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Y/n's Pov
Meliodas manages to full counter the ones heading towards the arena we were standing on but there was no doubt these came from Guila.
"I bet Gulia's gotten stronger since the Necropolis what's worse is there's three of them this time."Meliodas says
"Let's split up so they can't get us all in one place?"I say

Everyone agrees and heads in their own direction with Ban following me of course
"Do you always have to go where I do?"I ask him still running
"It's just destiny..but those three seem like Bad news."Ban says
We walk around the village and Ban whistles as we walk around looking for any sign of the enemy
"They sure know how to make an entrance too."He says

A rock then flies over my head heading straight for Ban who was stood behind me but dodged it by tilting his head slightly

A girl then comes hurling towards him. plunging her sword into his chest.He then is blasted away with her into a wall of a house.
"You have no idea how I've missed you..does that hurt."She says pushing deeper.

I stare at them in disbelief
Another one?!
"Let me guess he gave you money too?"
"Shut it."She says to me
"Y/n I've never seen this guy in my entire life believe me pl-"Before he could finish she plunged her sword deeper into his chest

I slowly walk up to her and pull her hair as hard as I could
"Listen here whoever you are watch your mouth and if anyone's gonna be missing Ban it's me!"I push her to the ground

"Now this is the type of festival I'm looking forward too..hold on do I know you from somewhere?"He asks
"My name is Jericho,I'm the holy knight you humiliated at Baste Prison you remember?"She says
"Ohh Barber boy you're into cross dressing?"He says

"Godspeed ten slashes!"She shouts slashing her sword against Ban so quick he didn't even have time to react or judges
I run to him and see him on the ground bleeding

"The reason I presented myself as a man was because I was feeling weak and wanted myself to look stronger but that's no longer necessary.."she steps on him he blurts out blood.She kneels to his level and
"My hatred for you made me grow stronger...you will now reap what you've  sown."She smears it across her lips wearing it like lipstick
My jaw drops in disbelief
"You didn't just use my boyfriends blood as lipstick."I ask

"Your boyfriend?"She smirks at me

"Did I stutter?"
"Really an arrow?"She says

"X10,Hellblaze."I smirk
Increasing the arrows size and lighting a flame at its tip hitting Jericho who lights up in flames

"Hey...why aren't you you healing?"I ask walking towards him
Then I feel something coming towards me I duck
"It's gonna take more than an arrow to stop me..."she says jumping out the fire.
I quickly take out my sword and block hers
"Hmm I see, so you're gonna cause me a bit of trouble.."I say still blocking struggling to hold my ground
"..You bet."She says
"If you think I'm gonna lose to the likes of you you're very mistaken!"I say we're still pushing eachother back
"'Likes of me' You have a pretty big ego don't you."She says
"If you were me you'd probably have one too unfortunately for you,you never will be."

"The infamous ripper of Britannia."She says
I then clash my sword with hers pushing her back.
"Glad you know what you're dealing with." I push her back with her sword.
She then runs towards me trying to stab me but unfortunately for her my distortion shield was up so she bounced off.
"Listen here girl since you've heard about me you probably know how bad my temper gets when people push my buttons."I walk to her slowly.
"You you're the one that slit a woman's throat because she gave you the wrong drink!"Jericho says

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