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Y/n's Pov

I stand up and turn around punching the rock
"Enough spying whoever you are!"

He was supposed to be behind right here

"You weren't wrong he was there he moved now..he's right here!"Meliodas breaks another rock and the culprit still was no where to be seen
"Enough!"a familiar voice shouted
"who are you?"Meliodas asks
"I could ask you the same thing.Earlier you said something I couldn't let pass 'getting back to the other side'?"The creature says in a cave
"So does that mean you're from another world?"

"Something like that,"Ban says
"I knew it!"the creature exclaims
"are you one of the demon Kings men?"Ban asks
"That old guy?no way!my name is Wild!"A boar crawls out the cave

Talking pig?
"Hawk!?"the three of us shout in shock
"No I told you my name is Wild!"Wild says

"Wait guys...Hawk is much more adorable than this thing were mistaken!"I shout
"I'm right here lady!"Wild says

I bend over to his height
"Do you have a brother named Hawk?"I ask
"I have a younger brother but his names Mild.."Wild tilts his head

"He just looks like a hairy version of the master !"Ban laughs
"You mean you say that you know of another man that's looks like me?!"Wild says


He begins crying snot dripping down his nose,Yep they're brothers
"Folks it's time for the hot sandstorm now follow me into my pig hut!"he says
We follow behind him into a cave which was decorated on the inside
"You did this all alone?"Ban asks
"Yeah all I got is free time!" Wild says

He slides three pet bowls with a liquid inside them
"Drink this tea,made from the asswarts of tigolbitty!"Wild says

What even is that?
Ban and I stare at the bowls and Ban pulls out a rat
"Is this supposed to be some sort of tea cake?"he whispers

I immediately put the bowl back on the ground

"My brother Mild was taken away immediately after he was born and was sent outside of this world by the demon king,that was over 8 million years ago,"Wild says
"Hawk woke up in Britannia 16 years ago,the timing adds up..The reason was so the demon king could spy on me,his son,"Meliodas says
"His what/who are you guys I haven't even asked your names-?!"Wild shouts

"Me,I'm the most beautiful woman in Britannia,when they hear my name they-"

"She's Y/n,"Ban says
I pout crossing my arms
"The demon king used to use creatures from the real to spy but they would die quickly because of their lifespans so he decided to use creatures directly from purgatory,Hawk's pretty tough,"Meliodas says
"C-can you guys please tell me more about my brother

"eats too much."I say
"He's grown up to be wonderful,"Meliodas says
"A fine strong man,"Ban says
"So what does my brother do on the other side is he a warrior like me?!"

"He's the captain of the order of scraps disposal,"Ban says and they both grin ear to ear

Hawks brother falls over hyperventilating
"Sorry,I guess we ended up being a little too honest," Meliodas says
"I guess you're disappointed to found out your brother is different from how you imagined?"Ban asks
"No matter how far off from my imagination he is or how different our paths may walk he is my flesh and blood and my one and only little brother,"Wild says

"The exit might be right by the demon Kong's feet.."I say
"That's our best guess,"Meliodas says
"How long has the demon king been here?"Hawk asks Wild
"He was here long before I got here,I've challenged him 12118 times and I've lost 12118 times!"Wild says
"That's some serious dedication.."Ban says
"The words give up aren't in my dictionary!"Wild says

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