Chapter Fourteen

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It had been one month. One month since the call she had received from her oncologists.

Eliza reminisced on that moment quite often, reliving the emotions that she and Alexander were feeling before, during, and after the call. And today was no exception to the constant running of her mind, like her brain was constantly turning in a wheel, feeding back on the memories of one fateful moment.

"We have the results back for your blood test and MRI."

Eliza's took a deep breath in and resorted to biting her fingernails while waiting for a response.

Alexander was still behind her, holding her body close and rubbing up and down her arms comfortingly. He could feel his heart drumming against the wall of his chest, the world becoming silent around them except for the other person on the phone.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Hamilton. You're cancer free."

Neither of them heard anything else the person on the other line was saying for the rest of the phone call. They were too focused on trying to believe it was actually true. The past months of sickness and treatments finally had an end result. Eliza was cancer free. They had made it through the toughest moment of their lives.

Eliza smiled thinking about the emotions that had overcome them in that moment. The two had sat on the bed crying in each other's arms, barely making a move all night. She hadn't been so happy in a long time.

She was now sitting at the kitchen table adding in all of the pages from their scrapbook into the actual book and adding in more pictures on new pages. The memories always made her smile, sometimes laugh, and other times cry. Eliza decided that it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words, maybe more. Almost every picture that she saw she could exactly place the moments surrounding them, replaying every word, every smell, every sound in her mind.

Eliza heard a meow right next to her, and she smiled and looked down at the kitten at the legs of her chair looking up at her sweetly.

Milo Raven was their rescue kitten they had brought home a week ago, Alexander surprising her when he came home from work and telling her that he was taking her to the rescue shelter. She picked out their perfect little grey and white kitten, and he of course let her pick out the name she had told him before, Milo.

"Hi, Milo," she said in a baby voice, picking up the kitten and putting him in her lap.

The kitten meowed some more, trying to climb up her chest and get closer to her. It was the sweetest thing to Eliza. She brought him closer to her face, giving him little kisses over his head before snapping a selfie of her and the kitten.

Eliza sent the picture to Alexander, wondering why he hadn't returned home yet from work. Still, if he was being held late or if he was picking up dinner, she wanted to make his day a little better. She had always sent him selfies throughout random days of the week after one time he said seeing her made his bad morning at work better.

Milo and I are excited to see you! she had captioned it, waiting for the response.

Sorry I'm late, I'm picking something up. See you soon.

"Daddy didn't even mention you, Milo. How do you feel about that?" Eliza asked the kitten who was starting to snuggle up against her. Milo meowed in response and gave an angry look at Eliza, as if to say that he wasn't happy about it. She laughed, kissing the kitten again sweetly. "You better tell him!"

Ten minutes later, Alexander arrived home, a small bag in one hand. He was smiling until Milo heard him come home and ran up to him.

Amy was right, the cat was obsessed with Alexander, but Alexander didn't like the cat just yet.

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