Chapter Eighteen

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Eliza didn't want to get her hopes up too much for her first true cycle after going off of the birth control pill, but all of her pre-diagnosis feelings were returning. She took a deep breath as the test flipped over, finally eyeing the results on the fateful stick.

Two lines.

"Holy crap," Eliza gasped, a hand clasping over her mouth and tears pooling in her eyes.

She had never gotten to see those two lines before on one of her own tests, only on the ones Angelica had showed her when announcing her two pregnancies. Emotions flooded her as she didn't know what to do with herself.

She was actually pregnant.

Eliza was shaking with excitement, still in utter disbelief that she was actually seeing two lines. She wiped her eyes, taking a closer look at the test to make sure that she wasn't just seeing things because she wanted to.

No, there were clearly two lines there.

Just to be sure, she took the digital test that came with the usual line test. Eliza never took the digital ones, saving them for when she needed a confirmation. She thought she'd never get a chance to use one of the fancy tests, at least not any time soon, but here she was waiting for the second one to go off.

Pregnant it read, with a little 1-2 weeks next to it to tell her how many days passed ovulation she was. From that number, she calculated that she was probably four weeks pregnant and due in January.

Eliza quietly slipped out of their bathroom with the tests in her hand, going to her husband's office just down the hallway upstairs. She knew he had a lot of work to do this morning to catch up on a new client, and he would for sure be in there within an hour.

She smiled as she saw him still asleep, cuddling up close with her pillow and mouth hanging open just slightly.

When she got to his office, she put the two tests on his desk next to his dry erase calendar. That gave her an idea. She took the dry erase marker and wrote "You're going to be a daddy!" at the bottom of the board, then added January 2022 and her signature heart right next to that.

Now that Eliza was awake and excited for her baby, she went downstairs to make their usual Saturday morning breakfast for her and her husband, now in a good mood. She put on some music as she began the pancakes, because she knew that would take the longest.

She danced to the music as the pancakes finished, and eggs and bacon were made, swaying her hips back in forth as she sang along to each and every word, even the rap songs that sometimes showed up from Alexander's playlists.

Eliza hummed as she carried up the tray of all of the food, setting it on the bed where she would usually lay before shaking her husband awake.

"Alex," she whispered, watching him stir before turning away from her. She laughed quietly. He must be really tired. She shook him again, then resorted to kissing his jaw lightly, to which he finally woke up.

He smiled sleepily from feeling her lips on his jaw, turning back towards her. "Morning, sweetheart," Alexander said in his gravelly morning voice. "You made breakfast this morning?" he asked. He usually was the one to make the Saturday morning breakfast, so it was a shock for him to see her up and ready early with breakfast served.

"Mhmm," she hummed kissing him on the lips a few times. "I have your coffee downstairs I can go get for you."

"Looks good," he said, sitting up and turning on the TV. He grabbed his plate, taking a bite out of one of the pancakes. "Tastes good, too."

"I know it's not as good as yours, but I did my best."

"It's delicious," he assured, taking another bite to prove his point.

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