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Y/n's Pov

The man swiftly tied lighting bonds around all of our bodies making sure we wouldn't be able to move
"What the.."I say looking at my tied up body.
I was ready to break them of at once
Meliodas looks at Diane and I signaling we shouldn't break the bonds just yet we give a small nod,so the holy knight wouldn't notice.

He seemed oddly familiar

"And you are?"Meliodas asks
"We meet at last..you deadly sins."He says
"This power.."Diane says
"Holy knight aren't you?"Meliodas says
"G-Gilthunder?"Elizabeth says
He stares at her
"You know this guy?"I ask
"Yes since I was a little girl..he was my fathers attendant he was assigned to my sister Margret he was the son of the Grandmaster so he was always at the palace..I grew up with him..why are you doing this Gilthunder!"Elizabeth says
"The son of the Grandmaster huh..wait a minute are you little gil?"Meliodas says enthusiastically
"The pink hair!it is him damn you grew up."I smile
"You know him too?"Elizabeth says
"Yeah y/n and I gave him a few lessons when we found ourselves at the royal palace."Meliodas says
"This lighting is familiar."Hawk says
"Yeah I know what you mean,when a certain someone blocked up Vanyas water supply and threw a spear at the village..that was you right?"Meliodas says
"Sir Meliodas!Gilthunder would never-"Elizabeth stares at him
He stares at her daggers and she gasps taken aback
"Oh no.."She steps backwards

Gilthunder then holds a sword to Meliodas' neck
"Do you know why the holy knights are after the heads of the eight deadly sins.."he says then moves the sword to my head
"No not really.."Meliodas says
"Same here."I say
"The other half is seeking revenge against the traitorous order the other half want to show off their strength.."Gilthunder says
"Which half are you in?"Meliodas says
"Both.no I want more."Gilthunder says
"Is that so?"Meliodas asks
Gilthunder then furrows his brows more gripping tightly onto his sword
"Yes,to avenge the death of my father former holy knight Grandmaster Zaratras..to also prove I am greater than he.."Gilthunder finishes
"So you're under the impression we murdered your father?"Meliodas says
"You claim differently?"Gilthunder says
"Beats me,The thing is I don't remember much from back then."Meliodas says
"Captain.."Diane says
"We were all walking back to the old castle after a mission it was the Kingdoms founding day,I was just talking about how much I wanted a drink..we were summoned to the grandmasters office when we got there he was dead with spears through his body..and before we knew it the place was being attacked by holy knights all over..'Captain I'm sorry' those words were the last thing I remember then the next thing I knew I was lying in a cellar somewhere with Y/n next to me that's where I met Hawk."Meliodas says
"I knew it you weren't the ones that killed the Grandmaster."Elizabeth says
"It makes no difference to me you're traitors of the kingdom."He says
"You really are deaf huh..Explain how?"I say
Meliodas snickers

"Gilthunder didn't you hear what Sir Meliodas said!"Elizabeth says
"Elizabeth the Kingdom wants to take you into protective custody..dead or alive that doesn't matter to me.."He holds a sword up at her and He releases the bonds tied around her.
"Go ,the sins and I have business to discuss."He orders her
She then runs in front of us and holds her hands up to 'protect us'
"I won't let you hurt these people!"She says
"Oh it's over for me I feel like I've been electrocuted.."Hawk crawls

Gilthunder then kicks Hawk into some distance and he screams
"Hawk!"She says and begins running after him

"Now that's out of the way.."He says diverting his attention back to us
"Are you sure about this in the old days you were never able to beat me."Meliodas says
"That was a long time ago..I am now more powerful than any of the Eight deadly sins."Gilthunder says
"You could be right or you could be wrong."Meliodas says
"In that case we'll find out first I will release your bonds."Gilthunder says
"No need..we got it."Meliodas says releasing himself and Diane and I follow after and stretch our arm
"We could've escaped when we felt like it."Meliodas says
"Just know if I felt like it I could annihilate you along with this whole forest."Gilthunder says
"You really got a big ego for someone who walks around with pink hair."I say

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