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Y/n's Pov

I woke up to the sun hitting my face and immediately got out bed heading down to the kitchen to make myself a coffee

I found myself suddenly sneezing a couple of times
"How on earth did I catch a cold?"I ask myself
"It was most likely because of the rain from two days ago when we defeated the beast."I hear a voice causing me to shriek almost dropping my cup

I turn to see the face of Gowther who looked at me expressionless

"Gowther!you almost scared me to death."I chuckle

He says nothing and tilts his head looking at me
"Tell me Y/n ,why is that you look exactly as you did all those years ago?"Gowther says
"I-uh I have really good skin!"I stutter
"And you seem to have healed fast.."Gowther asks
"You're a nosey one aren't you?"I say before sneezing and coughing more
"Well I-"Gowther is cut off by the door suddenly opening
"Thought I heard something in here."Ban walks through with a towel over his back
"The sound of us talking or Y/n's sneezes and coughs?"Gowther asks
"What Y/n is sneezing and Coughing?"Ban asks
"Yeah She seems to have caught a cold."Gowther says
Why does he talk so much??
"A cold??and you're injured!?wait your injury it's...completely healed..I mean you being conscious and all is understandable but that that injury shouldn't be easily gone just like that"Ban says looking at my stomach

I sneeze and cough more distracting him
"You should go shower and come back down here if you need help showering I could-"Ban says
"Nope I've got it."I say making my way up the stairs to the bathroom

After my shower I walk in to the kitchen drawn in by the smell of a delicious aroma which could only be Bans cooking

"Ohhh smells good."I smile sitting down by the counter
"Eat it, it will help with your cold."Ban says sliding a bowl over to me before packing away the equipment he used to prepare it
"Okay thanks."I use a spoon to take one sip of my soup.
"Y/n.."Ban says
"Yes?"I reply taking another sip looking at him
"You have a cold you can't
dress how you usually drsss!"Ban says
"Well dad, I didn't know what else to wear."I say sarcastically sipping my soup.
He sighs and walks up the stairs
"And you used the wrong dad."He shouts
"Ew Ban Ew.."I say feeling the blood rush to my cheeks
After a few more sips of my soup Ban comes back down with what looked like clothes thst belonged to me
"What're you doing with my clothes?"I stood up
"You have to dress warm.."He say place my scarf on the table.

"Arms up."He says
I look at him in disbelief
"cmon Y/n we don't got all day."He says

I slowly lift my arms up giving in and he slips a sweater on me
I lower my hands and he wraps a scarf around my neck
"You treat me like a baby you know that?"I say
"Yeah because you're my baby."He says fixing my hair.

He then grins at me looking proud
"There don't you feel so much better now who has the best boyfriend ever."He says squeezing my cheeks speaking in a baby voice
"That hurts!"I struggle to get him
He kisses me over repeatedly all over my face before he runs off
"I'm going to shower so finish up your soup or they'll be consequences."He says and walks to the bathroom.

Everyone gathered outside to properly introduce Elizabeth to Gowther.
"Hi Sir Gowther I'm the third princess of Liones nice to meet you,would you consider joining us on our quest to save the Kingdom from the holy knights?"Elizabeth says
"No."Gowther replies
We widen our eyes

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