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Third persons Pov

All the sins went back into the boar hat silence filled the room
Escanor wipes the glasses and Diane tidied the place up
King punches the table immediately regretting his decision after
"Dammit!what was the captain thinking!"King shouts

"Did you hear ?he also called me the demon king!"Hawk says
"Hawk may I take a look?"Merlin asks
She looks deep inside Hawks eyes and gasps
"Interesting..Hawk you are connected to purgatory."Merlin says
"What do you mean the master is connected to purgatory?"Ban asks
"In short Hawk is the bridge to this world and purgatory,"Merlin says
"PURGATORY?"Hawk shouts
"That's amazing then can't we use Hawk to go fetch Y/n and the captains emotions?"Diane asks
"It's impossible."Merlin says
"Impossible?"Diane says
"Besides the captain and Y/n there's only one person that's went there and came back alive."Merlin says
"That person still is alive..right?"Diane asks
"That person was my father,the head of the magi capital..he was doing studies and found the door to purgatory he only stepped inside there for a mere minute and when he returned he had suddenly grown so old and crippled

Everyone gasps
"J-just a minute?"Escanor asks
"my father ,up until his death kept on blabbering about how terrible purgatory was,he said the air was hot and cold also mixed with poison,that can destroy the body of the living,1 minute here is the same as 1 year there,that place preys on the souls of the living and gnaws at them.All senses disappear..Beasts sizes you'll never believe chasing destroyed Souls until they catch them..in a hell like that how are we supposed to find the captains and Y/n's soul?Dont forget purgatory is also where the demon king stays..our opponent is too strong ,let's just give up..maybe the captain has a better chance at coming back I'm not sure about Y/n.."Merlin says
"I'll go."Ban says
B-Ban?"Everyone shouts in unison
"Haven't you listened to anything I said?Theres's no guarantee that Y/n and the captains soul will be found and most importantly there's no guarantee that you'll come back!"Merlin yells
"I'm immortal,I want to save my friend and most importantly I want to save the woman I love..if I can't do that..I truly am a piece of shit,"ban says
Merlin shakes her head sideways
"It can't be helped...besides Elizabeth's curse will activate sure..we're counting on you Ban,"Merlin says


Y/n's Pov I had been here for a few hundred years here I don't know I lost count

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Y/n's Pov
I had been here for a few hundred years here I don't know I lost count..
What's the point I'm never gonna see Ban or my friends again and besides that I have no idea where Meliodas is nor do I know where to start looking
So I just wandered around
Watching the monsters fight it was my only source of entrainment
Two Induras were having a fight to the death they kept on ramming into eachother
I sat down and watched
Eventually one wins and gets eaten by a monster much larger
I clap
"Good fight Good fight.."I say

Ban's Pov
I ran through Purgatory looking for any signs of the Y/n or captain

What Merlin said was an understatement this place
200 years here and I finally got used to being burned,frozen and poisoned over and over and finally able to fight off these monsters
Then I spotted him
The captain was sleeping on the ground
I walk up to him and nudge him
He then looks up at me "No way he's here with me..why would I hallucinate this.."
"It's me ,the real thing captain."I say the captain begins crying and hugs me
He wipes his tears and backs away smiling
"You know I thought I'd never see you again..or Y/n and Elizabeth..I'd given up..but what're you doing here ?has immortal Ban finally kicked the bucket?"
"As if..I came here to take Y/n back and you too I guess,"I say
Meliodas chuckles
"Y-Y/n's here too?" he asks
"Yep she kinda lost it when your teacher went all berserk on us..I'll fill you in later.."I say
"So you know how to get back out if you're here to take us back right?"The captain says
I never really thought about that

"It's okay dumb friends are the bestfriends ..we'll figure it out together first let's go look for Y/n and to do that we can't be walking around in our birthday suits any longer."The captain says we jump off the cliff to find some monster to make clothes with

Whilst making clothes
"You've gotten pretty strong you took that thing down all by yourself!"the captain says
"Yeah,I told you after 200 years here I just got bored with those things..you know I thought you'd be locked up somewhere,but you're roaming around freely?"I say
"At first I was but I was in such despair the demon king let me walk around freely.."
"Didn't it occur to him that you might stumble upon the exit?"I say
"So in other words the exit was in his grasp and he wasn't afraid of us getting out if he let us run free!"The captain says
We finish up making our clothes
"Mission find Y/n and The exit begins now!"The captain shouts
"Let's go!"I shout


We searched for Y/n everywhere until we heard her signature scream we saw he running from a monster.It was a giant cat
"I refuse to run from you!"She grabs it's whiskers and uses them to spin the cat around throwing it

She huffs
"I thought we'd also find her in her birthday suit.."the captain says
I glare at him he chuckles nervously
"Go get her buddy.."The captain whispers to me
I walk closer to Y/n I hug her back

Y/n's Pov
I felt the somehow hugging my back
I turn around and see ..Ban?
"Nope not today demon King I'm not falling for it,"I turn away
There's no way I'm getting out of here and there's no way he's here
It can't be possible, right?
"It really is me,dumbass,"he says walking in front of me crunching down to my height
"B-Ban?Why did you come here?you weren't supposed to!it will be hard for you to survive!are you oka-"I say with tears falling down her face
"Quit yapping do you know how long I looked for you?"Ban hugs me
Then I lost it tears started flowing uncontrollably
"I thought I'd never see you again!"I sat
"The pain I experienced here will never compare to how much pain I was in when you were gone..I'm sorry for everything I've put you through Y/n I really am,I-"Ban says

Ban's Pov
Y/n then kisses me which she never does unless I kiss her
This caught me by suprise
"Aww my one true pairing finally made up," The captain claps
Y/n widens her eyes and looks at him
She clears her throat
"Nice to see you Meliodas,you didn't see anything right?"She says
"I saw you ki-"
"Nothing at all am I right?"she says
Captain sighs in defeat and nods

This story is getting closer and closer to the end -:(

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