Stage Life | 4

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"Hey you up for Nando's?" Brook asks softly, Jack having just got out of the shower.

"Yeah, we may want to before setting up for the show." I answer, tugging on an outfit as Jack comes out, laying out on his bed.

Making our way out of the room heading toward the restaurant to meet Harvey, Sonny, and Rye. Walking up they're already ready to order so I sit down next to Harvey. Doing all I can to avoid Rye's eyes, unconsciously curling into Harvey's side. I can smell him from this side of the booth and I squirm uncomfortably from his overwhelming scent.

"You alright mate?" Harvey asks looking at me oddly, letting his arm slip around my waist.

"Peachy." I grumble, picking up my menu.

I look up meeting Jack's eyes and he just gives me a quick look before my phone buzzes.

Brooky: mate, i think rye's about to go into rut. his smell is overwhelmingly strong.

Ok so Brooklyn wasn't going to treat our friendship any differently. I smile cheekily up at him before texting back.

Me: i know. it's starting to make me uncomfortable. i don't know how to feel about being around him like this.

Brooky: it'll be alright. just gotta get through four more tour dates man.

I don't answer that, leaving him on read so I can tell the waitress what I want. I can smell her Alpha scent coming off of her and I cringe. Once she finishes the order she winks at me making me unconsciously cower more into Harvey.

"What was that about?" Sonny asks confused. "You aren't an Omega."

I blush and hide my face by looking toward the table at my menu I no longer needed. I don't answer either, just hoping he would drop it.


Sound check was going great. Sonny and Rye were messing around. Jack was filming us randomly. I was beatboxing while Brooklyn was singing some Justin Timberlake along with my beatboxing. Brooklyn's voice cracked and we both fell into fits of laughter before falling to the ground next to each other.

"Mate, I can smell you." Brooklyn whispers to me worriedly, looking to see if Rye is anywhere around.

My eyebrows furrow and I jump up to grab my spray. Quickly spraying myself and throwing it back into my bag.

"Must of forgot to use it." I say shrugging my shoulders, biting my lip as I look Brook.

I was oh so wrong about that.


We had just finished our first song and it was starting to get way to hot at the venue we were in. But it seemed to be only me as sweat trickled down my neck and back. Shakily setting down toward the back of the stage and taking a big drink of water. Jack gave me a worried glance before continuing to the front of the stage where Brooklyn was making some stupid joke. Rye setting down next to me, arm wrapping around my neck as I froze on spot.

"Mate you smell great." He says, nuzzling into my neck, fans screams following because of a Randy moment.

I flinch away from the contact, feeling as if he burned me but also cooled me with just one simple touch. Trying my best to not whimper. What has gotten into me?

When the set is almost over we run back onto stage to sing After The Show. But not too long into the song, and I'm feeling like I'm running a dangerous high grade fever. Sweat is pouring down me now as my vision is beginning to blur. I feel two strong arms wrap around me, and then I'm being carried bridal style off of stage, and rushed straight to our tour van.

"What the fuck is going on?" I hear Rye growl, making me grip to whoever is holding me.

"Rye not now." I hear Jack state sassily.

"Don't speak to me like that." Rye says now in his Alpha voice.

Jack cowers and I whimper out my body aching as I feel slick start to dampen my boxers.

"Alright, Brooklyn, Jack. You two will have your own room tonight, Andy's going to need his own." Blair says starting up the van and quickly making our way to the hotel.

"Hot." I slur out, tugging at my shirt and jeans.

"I know babe. It's gonna be alright. Do you think you know what triggered this?" Brooklyn soothes, holding tight to my hands to stop me from pulling clothing off.

"Triggered what?" Rye asks confused, before he takes a deep breath. "Jack, mate. Are you going into heat?"

I whine out, my Omega frustrated as to why the unmated Alpha cannot sense its me. 

"Not me mate." Jack says truthfully.

Rye looks between all of us confused before looking down to me again, eyes slowly darkening.

"Wait, Andy?" He exclaims, and I can see Jack nod. "But, he's an Alpha?"

"Sorry you had to find out this way Rye. Andy's not an Alpha. He planned on telling you all after tour." Blair says from the drivers seat, quickly making a turn.

"Well apparently he's told almost everyone but me." Rye says, a growl in his voice.

I whine loudly this time and Rye whips his head towards me. Jack reaches forward to help, but Rye pushes him away.

"Mine." He growls, his eyes going bright red.

"Fuck! Sonny, Harvey! Hold him back." Brooklyn says quickly. "Rye you're going into rut. That's why Andy went into heat. You two are never near each other when this happens. Rye he's not yours mate."

Rye struggles against Sonny and Harvey, but they won't let him go. My Omega whines in protest but then Brooklyn and Jack come between me and Rye.

Not too much longer until smut I promise! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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