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I push one of my hands out of the rubbe of the collapsed building groaning in pain

It's just surprise after surprise today

I see Meliodas holding Elizabeth in his arms and I walk closer to stand near them
Gilthunder walks over to us with Margret in his hands
"Everyone alright?"She says
I feel like such a fifth wheel.
"There's one more person missing,"Meliodas says
"Dreyfus."I finish his sentence

We hear a loud growl and head to where it was coming from and see Diane wrestling some sort of Demon human hybrid

"It's seem like the demon blood is going out of control!"King says
"It's being forced,"Meliodas pushes the demon away from Diane
"Captain!Y/n!"Diane shouts
"What the hell is that.."I say
"You mean..Someone is behind this?"King said

"Yeah,I don't think it's just Gulia and Jericho it's a couple of new generations too.Doesn't it seem crazy they're all going berserk at the same time?"Meliodas says
"What're you saying?" King asks
"Look around."Meliodas says
All around us are Holy knights turning into those monsters.

I sense a demon coming right for me and Diane stops it just in time
"Thanks Diane ,I owe you one.."I look at the demon and I see Jericho in the center of it.I gasp in disbelief
"Joriko!You tried to kill me for the second time!"I shout

We hear someone speak and look up to see Hendrickson who's completely changed form with demon marks around his body
"The new generation are losers who couldn't become holy knights so to speak,They're hearts were filled with inferiority towards holy knight.and rage at themselves,this ancient curse will intensify those feelings and in time it will consume them completely."

"So you're still alive,Hendrickson."Meliodas says fighting the grip on his sword
"It seems like he's got demon blood in him too."I whisper
"What a blessing to be compatible with demon blood,"Hendrickson admiring his body
"It's official guys he's a nut job."I say quietly

Bad time to joke around
"All that research and experimentation was worth it,"He says
"You're a real sack of sadness you put in all that time and effort just to be a fake demon for no good reason?"I bluntly say
"Lady Y/n!I don't think we should anger him,"Elizabeth says
"I think you should know by now I don't give a damn who gets pissed off by me,it's only the truth,"I say
"Keep quiet and hand over Elizabeth,"He points to her
She then obviously hides behind Meliodas

"I may not be her biggest fan but how about a big fat no."I say
"Just hand her over As one demon to another I'll let you live,"Hendrickson lives
"You'll let me live!?more like I'll let you live you big-"I'm cut off by meliodas
"We're not like you!you're not human or demon you're just a fool!"Meliodas says
"I was expecting that response."Hendrickson says
"Were you expecting this!"King says with his daggers surrounding Hendrickson.
"Naturally,"Hendrickson Mumbles
Someone then slams King out of the way and it seemed as if it was another fairy
"But how,I just watched you die!?"King says shocked to see whoever just hit him

"There's no use talking to him he's been dead for some time, if I'm correct you're the one who killed him?"Hendrickson says in a mocking tone
"What did you do to my friend.."King says with his voice breaking
"King no!"Diane shouts still holding off the monster
"Right ,Diane need a hand there?"I say
She nods
"Gil I'm gonna need to borrow your power."
"S-sure,"He says confused

I put my hand on his back long enough to take his power and use it to make myself a lightning suit

"This is so cool,"I squeal admiring the suit
"Y/n!"Diane shouts
"Okay!"I jump to the center of the monster where Jericho laid grabbing onto her shoulders trying to pull her out but it seemed she was stuck inside the middle of the creature.It tries to smack me off and I grab it's pinkie flipping it over and electrocuting it and just like that it was down
"Haha 1 Y/n and 0 Jorokie!"I say

I turn around and see Margret and Elizabeth by Hendrickson's side and Meliodas as well as Gilthunder laying in a pool of blood
What the...
"Really you guys lost and it's 2v1!"I shout over Hendrickson turns his head in my direction and I see a grin slowly creep onto his face
"Bastard."I mutter before running straight for him and as anticipated he threw a punch and I dodged it kneeing him in the nose causing him to bleed and stumble back
"I'd expect nothing less from the sins top combat fighter."He speaks through a smile wiping his nose

"Oh yeah Keep watching!"I through a barrage of punches not stopping seeing that he wasn't doing anything to stop them I kept going before he grabbed my arm and threw me into a bolder right above Arthur and Meliodas

"You two alive down there?"I whisper
"Barely."Gilthunder says
"Time to finish you three off."Hendrickson slowly walks towards us with his hand on fire
This was perfect for me,I'd be able to manipulate the flames to work in my favor as soon as he released them

"Oh no please don't!"I say in a tone feigning fear so he could speed it up

"Stop it that's enough,I'll come with you if you stop hurting them!"We hear Elizabeth say
"That's a smart girl,"Hendrickson before putting out the flames
My mouth drops looking at Elizabeth
"Elizabeth you don't do anything stupid!"I say struggling to free myself from the boulder


"I was only planning to let Y/n and Meliodas live but I'll throw in Gilthunder for free,"He says whilst Elizabeth walks towards him

"You can't..no please don't go..Elizabeth no!"Meliodas tries sitting up before stumbling back
"Elizabeth don't!"I exclaim
"You two are always protecting me for once let me protect you,"She smiles at us before following Hendrickson who forms a wing
"Don't let him do this to you!"Meliodas shouts
"Sir Meliodas that promise between us please don't ever forget it,"She says before Hendrickson flies off with her


I make myself a lighting armor and the boulder breaks finally freeing me
"I should've thought of this earlier,"I mumble standing up I rush over to Meliodas
"Come on,"I say wrapping his hand around my shoulders
Ban walks over to us.
"Hey Capn ,Y/n,"Ban says looking at us with an emotionless expression with Hawk running behind him

"Where have you been?!Whatever give me a hand,"I say
"Hendricksons taken Elizabeth!"Meliodas says
" not again,Those Holy knights don't know how to treat a princess do they!"Hawk says
"Oh Hawk you're here too,"Meliodas says
"Forget about that you need to rest!you look worse that death it's self,Ban,y/n and I will go rescue Elizabeth,"Hawk says

Ban stays in the same place looking down at us.Something about him had changed.
"That's right we have to go rescue Diane and the others right?"Hawk says looking at Ban waiting for his answer
"What's up why aren't you saying anything?"Meliodas asks
"Well I really do love you Captain,"Ban says using his weapon to cut of Meliodas' arm "So don't resist!"Ban says
"Never!"Meliodas shouts punching him the surface we're standing on crumbles,I jump on Hawks back and he jumps to higher land getting us to safety
"Ban you asshole!what the hell fo you think you're doing in the middle of a crisis!?"I shout
Meliodas reattaches his arm unleashing his demonic power

"Hey captain I've had this suspicion for a while about you and Y/n,I've tried so hard not to ask, but you two are from the demon race aren't you?"Ban says

I widen my eyes
How did he find out?

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