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Welcome! I thought I'd start out this book with a few disclaimers before beginning:

1. "2020" as we know it doesn't exist. No corona. I started writing the first chapter in August of 2019 when the idea first hit me, and it was simply too hard to adjust dates to make it not be 2020. So coronavirus doesn't exist!

2. This story addresses heavy topics. If you are looking for a completely fluffy book, this isn't the one. While there is fluff and romance, this addresses heavy topics because I was talking to different people in my life and was personally inspired by their stories. I wanted to amplify their stories in this book by giving Alexander and Eliza their voices.

3. That being said, everything may not be completely accurate. I've done a lot of research and talking, but there is no real way for me to make this completely accurate without me actually experiencing the stories myself. I truly hope that my portrayal does it justice.

4. These characters are based off of the musical characters. I had many of the OBC actors and actresses in mind when writing this. I see Lin as Alexander, Pippa, Renee, and Jasmine as the Schuyler sisters, Chris Jackson as Washington, and so on. You are free to view them as you please, but I personally chose the musical characters and basically as the OBC.

I think this is it! Enjoy the story!

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