Adrenaline | 6

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Waking up early in the morning I quickly shower and get dressed. By the time Rye walks into the bathroom, I'm already doing my hair. He walks past pecking my cheek and nuzzles into my neck before making his way to the shower. I resist the urge to follow him into the shower when he drops his boxers, biting my lip and going back to what I was doing.

I walk out into the hotel room, hearing a knock on the door. Answering it to see Jack and Brooklyn already ready for the day and bickering as usual.

"Can we come in?" Jack asks smiling.

I open the door a little wider, walking away and they make their way in sitting on the bed that's still made by the far wall.

"Look's like you and Rye are getting closer." Brooklyn says smiling, making hints toward the one unmade bed.

"Just a little." I say laughing, running my hands through my hair and setting down on Rye and I's bed.

"Fovvs?" I hear from the bathroom.

Looking up I see Rye walking out still dripping wet with a towel wrapped loosely around his waist.

"Oh hey guys." He says nonchalantly, tightening his towel a little bit more now.

"Yes Rye?" I ask biting my lip looking him up and down, willing myself to not produce slick with Jack and Brook in the room.

"Have you seen where my black and white tie dye shirt is?" He asks softly, playing with my hair.

"In my suitcase. Bottom left. You packed it in there when you packed my suit case." I answer, nuzzling into the hand.

"Thanks love."

Leaning down he kisses my lips slowly. Having a hard time pulling away but he does finally, making his way to the suitcase. 

"Awwww." Brooklyn squeaks out.

I just shake my head and laugh, Rye smirking the entire time. Sending Brook a wink, as I blush profusely.


Performing always gives you that amazing adrenaline.

The kind that makes you feel like flying.

The kind that makes you feel like you can do anything.

And that's why without even thinking, I make my way to Rye at the front of the stage as he finishes his line. Going up on my tippy toes I  kiss him on the lips, hard, before walking away with a smirk on my lips. You can hear all the fans in the background screaming, and all I can focus on is the feeling that his lips gave me whenever we kissed.


We get back to the flat late that night, not wanting to stay another night in the city. Especially after a show. Crawling up into my bunk with a groan, absolutely exhausted. There was a chorus of good night's from all the boys. Slurring back a quick 'goodnight' as I closed my eyes and started to drift off.

I shoot awake, and it's still dark. Not understanding what woke me up. But that's when an arm goes around my waist, calming down when I scent Rye behind me.

"What time is it?" I whisper, trying to turn around to face him but he stops me.

"Four." He whispers back, rubbing my hip.

"Why the fuck are you waking me up at four in the morning?" I hiss, annoyed.

Rye growls from deep in his chest and I whimper, squirming where I'm laying. Leaning forward towards me he starts to kiss across the back of my neck and my shoulder. Teeth sinking in, intentionally leaving bruises.

"Rye." I whimper out as I feel slick start to form in the back of my pants.

I force myself to not freeze up, knowing this is normal for when I'm aroused by now.

"God, you smell so good Andy." Rye groans before slowly pulling down my pants, and setting them at the end of the bed.

I just let it happen, my body just relaxing at his touch wanting some sort of relief. But instead of putting his hand on my dick like I had expected, he pushes me so I'm laying on my stomach with my legs spread.

"Rye?" I ask nervously.

"Stop me if it makes you uncomfortable." He whispers, rubbing a soothing hand along my back.

God I'm in love with this man.

Slowly, what feels like his middle finger is pushed into my hole, which is now soaking wet from slick. I can hear the wet noise it makes, a shiver running down my spine.

"Holy shit." I whimper as quietly as I can.

I haven't felt anything like this ever before. Not even during my first heat. His finger pumps in and out of me and I start to squirm, gripping at the sheets and digging my face into them.

"Stay still." Rye commands in his Alpha voice.

My body reacts immediately stilling. Slowly he slips another finger in, pumping his fingers faster now. Curling and twisting them. The wet noises it's making now is obscene. I'm a moaning mess, not really knowing how to be quiet. Shocked that none of the boys have woken up to it by now.

Rye pushes a couple fingers in my mouth, and as if on instinct I begin sucking on them. Looking up toward him, his eyes are red. Pushing a third finger in I'm slowly being pushed over the edge. The feeling building up in my tummy and I can't stop it anymore as I cum hard against the sheets below me, untouched.

"Good boy." Rye praises pulling his fingers out of my hole and my mouth before sticking his three slick covered fingers into his mouth.

He groans at the taste, eyes rolling back in bliss. Before I even think I speak.

"Thank you Alpha." Rye's eyes flash bright red this time, and then he blinks and they're back to normal.

"You're welcome Omega." I whine at what he says, rubbing my face into his chest now. "Now sleep."

I lay there, hand pressed to his chest, falling asleep to his heartbeat.

So I'm sorry for disappearing with this book. I hope this makes up for it. Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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