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***** 3 years later *****

Nine months later we were shocked, and by we I mean me, as our little baby boy was born. Rye being right all along. Kasey Jordan Beaumont being born, looking almost exactly like his Papa's baby photos.

"Daddy!!!" Kasey calls from the door, running toward me.

Picking him up and spinning him around in a circle before landing him onto my hip. Nuzzling noses as we always did. Still amazed at how much the little boy looked just like Rye. But with slightly curlier hair that none of us expected.

"Hello Kase. How was your day at the park?" I ask exaggeratedly making him giggle as I blew raspberries into his neck.

Attempting to not cringe as I pulled back with sand all over my mouth.

"Amazing! Uncle Brooky and Jack gave me piggy back rides, and let me play in DIRT!" He explains with so much enthusiasm, throwing his hands around.

Leaning back in attempt to dodge the tiny human's arms. Giggling at the adorable toddler in my arms.

"I can tell." I poke back looking down at my now dirt covered jumper with a bit of a grimace. "Go get Papa so you can take a bath."

Letting the not so small toddler down, watching as he runs carelessly down the hall to the back bedroom where his father was sure to be excited to see him.

"Papa! Papa!" I hear the toddler exclaim as he makes his way into the room.

Sighing and wiping the front of my jumper off, shaking my head.

"Sorry mate. He begged. And I just can't say no right now." Jack says rubbing his huge tummy.

Turning toward him with shiny eyes. A soft smile on my lips.

"I know how that feels." I say, reaching out to run my hands over the swollen tummy. "So excited for another little pup in the house."

"Brook is going nuts with baby proofing." Jack grumbles now making me snort.

"You should have seen Rye. He still panics over the smallest bumps that Kase has. I swear he might just wrap him in bubble wrap one day. And everyone thought it would be me that was overprotective."

"You still are."

I glare at the taller lad in front of me, letting out a giggle as he pouts.

"Well I'm off before my feet decide to fall off." Jack groans, making his way past me and down the hall to a worried looking Brook.

Rolling my eyes and turning toward the bathroom, sighing as I knew exactly what I was about to walk into. But pleasantly surprised to watch as Rye carefully pours water over Kasey's hair. Our sons eyes squeezed shut.

"You can open them Kase." Rye says softly, stroking the toddlers cheek.

Watching fondly as Kasey opens his eyes. Still wondered as one was bright blue and the other brown. I had cried when I saw them for the first time when he was born. Conflicted over the thought of him not having both our eye colors. Rye just laughed saying that was our stubborn little baby boy.

"Papa?" I hear Kasey ask softly, his little eyes shining as he looked up at Rye.

"Yeah bubba?"

"What do you think I am?"

"What do you mean baby?"

"What do you think my wolf is?"

"Well whatever you present as will make me happy. No matter what."

"Some boy at the playground made fun of me because I looked like an Omega."

I could see the tears welling in his eyes.

"You wanna know something?" Rye asks him, Kasey nodding his head. "Your daddy hid he was an Omega for a long time. But when he came out everyone was happy and proud of him. There's nothing wrong with being an Omega. That boy is just a bully and I hope one day he presents the same as your daddy. That way he will learn it's ok too. No matter what you are, your daddy and I will love you bubba."

I watch as Rye kisses our sons forehead. Tears spilling over. I couldn't be more thankful for the two men in my life.

So I thought I'd lengthen the epilogue a bit. And I hope you enjoyed it! Much love! Thank you all for coming through this new journey with me. And I cannot wait to have you all see what new stuff is coming. But please have patience! As some of you know I am going through a lot at the moment and stuff will take time. Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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