Nowhere To Run or Hide

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A/N and Disclaimer: This story is not for everyone and contains dark, gory, and sensitive topics. If you are not comfortable with this type of stuff, DO NOT READ IT. If you are under the age of 18, please be advised of what goes down in the story and I am not responsible for the possible triggers. 

For those who wish to read a Hazbin Hotel story that's completely different from your usual fanstory with a lot of dark and sexual undertones that goes with it, then proceed...


Another day, another way to walk home to avoid the other demons. You just got off from your job and you weren't in the mood to get harassed by the demons that were eyeing you up and cat-calling you on stage. You knew what you were in for but you had no choice. In Hell, you either survive and thrive or struggle and die. You chose to survive, much against your better judgement. However, you were too scared to get yourself killed by an angel and you certainly can't kill yourself. As a demon, you couldn't die; just suffer from pain.

You looked up and gazed at the crimson sky. It was almost nighttime. You needed to hurry and hurry back to your apartment before something bad happened to you on the way there. You gripped the strap of your purse and quickened your pace. You just wanted to get home. It was the only place where you could feel safe at all. Your ears twitched towards the sounds behind you, picking up the sound of footsteps. Oh no. They found you.

"Hehe. Here, kitty, kitty."

You stopped for a moment, daring not to look behind you. "What do you want?"

One of the demons chuckled. "What do you think we want?"

Shit. This was bad. They were after your money. You just got paid and you needed that money for rent.

Without hesitation, you sprinted and ran as fast as your legs could take you. You were fairly thankful you memorized every alley way you went down to your apartment. You could hear the two demons chasing you down and laughing at your desperation. Each turn you made, they followed. Dammit. How are they still on you? By now, they would have given up. They must've really wanted something from you badly. A second too late, you noticed a bundle of wires and your foot caught one of them, tripping and falling to the ground. Your pursuers that you trying so hard to run away from stopped briefly just to gawk at your tattered form. As you struggled to get up, one of the demons walked over to you and stepped on your back harshly as they yanked the purse from your weakened clutches.

"Thanks for the goods, girlie," they said as they walked away from you.

You could hear them howling and shouting with joy as they made their way back out of the alley way and into the streets. Great. That was the fifth purse they stole from you this month. Even worse, they have your personal stuff as well. So much for trying to run away.

Carefully, you pushed yourself up off the ground and sat on your heels. What have you done to deserve this kind of life? Why are you here? You held your tears back as you slowly stood up, wincing in pain. As you staggered the rest of the way back to your apartment, you thought about your previous life before you died. You had a happy life with your loving mate and your best friends. You ran away from your parents because they were treating you so unfairly to the point where it was considered abuse. Despite all that, you couldn't bring yourself to hate them entirely. You and your friends made plans to move to another place and you were excited. That day is where everything went downhill. You never seen the driver colliding with your car at full force and it was a total blur. Three survived miraculously, one was severely injured. You were the only one that died in that crash. Your afterlife, your place after death... was nothing you were expecting. Everything was filled with dread, terror, and despair. It was like living in a nightmare you couldn't wake up from.

You were in hell.

At first, you couldn't believe it. You could have sworn you never did a single bad thing in your life. How was it that you landed in hell and not heaven? Nothing was clear to you anymore. Eventually as time went by, you slowly became adjusted to your new life. You weren't completely happy but you did what was necessary to get by. You've developed a mentality that caused you to not be very trusting towards other demons around you that has been in Hell a lot longer than you have. Sure, that made you a loner but it's better that way.

What felt like ages, you managed to make it back to your apartment. You went inside the complex and checked the mail. You sighed in dejection as you browsed through the mail. Most of them were labeled, "Rent due" and "Final notice". The rest were junk mail. Nothing good in the mail at all. Then again, nothing in Hell is considered good. You took the elevator up to the floor your apartment was on and you eagerly went to the door and unlocked it hurryingly. Once inside, you quickly closed the door and locked it. Your back was against the door and all the energy you had to keep standing left your body and your legs gave out at last. It felt so unbearable. Then, you began crying. Everything that you held in eventually crumbled away to the point where you were sobbing uncontrollably. You hated it here. You couldn't take it anymore. What wrongs have you done to be condemned to a place like this? This Hell you're in? This situation feels very ironic for some reason. You never believed in Hell in the first place while you were alive and here you were.

"Why...? Why me?" You kept asking yourself that question over and over again as you sobbed on the floor curled against the door in a fetal position. Everything was going wrong. How long did you expect yourself to keep maintain this life? This facade that you've been living in?

Your sobs grew quieter and your eyes were fixated on the small black angel wings you made a while back. You were very proud of them and even wore it around the house. You've always dreamed that one day, you would become an angel once you left this dreaded place. It was the one thing that kept you going. As you stared at it, you smiled, a strange feeling of relief and tranquility washes over you. You found yourself crawling towards the wings until you were in front of it.

"One day... I'll find a way. I'll leave this damn place." You spoke ever so softly and stroked the feathers of the wings. "I'll go to heaven and... I'll be free. No more torment. No more fear." You closed your eyes, eventually drifting to sleep.

"I'll... finally be... an............ angel."

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