Chapter Six

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Thanks again for all the love! Here's chapter 6!

Alexander sat nervously in the waiting room, tapping his foot and biting his nails.

When they had arrived at the hospital, the doctors and nurses shoved him away from Eliza's room so they could do all of the checks and interviews on her that they needed without him intervening. Knowing that it was protocol still didn't help his poor nerves. He couldn't even bring himself to text their families.

The waiting room chair wasn't very comfortable. He kept shifting sitting positions, sometimes sitting on his legs, sometimes one was propped on the other. That chair was terrible to him, for more than just its uncomfortableness.

He sat on it as he watched other spouses get word of their family, most of them good news. He was also sitting on it as others were carted in, some in a bigger emergency than others.

He couldn't help but think that he was incredibly selfish to want an answer right then when other husbands were waiting for news on their wife's stroke or heart attack.

But still he couldn't wait to see Eliza since he saw her stir in the ambulance, slowly waking up after her fall. He wasn't able to be with her when she began stirring, but nothing could begin to explain how he felt when he was told to stay back. He understood that the EMT needed space to keep her safe, but it was still painstaking to watch her in the state that she was in.

"Alexander Hamilton?" a nurse called.

Finally, someone could tell him something.

He bolted up from his chair desperately, approaching her quickly. "How is she? Is she going to be okay?" he rambling, asking dozens of questions. His pitch got higher as he was finally letting his fear manifest in his voice.

"She's fully woken up, and we've got an IV in her just to help keep fluids in her," the nurse explained. "We understand from what she's told us that she's been extremely sick and unable to eat?" she asked. Alexander nodded and confirmed. "We're going to do some blood work in a little while to see if we can see if there's anything there that would help us figure out how to help her better. We're hoping the IV solution will keep her more hydrated and help with the weakness so that we can get her eating again soon."

She took Alexander to Eliza's room, letting him in to see his wife.

"Eliza," he smiled, walking over to her quickly and taking hold of her hand without the IV attached. He turned back to the nurse gratefully. "Thank you for taking care of her."

The nurse smiled back and accepted his thanks, then announced that she was going to be back soon to start a blood draw.

Eliza grabbed onto his hand tighter when the nurse left. She had missed the feeling of her hands in his, even though it had only been a few hours since she last held it. She felt a bit more at home when she could feel his coarse hands in hers.

"I'm sorry I got up to go get a drink. I knew my legs were weak and that my head was dizzy, but I was just so thirsty. I heard you come in the door and should have just waited for you to come upstairs," Eliza said guiltily, recalling the moments just before she fell, thinking he would be upset with her.

Alexander shook his head, lightly shushing her. It was no use trying to make up excuses. She was okay now, and that was all that mattered.

"Don't be sorry," he assured, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles gently. He noticed her hands had warmed up a little, though they still were a bit cold. "Did the doctor say anything else? Do they have an idea what's causing you to feel so terribly?"

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