bright red and look to Rye. The thought of him going into rut now on my mind.

"You've never... with me..." Is all I can get out.

"Never been with someone on my rut." Rye admits quietly, shrugging his shoulders.

I sigh in relief at that, knowing I would be his first and only during his ruts. But still nervous because I know it's coming next month. Knowing I may meet a completely different Rye when his wolf takes over.


Two days later I walk past Brooklyn and Jack's door. Which is now wide open and I don't see either of them in there. The smell of sex emanating from the room. I walk to the kitchen, and everyone is in there including Rye. I look to Jack, who is covered in hickeys and a new bite where his bond mark is. He's leaning into Brooklyn who is continuously pecking his cheek at random.

"Hi." I say shyly.

Jack looks up and smiles. A sparkle in his eyes that makes my heart grow warm.

"Andy! Hey mate." Brooklyn says looking over to me.

My brunette boyfriend getting up walking over to me, pecking my lips. I smile at him as he wraps his arms around my waist. Burying my face into his chest like I almost always do.

"Alright you two lovebirds, stop being gross." Jack says and I snort.

"Thanks." I say sassily, making Rye pinch my butt and I yelp. "Ryan Leonard Beaumont."

"Yesssss?" He says cheekily.

I smack his arm pushing him away and walk away sitting next to Harvey who leans over to show me a game he has on his phone. I look back toward my Alpha, Rye pouting. Stifling my giggles at the ridiculous look on his face.

"Ok you can come cuddle me. But only if that's ok with Harvey." I state.

Harvey rolls his eyes letting out a slight groan.

"Gross. But fine." He huffs, making the room fill with laughter.

Rye makes his way over to me cuddling into my side as Harvey continues to show me how to play the game. Absentmindedly tracing all the bare skin he could find on me.

Hope you enjoyed. Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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