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Ban's Pov
It was late at night
I couldn't fall asleep and I just stared out the window admiring the moon
I then look at the empty space next to me it's usually where Y/n slept

That Rou guy was a real ass
What about me am I any better?
I should've just told her everything
I really made her feel like shit when I'm the shi-

I hear a thump outside by the hallway
I get up and l open the door looking in the hallway to see Y/n on the ground face flat

"Owww~"She groans getting up but falls again
I rush over to her holding wrapping her arm around my shoulder

She was drunk

Very drunk

"Does my face look *hic* alright~?"She sask
"Yes it always look good,"I say
"Good..it's one of the two things I care about the most~"she slurs
"What's the otter thing?"I ask her
"Ban..the person I love the most in this world..also the person that brings me the most pain..that annoying asshat always makes me smile too,Sometimes I wish I didn't have any feelings~"she says

She then suddenly hugs me

Definitely drunk

The sober Y/n would never hug me when she's mad at me

"Sometimes we just need a hug..you know..
Hey you..if I disappear do you think he'll be sad..or he'll just live happily ever after with that fairy~?"

"Of course he'll be sad,He'll be more than sad,he'll lose himself..what will make him even sadder is that he won't be able to follow you.."I say
"Really?then why does he hurt me?"She asks
"He doesn't mean to,he's an asshole,a piece of shit an idiot that doesn't think,"I say
She giggles
"What if his feelings for me were a mista—"

I hug her tighter
"They were never a mistake,never have been,never will be...you're the one he cares about the most in this world...and I-I promise he'll never hurt you again.."I say
She yawns

"What're you sa~"
She closes her eyes not finishing her sentence

I carry her in my arms up to the the room she's been sleeping in
I gently lay her on the bed covering her with a blanket

I turn to leave the room but she grabs my wrist
"Cmon ~don't leave yet~cuddle me,Ban used to cuddle me~!"she slurs
I sit beside her bed
"I thought you hated it?"I say
"No way..I just acted like I did but I loved it.."she says and yawns

"Y/n?"I say
She doesn't respond

She was asleep

I kiss her on the forehead
I stand up again walking towards the door
"Goodnight baby..and I'm really sorry..I'll make it up to you,I promise,"I say before closing the door

The next day,
early in the morning
I got up super early to make Y/n hangover soup,she doesn't wake up too early
so I quickly sneak in her room and put the soup on the table before she woke up.

Third person's POV
Later that morning
Coland ,the city before Camelot
The sins had to destroy the distortion in the city of Coland(where many people were massacred)which was just before Camelot,in order to enter Camelot.
"Alright let's quickly eliminate the distortion together and enter Camelot!"Meliodas says
"Thanks for the hangover soup by the way,it oddly tasted good,"Y/n says to Meliodas
"Hangover over soup?"Meliodas says looking at Ban

Ban nods at Meliodas signaling to him that he should take credit
"Oh sure no problem!"Meliodas says

"Captain there appears to be someone on the bridge.."Escanor points out
"Did you come here for Elizabeth?"The person asks
Meliodas recognized that voice to be his youngest brother ,Zeldris.
"That means she's still alive?what a tough woman"Zeldris says with a scoff
"Meliodas calm down,"Y/n whispers
"It seems to be a trap,don't listen,"Merlin says
Meliodas jumps off Hawks mom launching himself towards ' Zeldris '

Meliodas cuts 'Zeldris' in half
Of course it wasn't Zeldris it wouldn't be that easy to kill him
"As I thougth..an illusion.."Meliodas says
"You knew it was a trap but you still did it?You must be very angry with Zeldris."
Rocks from part of the bridge Meliodas broke shatter head into the city but disappear

"The distortion dimension,"y/n says
"It thwarts foreign objects..this barrier is hard to deal with,"Merlin says

Then darkness begins surrounding Melascula
"Melascula's Cocoon of darkness!"Ban says
Rushing over to where Meliodas was but in an instant the cocoon took off with the captain inside
"Dammit!"Ban says
The rest of the sins enter the city
"It's okay he's not far they're right over there,"Gowther points to a building that seemed to be a town hall

The whole city was in ruins,destroyed,it was burnt and skeletons were scattered here and there the sins set of to look for the captain walking through the city
Y/n sitting on King's pillow

Deeper inside the city they encountered a place with the most skeletons in one place
Hawk screams
"Could it be the people of Coland that we're massacred?"Escanor asks
"No Escanor of course not,"Y/n responds in a sarcastic tone
"They're roughly about 1000 of them."Gowther says

Then one skeletons hand starts moving and it's jaw starts moving slowly the skeleton rises
Y/n rubs her eyes to make sure of what she was seeing

King drops Y/n on the ground
More skeletons begin to rise slowly shuffling towards the group

"I hate you!"
"Damn you!"
"You killed us!"

Voices came from the skeleton

"No no no,you stay right there,King take me back up there please!" She pleads
"Their just crap Y/n come on!"King says Y/n gulped and looked back at the skeletons

"No no no,you stay right there,King take me back up there please!" She pleads"Their just crap Y/n come on!"King says Y/n gulped and looked back at the skeletons

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"Oh joy.."She says

🤪Stay safe xx

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