Chapter Nineteen

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Eliza frowned as she tried to pull up her jeans, struggling to get them buttoned. She eventually gave up in frustration, groaning as she laid herself back down on the bed, arms out and tears stinging her eyes.

"You okay?" Alexander asked as he finished tying his hair back in the bathroom. He could see her through the mirror struggling to get her clothes on for their lunch date with Angelica, her husband John Church, and her children.

Eliza sighed, trying one last time to get it buttoned, but it was no use. Her baby bump was starting to show more, and her clothes seemed to grow tighter overnight. It was an exciting time, getting to finally see that her baby was growing. It made her even more impatient to get to see her baby in just a few months' time.

"My jeans are getting smaller," she huffed, giving up completely on trying to button them closed. She pulled her shirt up slightly, showing her husband how much the bump grew overnight.

Alexander laughed as he stepped out of the bathroom, walking to Eliza's closet to pick out a pair of leggings that would hopefully have an easier time fitting over the bump.

"It just means our baby is growing, mi amor," he said as he handed her the leggings. He helped her up again, his hands finding the swell of her belly. "Has bean been moving much for you?" Alexander asked, excited to feel the baby move and see it again in just a few weeks.

Eliza was now sixteen weeks along, and she was patiently waiting until she could feel the baby kick. She had felt a few little flutters here and there throughout the last week, but nothing that was a firm kick yet.

"Not yet," she responded a little sadly as she pulled the jeans down her legs. "I looked it up and it could still be another ten weeks since this is our first."

She pulled up the leggings, relieved that they were working for now, though she made a mental note that she needed to go shopping for some new clothes.

"Come on, bean, we want to feel you," Alexander cooed in a baby voice before leaning down to kiss her belly.

The baby must have been able to hear his papa, or at least sense his presence, because Eliza began to feel the tiniest bit of flutters again. It wasn't anything she could feel against the wall of her stomach still, and nothing that Alexander would be able to feel while pressed against her belly, but it still made Eliza melt.

"He's fluttering again," Eliza mentioned, kissing the top of Alexander's head.

"He?" Alexander smirked as an eyebrow raised.

She rolled her eyes. "I just know it's a boy. Mother's intuition, I guess."

"Only two more weeks until we find out," Alexander smiled as he stood back up.

"If it's a girl, I will be shocked. I've thought it was a boy since our first ultrasound," Eliza laughed, grabbing her hairbrush to brush through the knots. "Besides, I've always kind of wanted a boy first. Don't get me wrong, I'd still be happy with a girl. What do you think it is?" she asked as she finished brushing her hair, lazily throwing it up into a messy bun. 

"At first I thought girl, but lately I've been thinking boy, too. I'm happy no matter what we have. I'm just glad it finally worked out for us," Alexander said, grabbing the wallet off of his dresser to head out.

Eliza agreed as she grabbed her lipstick, putting just a little bit on before getting ready to go. She took one last look in the mirror, deciding that she was content with her look, before joining her husband to head out the door.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the restaurant at the same time Angelica's family arrived. Eliza wasted no time coming towards their door, opening up the left back door to take out Catharine.

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