Chapter Four

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It was the middle of the week now, and Eliza was still waking up sick every morning.

And food—that was another story. She hadn't eaten more than half a piece of toast or a few saltine crackers before feeling sicker. Even then, that little bit of food had to be forced down her throat because she simply wasn't up for food.

She had almost fallen asleep at work this morning, her body absolutely fatigued. She tried water and Gatorade to keep her hydrated and keep her sugar level up, but she was still exhausted. She wasn't much of a coffee drinker, so that wouldn't help her, and God, the stench of the tea she usually loved absolutely sickened her.

When she made it back home, she found herself slipping off her shoes and heading immediately to the couch, sliding her body against the comfortable pillows.

Maybe just a few minute nap and I'll be fine, she thought, closing her eyes and settling off into her dreams.

Alexander was home an hour and a half later, and Eliza was still asleep on the couch. He frowned seeing her all curled up helplessly, and he put the back of his hand to her forehead to feel her temperature. She was a little warm, but not that different than her normal body temperature. He suspected she was warm from her sweater she had on.

He debated whether he should wake her up or not. She looked so cozy all snuggled up, but he really believed they should head into urgent care. He didn't think he could last one more night looking at how sick his wife felt. The doctor could at least steer them in the right direction.

So he settled on shaking her shoulder lightly, and she stirred under his touch. Her eyes fluttered open and she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Her muscles were aching from the way she needed to curl up to lay comfortably on the couch, but that didn't stop her from giving Alexander a weak smile. Her head may have been spinning and her eyes felt like they could shut again at any minute, but she was happy to see her husband after a long day at work.

"Hi," she whispered, pulling him down next to her. She sat up just enough to place her head on his lap. She looked up at him, rubbing her eyes again. They felt like they were burning in their sockets, just begging her to sleep again.

"I say this in the nicest way, but you look terrible. I think it's time we take you in," he told her, moving the front of her hair out of the way. "Have you eaten anything today?"

Eliza could lie and say she did, but it was no use. Alexander could see right through her lies just as much as she could see right through his. Besides, she herself was getting concerned for her health now as well, even though she hated going to the doctor.

"No," she responded shamefully. "My appetite is completely gone. I've been keeping hydrated though." Her fingers played with his idle hand, thumbing his wedding ring and feeling his coarse fingers.

He could feel her skin was much better today than other days this week, but her motions were still weak, and he could tell she was still feeling sick. He didn't waste any time helping her up to head to the urgent care.

He helped her change her clothes because she felt too weak to do it herself. Sweats and a t-shirt seemed like a much more comfortable option than the khaki, blouse, and cardigan combination she wore to teach the special needs children at the closest school within their city. He also changed his clothes, donning jeans and an old band t-shirt instead of his suitcoat.

At the urgent care, the nurse checked Eliza's vitals, and they were mostly normal. Her blood pressure and heart rate were slightly elevated than her usual, but they still fell in the normal range. Her temperature was normal, but her oxygen saturation had decreased slightly. Nothing that would scare a doctor knowing that she was sick.

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