Christmas special🎄

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I'm gonna make this soft:)

Y/n's Pov
I shower and wear my clothes with white stockings and black boots.

I head over to Ban who was still sleeping.
He was snoring with his mouth open and he was drooling.
Awww so cute!

Too bad it's time to wake up now.

I pull his ear
"Ban wake up it's Christmas!"I shout
"Ow ow ow!"Ban yells in pain

I let go of his ear
"Hmm.."He looks at me up and down
"What're you looking at idiot?"I ask him

A smile then crept so his face he grabs me and puts me in his arms snuggling me

"Awww my baby looks so adorable like a little Marshmallow,I could just eat you up!"he talks in a baby voice repeatedly kissing me

My face heats up
I free myself from Ban's grip and stand where I was standing earlier
"Get dressed we're going out."I say to him
"Awww is someone taking me on a date?"He puts his head in his palm
I ignore him.
"And I picked out clothes for you,they're in your wardrobe and I'll be waiting outside for you."I say to him

"Why do you have to wait outside it's nothing you haven't seen before."he smirks

My mouth drops and my cheeks resssn
I- Did he just say that..

I throw a pillow at him
And he laughs
I walk out the room and sit by the porch outside

Elizabeth and Meliodas walk up to me
"Someone looks adorable."Meliodas says
"Shut up."I say to him
He chuckles
"Lady Y/n ,sir Meliodas and I are heading over into town to buy things for the boar hat to prepare it for the Christmas party, you and sie Ban are coming right?"Elizabeth asks
I smile and nod
"We'll get going now see ya!"Meliodas says
"Bye guys."I wave at them as they walk off

"Boo!"someone shakes my shoulders
I scream in fear

Then Ban reveals himself laughing with tears at the corners of his eyes
"I could've died from a heart attack!"I shout at him


He looks at me
"Oh I'm sorry.."he says
"I for-"I say
"Not sorry!"Ban continues laughing

I ignore him and watch him laugh at me
Then I notice his clothes that I prepared for him
a maroon turtleneck
,maroon coat
,maroon pants and shoes

He looked amazing in them
I admired him
He looked like a model
"Y/n!"he waves his hand in front of my face
"what?"I ask him bluntly

He imitates how I screamed earlier and begins laughing again
I scoff and walk into town
Ban follows behind me

I was buying gifts for the sins and Elizabeth,Gilthunder and Howzer
I was first gonna start with the girls

This was the perfect spot in town to buy female things.

I stop and look around
"He's so good looking,"
"I'm gonna make a move on him!"
"Hopefully he doesn't have a girlfriend."
"He's also an eight deadly sin!"
"He's so hot!"

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