Side story:Prisoners of the sky

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Y/n's Pov
Indura started walking closer to the plaza
I need an outfit change this dress simply won't do

"Merlin,"I say
She looks in my direction
"Do you have a Y/n outfit somewhere there?"
"Y/n we don't have ti-"
I show her my secret weapon

Aka my puppy dog eyes
She sighs and she snaps her finger and just like that I was in a different outfit

"Come on Y/n we have to go..are you scared?"Ban asks

I laid by a tree looking around at the miserable dump they call the demon realm
"Meliodas really just abandoned me saying he was busy,what could he be so busy with?"I say

I then hear footsteps massive ones approaching
I look around and spot something I've never seen before
It was massive
Was this what they call Indura?

I look up at it
" can move a long,everyone around here knows me..general of the Ten Commandments?okay bye."I face another direction whistling And by the corner of my eye,Indura was still standing the.

"I told you to get lost didn't I?"I say
It growls
Temper tantrums much?
Indura then begins trying to stomp me
I jump out of the way

After that it fires a Lazer
I duck just in time

I just saw my life flash before my eyes
That's my queue to run
I begin running and Indura chases after me growling

"Okay my beautiful legs you've never failed me before it's time to run faster!or you'll get stomped!"I say
Indura fires another blast I duck screaming and I continue running

End of flashback
"'Of course not are you listening to yourself?"I say quietly
"It's okay if you are,you know that I'm here to protect you,"He says

"Ban,please,just shut up,"I say
He laughs
"You two are always making jokes huh can't you be serious for once?"King says
"Shut up King nobody asked!"Ban and in unison ,we then look at eachother and give eachother a high five.

"Hey you celestials,you can leave this to us!"Diane says
"Yeah go protect the people in the plaza,"King says

"You guys really are a bothersome lot,"Bellion says
"The only thing that's bothersome is your stupid haircut!"I say

"I see you wanna die with the celestials!"Bellion yells and then Indura prepares to fire a blast from it's mouth

"It will hit the Plaza!"Ban says
Just in time Merlin activates a perfect cube shielding us from blast

"Even the perfect cube could only withstand one blast,!"Merlin says
"If that's the case the we can't let it near the plaza!spirt spear chastiefol fourth configuration,"King says

"King,give me a boost!"I shout running towards his giant teddy bear

The bear bends and I use it's back to jump onto Indura's head

"Okay now stop!"
I try stomping on its head but it would even budge

I set my hands on fire and I punch the giant Demon repeatedly
It growls firing a blast Gowther paralyzes its sight so it misses the plaza
It nearly hit him too
"Sorry Gowth!"I say

Third persons Pov
Time was running out and the sins couldn't hold off Indura forever
Y/n sighs sitting on the demon

"Guys this thing is draining our energy,and it won't even budge!"y/n says resting her head in her palms

Then above they see a light imminating ,it was coming the celestials
"What's going on here?"Diane asks
"I've learned how to use the winged sword properly,this sword was used to seal away powerful demons using it and I'll seal Indura!"Solaad yells

"Welp I'm gonna move don't wanna get sealed too,"Y/n jumps off the giant demon

On top of Indura was a seal trapping it from moving

"That's the end of that!"Y/n says grinning
as it was about to get sealed

Then a gale of wind knocks the sins down and the sealing was stopped.Indura had become much more powerful

It jumps over them and runs to the plaza
"Since when is something so big ,so fast!"Ban says

The sins get up running behind Indura
"Guys we won't make it!"Diane says

When they got to the plaza they witnessed Hawk's mother swallowing that dark power and spitting it back out converting it to light landing a blow on Indura

"Thank you Hawks mom,"Meliodas says
She grunts in response
"Alright Solaad you got this!"Meliodas says

They celestials combine their ark once again to seal Indura and this time it was much more Powerful

The seal hovers over the head of Indura
"Before it's sealed let's throw in the power of the 8 deadly sins!"Meliodas shouts

Y/n squeals in excitement and takes out her arrow
"This is my new power move,it's an arrow on fire not just that but the fire on this arrow burn hotter than the flames of hell on top of that after a few seconds of hitting the target it explodes!"She says
"Y/n just shoot!"Everyone shouts
"Geez you're all so grumpy,"She aims
"Death arrow!"She shouts releasing it

"Hunter fest ,banishing kill!"Ban says
"Spirit spear chastiefol,sunflower!"King yells
"Exterminate Ray!"Merlin fires a powerful Ray with her finger
"Rush rock!"Diane says
"Blackout arrow!"Gowther shouts
"Cruel sun!"Escanor says running firing his ball of sunshine

Meliodas uses his sacred treasure to combine the attacks into one firing it at Indura
"Eight deadly sins combo move!"He yells

Their attack lands the final blow on Indura and just like that it was sealed and it disappeared  into thin air

"Yes!"Ban and Y/n shout hugging eachother.
everyone began cheering
It was over and they were so relieved

It was finally time for the sins to leave the sky temple
"Everyone ,I couldn't thank you enough for saving this village,"Master Zoria says

"Sorry I lied to you about the great warrior thing but to make you feel better maybe I'm related to them somewhere somehow because they look exactly like me,it's kinda possible,"y/n says
"What?"Ban says
"I'll tell you later,"Y/n says
Ban nods
"But if you wanna thank someone old man ,you should thank Solaad,"Ban says
"No way all I did was go out in search of someone to save the village.."Solaad says
"If you didn't have that courage to begin with none of us would've ever been able to meet,"Elizabeth says
"She's right while we were all being held captive by law and fate losing sight of what was important,Solaad was out there searching for ways to save the village,Thanks to you eight deadly sins we were able to protect our beloved sky temple,"The granny says
"Everyone we're preparing a feast tonight,we'd be honored if you could join us!"Ellatte says
"Alright! a feast!"Meliodas lifts his hands

Y/n slaps the back of his head
"Meliodas why did we come up here?"She asks
"To get sky fish.."he says
"And who's the main chef?"
"Me!"Meliodas says

"Exactly that's why we need to leave,"Y/n says
They all get onto Hawk mom and she begins to fly back down to Liones

"Goodbye losers!Good luck with everything!"Y/n shouts
"So long Solaad!"Meliodas waves
"Take care!"Elizabeth shouts

Once they were far enough Y/n let out a sigh of relief
"Finally!"She sits on Hawks mom admiring the sunset
Ban sits next to her
"You're the great warrior?"He teases
"It's a long there was this painting of 'the great warrior' and that woman looked like me exactly like me it was crazy,and I've never been there,"She says
"How do you think that happened?"Ban asks

"Who knows.."She says


The end.

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